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The Weather Mafia

The Peeps

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So we basically know who all the mafia is, and yet we cannot do anything about it. EEVILMURRAY has been online. DuD, obviously has.


Eddie or Nintendohnut I think are the only other ones left. I hope/assume Eddie is online. Its games like this that highlight the importance of activity....town should win, and deserve to win (generally speaking) but because of lack of action, from just...even a very few, its been thrown away. We still have one day, ESPECIALLY if a victim gets protected tonight, so....lets do this shit.

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Broadcast Yourself


Cube has been killed. He was Mist. A member of the town who could fully protect his targets.


12 Players:






@Frag Grimes














Majority is 6



Edited by The Peeps
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Hmm, ok well I'm going to inject some information, hopefully it will help people figure some things out.


my power - calm:

to cancel out redirection, so that anyone intending to get to my target will get there.


my targets:


N2 Rummy

N3 Nintendohnut (was roleblocked by EEVIL)

N4 DuD


A few questions for everyone:

@DuD did anything weird happen to you last night? who did you target?

@Diageo what did you do last night? Who did you intend to target? Who do you think you got?

@EEVILMURRAY who did you freeze?

@Frag Grimes can you reveal your power or your weather? Who did you target last night?

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Sent Jimbob to Eddie.


Why do you keep going for me?? It was you who messed me around the first night, wasn't it? >:/ (One of the first few nights I was redirected, on mobile device and can't check.)


I don't trust you and I'm not going to potentially out Jimbob...


Actually Combine already outed himself as rain or something, just remembered.


Combine = Jimbob


Yvonne, imo you should be asking if anyone (info gatherers) targeted your targets, not what happened to them.

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Nothing wierd happened to me, i targetted EEVIL to see if he's been telling the truth.. he is indeed frost.


I don't know what ReZ was on about yesterday about me obviously being online? I thought we had lynched heroic after i read the rest of the thread, after i'd changevoted for myself to prove the double vote wasn't me.

I didn't realise the day had continued until after it had actually ended late last night, when i went to PM.. so is that more info ReZ has made up???

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Nothing wierd happened to me, i targetted EEVIL to see if he's been telling the truth.. he is indeed frost.

Allow me to break the ice. My name is Freeze. Learn it well. For it's the chilling sound of your doom.


And I'm most offended you would think I'm lying. A frosty reception to be sure.

@EEVILMURRAY who did you freeze?

No one. Someone hailed me.

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Nothing wierd happened to me, i targetted EEVIL to see if he's been telling the truth.. he is indeed frost.


I don't know what ReZ was on about yesterday about me obviously being online? I thought we had lynched heroic after i read the rest of the thread, after i'd changevoted for myself to prove the double vote wasn't me.

I didn't realise the day had continued until after it had actually ended late last night, when i went to PM.. so is that more info ReZ has made up???


I have no idea what you you are intending to mean with this post.


vote heroicjanitor


Literally every townie needs to vote today, or in the following night phase (assuming there are no other protectors) we have lost.

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@Frag Grimes can you reveal your power or your weather? Who did you target last night?


My power boosts the power of the person I've targeted. I targeted you, but I was swept away by a mighty wind, and got redirected.


Vote: heroicjanitor


EDIT: Sorry, didn't realise you wanted the weather too. I'm lightning, revealed this a little earlier in the game.

Edited by Frag Grimes
didn't read all of yvonnes post properly!
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