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Magnetic Genders


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Sorry this thread isn't about a new gender of humanity that literally attaches itself to magnetic poles and then tries to unnatch itself by inverting a compass on top of the south pole.


Rather it is about, why do men and women have an urge to be together? Ok obvious answer sex but I mean apart from this whats teh big deal? Friendship with family attached? So why is this I mean from personal experince? What makes men and women want to spend their lives together rather than just part ways once biology is finished?


Wow first thread of 2006 for me and I got the word magnetic and genders into teh title thread! : peace:

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woot! go you!


i think, basicly, it may have something to do with everyone wanting to feel less alone so we find companions in one form or another! i think sex is just another need basicly and our partners fufill this need and more.


well thats my take on it!

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Its genetic.


Humans survive and reproduce for one reason only - to pass their genes on. This is most commonly done through having children, and the only way this can be done - having sex with a different gender.


Its also the same reason a parent loves thier child. This 'love' is just ensuring that their children will reach sexual maturiry and thus pass on the genes further.

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but where do gay people and animals come into it?


do they have this instinct too BlackFox?


Well, animals follow this to some degree as well. They find mates and have their offspring and thus pass on their genes.


As for homosexuals, i dont know, i guess there's an exception to every rule. Different genotypes? Perhaps mankind has evolve and now doesn't deem having offspring as important? Im pretty clueless :P

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yeah i've heard that too fanman! lol i think it was the result of some random scintific research.


still doesnt explain mans neeeeed for a partner nor the fact that animals can be gay too.


aint biology fun!!! lol

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The physical design of human beings means we have various needs - not all of them are the obvious things such as food and drink. It is well documented that children who don't have a lot of love given to them at a young age end up with social difficulties, and sometimes even mental problems. Humans are designed to stick to a mate for life - the bible itself says "a man must leave his parents and take a wife, and the two become one". It's a basic need that is programmed into us, just as food and drink are. Of course, it's not a life-or-death thing, but love is deeper than just attraction and if you speak to people who have been married for life, they rarely say they regret it.

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The physical design of human beings means we have various needs - not all of them are the obvious things such as food and drink. It is well documented that children who don't have a lot of love given to them at a young age end up with social difficulties, and sometimes even mental problems. Humans are designed to stick to a mate for life - the bible itself says "a man must leave his parents and take a wife, and the two become one". It's a basic need that is programmed into us, just as food and drink are. Of course, it's not a life-or-death thing, but love is deeper than just attraction and if you speak to people who have been married for life, they rarely say they regret it.


I think man was made to have mulitple partners. Men more than women, because women have to carry the child 9 months. So men basically are ment to have as much partners with good genes (read: hot women) as possible, and women will go for one partner with good genes a year and after that find a male that can offer them security.


But now with social laws and that horrible subjective church propaganda-filled bible and certain restrictions and social conventions etc we are only allowed 1 partner at the time. Adultery or cheating is bad. But we weren't made to stay with one partner.


Having mulitple partners also doesn't mean you can love one. Although that partner aint gonna agree with that :p


And there we have it, our need to bond and our need to possess. Because of our egoism and selfishness, we want to own that partner, no other is going to soil it with his filthy genes. She/he's ours. And if we like the other than we want him/her close to us because he/she lets us feel good.


Although i'm not going to say there's no such thing as love. But you must know that a lot of the factors that make up love are in our genes or based on our egoism.


I could write a fucking book about this subject, already had some fierce discussions with some people.

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ok heres the answer


Monsters with 4 legs, 4 arms , 2 heads and male and female genitalia tried to overthrow Zeus, who in turn, split them in half with lightning. This resulted in males and females, who are now cursed to long for each other.


or not

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why in what way? searching for a purpose, a result, or a cause? or both?



"Because of our egoism and selfishness"


Love isn't egoism, nor is it selfishness.


Lust, infatuation, seeking approval, pride, fear - they can be the foundation of relationships, infact, I think more often than not they are.

and when they are the relationship is doomed to failure, when looks fade, or a new conquest arrives, when the truth is exposed, or times get hard, relationships that aren't well founded on love collapse.

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The reason we want to be together is obvious: sex. The reason we want to stay together is because we instinctively believe that our mate is our mate alone. Its just a way of making sure that only your children have said mates DNA instead of them being everywhere. Could also be a way to limit inbreeding come to think of it.

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As for homosexuality, you can go down the science route; it's natural. Throw away your bullshit 'Oh god it's not natural man was made for woman argument" and take a look at nature - Gay hippos, gay monkeys, gay ducks gay dolphins etc. It could have been nature's way of controlling human population, or perhaps an ulterior motive, or perhaps it was purely by chance.


But regardless of the science, I simply can not deny that there is an attraction that transcends scientifical reason. Many people go through life with partners without physical attraction, and many don't breed. I think there's an order created for self fufillment through the acceptance of another - A form of validating your own existence, if you will - via the innocence and purity of acting for someone who is not yourself, but means just as much, if not more.


I would write more, but I can't be bothered. But what would I be if I didn't throw in some quotes?


What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do…?


- Friedrich Nietszche (I know too much of his works)


Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.


- Iris Murdoch

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