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Epic Mickey 3DS: Power of Illusion (Nov 23rd)


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The review from VGCHartz gives a little more positive image from this game, altough still no that great.




The game is still short, but they mention that the side-quests can extend the game time up to 25 hours, which seems like solid length for a game. I probably won't buy it before I find a bargain on it. Mainly because I have so much other things to play.

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Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is beautiful to look at. It's also quite obviously unfinished. The building blocks of the ultimate Mickey Mouse game are here, but we'll have to wait yet another day to see that vision become reality.



Sigh. I thought the turn over on this game seemed too quick.


@welsh_gamer Nice to hear you picked it up. The Mighty Switch Force comparison gives me hope! :) With the WiiU and all I decided at the last minute to cancel my preorder. I need every remaining penny for Christmas presents! I'll definitely get a copy in the new year though.

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Sigh. I thought the turn over on this game seemed too quick.



.... and it's over. Only 11 levels and 3 boss fights! What a huge disappointment. The game looks and sounds amazing, the difficulty level is spot on, yet it feels like I've only played a quarter of the game! :sad:


For those wondering, the painting mechanics are kinda poor They work well in the boss fights but apart from 2 or 3 sections in the main levels, they were just used as filler.



The game is still short, but they mention that the side-quests can extend the game time up to 25 hours, which seems like solid length for a game.


The side quests are tedious though. I've done a few of them and they simply involve replaying previous levels to pick up items and characters, which aren't well hidden and the levels haven't been altered, or going back and forth between rooms on the map passing on messages from one character to another.


Was really hoping that this would be something special and a keeper for my 3DS collection. Wait till it's between £10 and £15 before investing.

Edited by welsh_gamer
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Man, I can't believe how much I'm enjoying this game.


Only played for about 3 hours and 30 minutes, though it feels more like 10 hours. And I mean this in a good way, because I'm loving every second.


Coming up to the first boss now, just finishing up some sidequests before moving on.


EDIT: Just over 4 hours (04:01) played, cleared the east wing of the castle completely. Well, as completely as possible before moving on to the next wing. Yay~


EDIT2: Also, I absolutely love the writing in this game. 30 seconds after I first found Donald I was already convinced he was great in this game.

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As much as I loved it, And I really did, It felt more like it should have been an e-shop game, I got about 7 hours before watching the ending credits and I think I would only need about another ~2 to unlock everything.

Either way It was a very fun game I split the price with a friend so I didn't pay much for it as well.

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Almost 11 hours in, and just finished the first stage of the third wing.

I really feel sorry for those reviewers that only took 2-3 hours to complete the game. They must have missed out on 90% of the game's content...



12 hours and 30 minutes played after finishing the second stage of the third wing and all the quests available so far.


It still feels like there's so much left to do, too, even though I know I'm getting close to the "end" - I've only fully upgraded three of the at least 22 upgradable rooms in the Fortress... I wonder how many quests I've got left to do, and how many I'll have to upgrade manually with the Upgrade Stars...


Guess I'll find out in a day or two, though.


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Did you know the demo of this is in the European eShop too? I gave it a spin a few days ago.


The first thing I want to say is: don't take the criticisms of the controls too seriously. It doesn't feel slow or floaty at all, and pressing A twice to attack is no problem whatsoever. I'm not being nostalgic about Castle of Illusion, but I honestly think this was a case of reviewers wanting everything to feel the same.


Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the painting and thinning. I actually do hate to criticise a game like this, which has been created with a great deal of fondness towards Castle of Illusion, but the painting/thinning just gets in the way of the platforming. You have to do it a lot more than I expected - almost every step of the way. It would have been a lot better not having it at all, and instead being a full-blown platformer.

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