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Halo 4

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@S\.C\.G how long did legendary take you? I spent an absolute age on the prologue - the bit where you're on teh external part of the ship and you need to manually launch the missile... I had no grenades so it was a real battle, but I found keeping my distance and picking as many enemies off as possible worked best. I gave the next mission the briefest of attempts but nothing solid. How did you find it? I can tell there'll be some really dickish moments but I think it's perfectly doable. The enemy shields don't re-generate as quick as I remember them doing in Halo 3, and I think the UNSC weapons are better powered -- but then I sucked at Halo 3.


Need to do Spartan Ops next, but I also want to do my Heroic play-through co-op, however my cousin is in the middle of a round of coursework deadlines! Is Spartan Ops worth approaching solo (anyone know)?

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So I guess I've had this for nearly 3 weeks now and I have to say, I've found it pretty underwhelming. It looks great, plays well and all but I think I'm just tired of Halo. The only addition I've really enjoyed on this is the Dominion playlist for the multiplayer. Not too keen on the new menu systems and I've completed the campaign, though only because I felt I 'had' to and have no desire to replay any of the missions like I did with Reach. I can see it's good, I'm just not that fussed anymore. I think I might look back at the first year of Reach being out as my peak for Halo-playing. A shame.

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Spartan ops take you at all, @ipaul? I've actually only mostly played the war games(no campaign yet) but I've clocked about 30 hours in that apparently? Tbh I only got it for the multiplayer, and it'll soon be hitting a pound per hour of entertainment which I can't argue with. Will eventually do the spartan ops and campaign mainly, but I just love trying to get the challenges in multiplayer/and playing with my mates when they're on.

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Well, as frustrating as it is for me to not manage some challenges, or struggle to, I'm still enjoying the game. Saw he was on and joined @Zell for a capture the flag or two(and noticed he's pretty beast, at least compared to me), felt like a right mug when we missed winning a match by literally a split second(game finished and I was RIGHT THERE), ending in a really REALLY annoying tie as I had salvaged the flag. I didn't stay with him for long though as I was both distraught and ashamed and I also wanted to try and get the 'win 9 slayer matches' type dealie that was today's daily challenge; compounding to my current 103/117 match wins for the current monthly that ends in like...2 days and probably 10 hours? Was on for about 5 hours just trying to win 9 matches though, sometimes I hate the sort of teams you end up with - namely the ones who don't quite get the whole 'team' concept(whilst the opposition certainly do). Seriously though, there's something about the challenges that just make me so adamant about playing. Maybe cos I'll level faster and stuff, but I haven't even bought that much crap.

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Well, as frustrating as it is for me to not manage some challenges, or struggle to, I'm still enjoying the game. Saw he was on and joined @Zell for a capture the flag or two(and noticed he's pretty beast, at least compared to me), felt like a right mug when we missed winning a match by literally a split second(game finished and I was RIGHT THERE), ending in a really REALLY annoying tie as I had salvaged the flag. I didn't stay with him for long though as I was both distraught and ashamed and I also wanted to try and get the 'win 9 slayer matches' type dealie that was today's daily challenge; compounding to my current 103/117 match wins for the current monthly that ends in like...2 days and probably 10 hours? Was on for about 5 hours just trying to win 9 matches though, sometimes I hate the sort of teams you end up with - namely the ones who don't quite get the whole 'team' concept(whilst the opposition certainly do). Seriously though, there's something about the challenges that just make me so adamant about playing. Maybe cos I'll level faster and stuff, but I haven't even bought that much crap.


I remember that, you were literally 2 steps away from scoring the flag. I definitely thought you were going to make it in time, it would have been an epic victory considering we were 2 flags down. Never mind, both games were epic fun. CTF is definitely my favourite game type.


Wish we could get more NEers on at the same time for an epic Halo sesh. Would be good to see a team of 8 of us smashing up big team slayer.

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Man... I just finished heroic co-op (cousin's idea -- took no time at all thanks to pro training at Halo: CE recently).. then he wanted to try some spartan ops... and MAN WTF MAN WTF FFS FFSA AAAAAAHHAHAHSDHAS...


That was some frustrating BULLSHIT. I basically haven't played any online so I have shitty loadouts... so basically the first spartan ops mission (legendarying was a mistake) was pretty fucking harsh going for the no-distance weaps I had. It took over 30 mins to do and I really didn't enjoy it.


Then I played some online -- won my first 5 games! Played out of my skin on pure adrenaline, on maps I didn't know. Never dominated but always skeeted away from the bottom of the list -- finished around level 9 but happy with progress -- my last game I tried out the combine gun that works so well in campaign -- it kills quicker if you're accurate with headshots but on the smaller levels it's useless when you're facing two guys. The regular AR does a great job because most times you can at least equalise your death when you're being double-teamed.


I'll keep giving MP a try and see how loadouts change as time passes. I'm torn between the COD melee instakill and how Halo deals with it -- I figure when facing someone level 38 melee is my only chance -- but it doesn't instakill so that's not the tactic to go for.


definitely need to wrap my head around halo a bit more (as previously mentioned, going through Halo: CE and probably going to give the other 360 games another chance, too.

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Man. I felt really weird today; only needed a few matches to get the monthly 117 wins but I was just totally off my halo game. Been playing KoH as that's usually quickish and my so far often played mode(not just all about killing so I like it) but I was just totally off. I'd be shooting and just way off the mark with my crosshairs, felt kinda zoned out. Even had a nap with two wins left as needed and it didn't help, didn't think I'd get them at all today. Chanced through a KoH for one, then...saw Zell had joined me!


Backed up after a fairly terrible start(but we picked up well, just not well enought to win) from a KoH match and went for some CtF as I know Zell said he enjoys it. Only played two games with him, but the first was on complex and fairly tense/enjoyable! Last minute win by capping the flag; which I think zell got? Was just as the match went into overtime(whole thing was 0-0 despite their good runs, with our team ever so slowly dying/inching the flag towards our base). Played all defensive myself, so no idea what happened with the offensive so left it up to the rest of the team. Not just a last minute win, but my 117th win of the month! I was feeling somewhat better about my general game after that match.


There's something I really enjoy about defensive in CtF(and dominion often), not to mention it's something that's actually really needed with teams sometimes. I get appalled at how some players all just run off and leave our flag completely unattended at times! I wish we could get a regular thing going on, regardless of varying skill(mine being shit) I think with an regular group of players communicating and stuff we could blitz some people. Even without communicating; there's been good times I've ended up with random people in a team game but even without communication managed to really sort of riff off certain other players well - that's a brilliant moment to have in gaming.


Then I played some online -- won my first 5 games! Played out of my skin on pure adrenaline' date=' on maps I didn't know. Never dominated but always skeeted away from the bottom of the list -- finished around level 9 but happy with progress -- my last game I tried out the combine gun that works so well in campaign -- it kills quicker if you're accurate with headshots but on the smaller levels it's useless when you're facing two guys. The regular AR does a great job because most times you can at least equalise your death when you're being double-teamed.


I'll keep giving MP a try and see how loadouts change as time passes. I'm torn between the COD melee instakill and how Halo deals with it -- I figure when facing someone level 38 melee is my only chance -- but it doesn't instakill so that's not the tactic to go for.[/quote']


I think you get used to it pretty quick; plus you'll be able to have 3 loadouts in no time - the question/barrier is points to spend really. I was generally quite conservative with my spend, and have mainly rocked the covenant carbine + light rifle(primary in secondary slot thanks to firepower ability) as my main setup. Covenant carbine has just been my gun that seemed to work out of all of them, though I'm trying to check out the Battle Rifle and see how that is; aint feeling right to me though. I feel a bit more with the carbine that I can trigger much faster, it fires essentially at the rate I trigger - don't feel quite like that with the others.


As for whether the loadout has a big impact...I think once you get a setup you like, well, I guess it's you/how you play. I don't know if better stuff made me better, due to being quite shit, but I haven't bought all that much(got like 23 points stacked up atm!). If the 38s you're up against are like me, you'll be fine ;)


(though really, I've not noticed much representative of level - my KDR is shocking and I'm 47, now? I've seen high levels that I thought would mash me up, but then haven't really. I think it's more a representation of time put in/challenges done. However I should add I mostly play team based games too, one on one I'd probably be quite sucky against them)

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  • 1 month later...

So I just finished the story on normal. The last mission started out fun, then got a bit lame. For me the game is too much of the same stuff over and over, run and gun. Then...


The Master Chief getting all soppy bollocks about an AI. What the..


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So I just finished the story on normal. The last mission started out fun, then got a bit lame. For me the game is too much of the same stuff over and over, run and gun. Then...


The Master Chief getting all soppy bollocks about an AI. What the..



Well I didn't read your spoiler as I haven't completed myself yet. But I find the majority of the game and the levels that I've done so far are too much of the same stuff over and over....


I actually stopped playing the campaign after.. hmm 4th level i think? I tried going back to it, but it felt so slow.



really disappointed with it because I was highly anticipating it.

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I'll be on this eve, going for whatever today's challenges are if they're realistic to me. Does anyone play Oddball much? Got into it the other day for a challenge, now me and my mate at work are quite taken with it - something strangely satisfying to be had imo! Whats your GT btw bob? Unless it's there on the side, which I can't see right now.

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Managed to play 1 game of this just now - couldn't see you Rummy, either that or you're a massive LIAR.


Anyway, played one game, thought i would be rubbish, having not played 4 before and i was fucking amazing. Killed 15, died 3 times. Our team thrashed theirs. My first kill was an assassination, second was taking out a ghost with a sniper rifle.


Feels good man. Will probably never have as good a game as that. Might as well stop playing now...

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Managed to play 1 game of this just now - couldn't see you Rummy, either that or you're a massive LIAR.


Anyway, played one game, thought i would be rubbish, having not played 4 before and i was fucking amazing. Killed 15, died 3 times. Our team thrashed theirs. My first kill was an assassination, second was taking out a ghost with a sniper rifle.


Feels good man. Will probably never have as good a game as that. Might as well stop playing now...


Multiplayer starts off easy, from my experience you get paired with similarly ranked players for a while. Then once you hit SR 10 they start putting you in matches with ranks of 50-60 then you get spanked a lot.

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