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Pokémafia 12 : Ruby and Sapphire


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Night 7 I targeted you.

Throughout the rest of the game I didn't pay much attention to what colours I was in the write up - I knew what I was doing and didn't see myself in the write ups most nights. It is only when I targeted you, knowing you were orange and blue, and worked out from this I was those colours. If you look at the sprite of Arbok that ReZ would be using for this game, they are it's prominent colours.

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Fair enough, it must be you and heroicjanitor targeting me and I guess Coolness doesn't show up in the write-up.


Before I'm lynched can we at least have a pok?mon claim from everyone?


Everyone has just jumped on the lynch for me without even asking questions of Coolness who people have even said is just as likely to be mafia!


@Coolness Bears what pok?mon are you and who have your targets been? I've given all of this information freely already.

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I am Raichu. :D


My targets have been:


Night 2 Diageo "you were knocked into from behind....readjusting yourself you walked off and targeted The Peeps."

Night 3 Diaego "You attempted to supercharge Diageo, however large pink structures prevented you from reaching him."

Night 4 Cube "you attempted to supercharge Cube. However you looked all over town and couldn't find him anywhere."

Night 5 DuD "you attempted to supercharge DuD, however giant pink spirals of coral surrounded him and you were unable to penetrate them."

Night 8 The Peeps "you attempted to supercharge The Peeps, however when you got near him you realised how dangerous this task was turning out to be. Overrun by Pokemon, you retreated."

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I would like to know people's pok?mon before voting, so answer The Peeps please guys. I do want to vote for him but it'd be nice to have as much information out to be totally sure, and so informed decisions can be made if the game doesn't end on Peeps' lynch.


@heroicjanitor @EEVILMURRAY @Nintendohnut !!!


Ah yes, Herojan is Grovyle. I believe this, as I made him evolve last night. Just the other two then.

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I said my pokemon! I'm Grovyle and I send messages to people, they start with the header "You received a message from a townie".


Night 1:

Sent the following to EevilMurray:


Hi friend!


I noticed Zell leaving your place last night. How come you never invite me? It's ok, I'm sure there was a reason. There's no way you forgot about me.


Your best buddy.


Night 2:

Resent the above because Peeps roleblocked me.


Night 3:

Sent the following to Diageo:

I saw what you did last night. You've fallen so low.


Night 4:

Send the following to DuD:


In case I die you should ask MadDog why his vote on Cube didn't count, in case he is a mafia whose vote counts for 0 on other mafia. Coolness Bears may be the killer, since he was protected by Cube on night 1 and was described as a giant pokemon. Maybe not though. Just speculating. Stop flashing people and making them spell wrongly! Hoping you're town, if you're not I will be sad.


Night 5:

Sent the following to Tales


You won't last much longer. Everyone is getting suspicious. I'll take you down and have my revenge. Just wait.


Night 7:

Sent the following to Peeps:


Vote for Tales this time or I'll kill you. To death. signed dawg

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I noticed that just before you posted :)


If EEVIL could confirm that he received a message from you, that would be lovely. And I know that is definitely a role that ReZ likes to use, I've had it before.


My main reservation now is that Dohnut is a ground pok? (I think), and the rest of the mafia have been ground. But Peeps seems so evil to me :(

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I'm not a ground pokemon! I'm Paras. I burrow into the ground, giving me a chance of being untargetable. It also lets me track people undetected and not appear in the write-up.


I'm really not sure how you think I'm evil - is it just the fact you thought I was a ground type? I don't really know what to say - I can give my targets for every night if you want, but I've tracked and given my result pretty much every night already! And I've been voting for the mafiosos every time as well. I don't really know what else to say!


Yeah I don't trust dohnut at all, I'd like a list of his targets.


Alright, give me a second then...


Night 1: Tracked Jonnas. He was 'attacked from behind'

Night 2: Targeted Chairdriver: Found out he targeted chairdriver

Night 3: Targeted mr-paul: Found out he targeted himself!

Night 4: Targeted EEVILMURRAY: Found out he targeted Jonnas.

Night 5: Targeted Maddog: Discovered that he targeted... you (me)!

Night 6: Targeted Maddog: Found out that he targeted Rummy

Night 7: Targeted EEVILMURRAY: Found out he targeted Tales

Night 8: Targeted Coolness: Found out he targeted The Peeps.


Towards the end I was tracking people we didn't know much about. I was mildly suspicious of EEVIL, but it looks like he must've blocked Tales, which confirms him as good for me. I targeted Coolness as he was the most suspicious apart from The Peeps, who was untargetable. I've also been keeping an eye on Maddog as I caught him out killing chair at the start, but he never confirmed it. I targeted him twice more to ensure I was right about my suspicions that he was the killer, which I did. At the start I was just shooting at random.


Do my votes help at all? I'm pretty sure I've voted for the mafia every day :-/ I'm not sure what else I can offer really.

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It was the burrowing thing that made me think you were ground! Still, you could be lying, but I'm convinced enough to Vote: The Peeps.


Let us hope this is it....


By the way, if the game happens to carry on after this day, I can't investigate any more. I've used DuD's power all I can.


And now I'm getting frustrated by the wait... ReZ won't be updating tonight, he's gone to watch Man Utd.


Since when has he been a football fan!?!?

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@The Peeps


@Coolness Bears


Yeah sorry, in Manchester...will do my best with this post.


Vote The Peeps - 4 ; EEVILMURRAY, Nintendohnut, MadDog, mr-paul


Vote Coolness Bears - 1 ; The Peeps







The Peeps is dead, he was Mudkip Herd, able to cancel and override anyones abilities and completely immune to all powers, he was a valuable asset to the town.

















Night Nine, get your pms in asap please!











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I'm really sorry to Peeps :( I was really convinced you were evil because of all those reasons, and because you wouldn't go for Tales the day he was lynched :( You've let me down/betrayed me in the past, now i've done it back to you.


I stole Jimbob's power and tried to roleblock Nintendohnut, but as we can see from MadDog, I was roleblocked myself.


I think whoever is mafia isn't killing intentionally to make it harder for us.


We made a massive mistake yesterday. Nintendohnut has got to be lying about his pok?mon and must be a ground pok?mon, and the final mafia, like I kind of suspected. He was also the first person to jump onto my (unfortunately wrong) theory.

MadDog is neutral, I believe the other three to be good (I got a good investigation on herojan so he's totally clear for me). The only thing I want to know is Eevil's character and targets.


Vote: Nintendohnut.


PS. ReZ is a bitch, I wanted to use Peeps' power but he said it was too powerful to steal!

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I can't say anything else to defend myself apart from this, and I think I may actually be onto something here.


In my role PM there's no specific mention of a win condition. I'm going to assume that's the same for all of you as well, as there's nothing in my PM to suggest I'm any different from another townie.


In the past there have been games where the game carried on even after the whole mafia had been lynched because there was still a killer in the game. I know our role PMs don't state it either way, but it might well be the case that we only win when we eliminate all threats to the town. I know I'm going to sound like a broken record but I actually think we NEED to lynch Maddog to end the game, as he is, perhaps, the only remaining threat.


I don't know if this is right or wrong, and seeing as Peeps was so sure about Coolness I feel that we should go for him if this theory is wrong, but I know I'm not mafia, and unless EEVIL, mr-paul or heroic are playing the best game I've ever seen, I'm pretty sure they're not either.


I've given my full role, list of targets, and told you what Pokemon I am, and you are still going for me. If I'm wrong about this then I'm at a loss for what to do. But I think this is a theory worth following because it might just win us the game.


Vote: Maddog


Just read the part about me being the first to 'jump onto your theory' - that's so unfair as a way of making me look evil! It was YOUR theory, YOU tried to convince people to vote for The Peeps and then when I read it and it makes sense to me, I am the one that is more suspicious!? Yes, it was a wrong theory, and I am really sorry to the Peeps, but you can't say that I'm suspicious because I followed YOUR (very convincing) theory! I'm not saying you're evil, as I don't think you are, but to lead a townie lynch then use the SECOND voter as a scapegoat is ridiculous and unfair.

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I'm just trying to piece things together. It may be that we have to get rid of MadDog, but I think it to be unlikely. Looking back, you said you go underground, which is very much like a "ground" type pok?, even though you now say you are Paras. There's no way of verifying your pok?mon as you don't appear in the write up, do you?


To me, it seems clear that MadDog wins with everyone - he can side with either. And with his tracking abilities, he is trying to help the town.


For the sake of open-ness, here is what I have done every night:


Night one: Nothing, no dead players yet to steal powers off.

Night two: Steal Yvonne's (Torchic) power, protect myself

Night three: Protect myself again

Night four: Steal chairdriver (Ho-oh) power, protect DuD, redirected to myself by Marcamillian, assaulted erotically by a group of Pok?mon (Peeps)

Night five: Steal Cube (Whiscash) power, protect DuD

Night six: Protect DuD, it didn't work :(

Night seven: Steal DuD (Shiny Mudkip) power, investigate Peeps, Peeps untargetable.

Night eight: Investigate heroicjanitor, found him good.

Night nine: Steal Jimbob (Kyogre) power, roleblock Dohnut, roleblocked by someone else (EEVIL)


I was thinking of stealing Tales power to do some more investigation, but thought it more useful and safe to try roleblocking people and deducing the last mafia. I wanted Peeps power so I could do this and be safe myself but I wasn't allowed.


@heroicjanitor the flying pokemon is MadDog.

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No I don't appear in the write-up.


But earlier in the game I did say I went underground for my power. Why would I say that if I was in the mafia? If I was evil, I'd know that all my team mates were ground type. As it was I was just trying to be as honest as possible without revealing my power. Obviously now it makes me look dodgy, but if I were mafia I would have known that it was going to do that in long-run. Plus, as I don't appear in write-ups, I could have literally said anything, I didn't even have to mention going underground - surely if I'd been mafia I would have just made up some random flying power or something to distance myself? I didn't, because at the time we didn't know anything about the mafia and I was simply telling the truth!


@heroicjanitor Last night I tracked Coolness Bears, as he was the one that The Peeps suspected. When the Peeps turned up good I thought I should at the very least follow his instruction. I discovered that Coolness targeted nobody. I find it strange that he would do this so late in the game, considering he claims to have targeted someone every night so far, but there we go. I thought he was evil, and I was under the impression that mr-paul agreed with me, but seeing as he is going for ME today instead, I'm now confused. I'd happily lunch Coolness if that's what others wanted - the Peeps was convinced that he was evil - but I am also eager to lynch Maddog because a) he can kill tonight and might kill a townie (probably me, as I am the only one who sees him as a threat!) and b) if he is the last 'threat' to the town we might just win the game.

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@heroicjanitor Last night I tracked Coolness Bears, as he was the one that The Peeps suspected. When the Peeps turned up good I thought I should at the very least follow his instruction. I discovered that Coolness targeted nobody. I find it strange that he would do this so late in the game, considering he claims to have targeted someone every night so far, but there we go. I thought he was evil, and I was under the impression that mr-paul agreed with me, but seeing as he is going for ME today instead, I'm now confused. I'd happily lunch Coolness if that's what others wanted - the Peeps was convinced that he was evil - but I am also eager to lynch Maddog because a) he can kill tonight and might kill a townie (probably me, as I am the only one who sees him as a threat!) and b) if he is the last 'threat' to the town we might just win the game.


Well the most important thing is, did you receive a message from me? Say what the message was and you aren't mafia :p

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