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Pokémafia 12 : Ruby and Sapphire


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Slow down, I don't think we should rush into lynching a neutral.

It'll help the last remaining mafia member.

I'll be home soon and we can discuss the options more before anyone jumps into anything. I can roleblock MadDog tonight if we mislynch.


Tbh, and my quick analysis is totally sure myself heroic and dohnut are good, MadDog is neutral, it could be any of the other three but am leaning towards peeps for reasons ill explain when I get home.

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You still seriously think i have to kill all the legendaries? I'm a legendary myself, so that's a shit theory.


On even nights i can kill, odd i can track, hence why i knew Jimbob targeted EEVILMURRAY.


In my defence, my PM said Jimbob attacked EEVIL, and then failed to tell everybody what he was trying to do. He looked incredibly suspicious.


The mafia is just doing whatever they can to get the day over asap, as they are on the ropes. Don't be stupid and get rid of a good asset of the town.

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Info on The Peeps/why I suspect him:


Immune to nightpowers

Claims to not have sent a target on night 2 (suggests not mafia, but not totally verifiable)

Diageo was an untargetable townie (unlikely imo that there’s two good players with the same power)

DuD was a shiny Mudkip, and good (unlikely that there are two good players with the same pokemon)

Jimbob was a good roleblocker.

Why I don’t think Peeps is mafia – all the mafia have been ground types (Mudkip isn't ground), and his voting record is OK – apart from yesterday when he wanted to vote for Coolness Bears over the evil investigation on Tales.


I really don’t know enough about EEVIL or Coolness, though. So I am not voting yet.

I am kinda believing MadDog that he can only kill every two nights, and think he probably wins with either side.


I did suspect heroicjanitor until last night when I found he was good, I have reason to believe that this info is very accurate, unless he happens to be evil and investigates as good.

I did earlier suspect Nintendohnut, as he also has an avoiding power, and he is still very enthusiastic for a MadDog lynch, but he comes across as less suspicious than Peeps in my opinion.


What are everyone else's pokemon and what colours do you think you are in write ups? I am Arbok.


PS. Do we know who was scrambling people's speech earlier in the game?


I don't think Coolness is mafia personally, as he probably did target Peeps as he's inactive enough to not pick up every little detail, and there is no way the rest of the mafia would let him do that! Also, earlier in the game Peeps said he was killable.

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remove vote for time.


Diageo was not untargetable or he would not have died. I was also able to Target him on one of the nights. I said I was killable earlier to keep suspicion off me but I believe I am unkillable.


I was too late in sending my Target this last night phase so I targeted nobody.


We often have shines and regulars in the same game and there's no reason why they cant be the same alliance. I think in one game we had 3 pikachus.

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As I said I am not 100% sure. I just ask for you to understand why I see you as a little bit fishy.


I've also just worked out that in the write ups I am a purple, black, red and yellow pok?mon. I only appear in the write-up twice.


I think we can assume from the write-ups that most of the time Rummy was the mafia's killer.

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It is safe, but as last resort for me. It'd be better if we could work out the mafia member left though, as if we catch them, we win. There won't be more than 5 mafia.

If we leave it again until tomorrow, we will be in the same situation, but with no MadDog, and maybe one less townie as well, so it benefits us to use this day as much as possible.


Remember, MadDog cannot kill tonight. He has definitely been tracking one night, and killing the next.

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I investigated you, using DuD's power. I can use dead people's powers. You could say I'm a snake shedding its skin and getting a new one.


Hence why I targeted Peeps the night before forgetting that he was untargetable, I was desperate to find out if he was mafia.


Also consider at this stage that mafia may decide NOT to kill, to try and stay alive as long as poss without getting caught.


And also, I wouldn't say that Peeps "got battered". All the write up says was two big pok?s went after him.

If everyone could say what they actually did, and who they are, rather than just who they targeted, it'd be a lot easier.

What is your role heroicjanitor?


I think it is quite convenient at this stage that people "forgot" to send in a PM.


Also @heroicjanitor, Dohnut revealed that Coolness targeted Peeps. He's a tracker.

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I didn't forget to send a PM as such... ReZ was just too prompt in posting the next day.


I think Coolness is the last mafia tbh. There was no kill on the night I roleblocked him and last night he targeted me (untargetable) and there was no mafia kill - only MadDog killing Jimbob (that's confirmed, isn't it?).

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Ah ok then, Remove vote.


I can send messages to other people at night. I was originally using it to try to get someone to slip up in day time or give a reaction I can tell an alignment from. Recently been sending messages with things I think, or just yelling at people. I evolved into Grovyle last night.

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Aah yes @heroicjanitor, I had a leaf stone trigger!


Too bad that Coolness is unlikely to appear and answer questions. And I really don't think the rest of the mafia would let him try to kill Peeps. They'd go for a safer kill over someone un-targetable.

So in the town, we had a (shiny) Mudkip, a Torchic and a Treecko. I still don't think we'd have a herd of Mudkips as well in the town.


However, on the Nintendohnut could be evil front, he does seem to be a ground pok?mon, which the rest of the mafia have been.

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Change Vote: The Peeps


What mr-paul is saying makes a lot of sense I think, and not sending in a target at this stage seems really odd.


I'm only eager to lynch Maddog because he is killing people, including townies, and we haven't stopped him yet. If he can't kill tonight it can wait until tomorrow, but I still don't trust him. His defence of 'why would I kill legendary pokemon - I am one!' isn't great, as Rez does all sorts with these games. He could quite easily invent a back story for Lugia which requires him to kill the other legendaries, or a certain number. I'm not saying it's definitely the case, I'm just saying the defence isn't the best. Still, he isn't a threat tonight so it can wait. Anyway, surely if I was a mafia member at this stage I'd want to keep Maddog alive? The odds are seriously in the mafia's favour in this case, as there are undoubtedly a lot more townies than mafiosos. Maddog is much more likely to help the mafia out than the town right now. I'd be more suspicious of people who are not voting for him than people who are :p


Whatever the majority want to do today I will join them - whether it's The Peeps or Maddog - but for now I'm going for the Peeps as mr-paul's points are convincing me.


And @heroicjanitor, as mr-paul said I mentioned earlier that I tracked Coolness last night. He targeted The Peeps, as he could confirm if he ever came online ;) It doesn't rule him out as the final mafioso, I might add, as The Peeps is untargetable and may have just been a rubbish choice.

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My power is to supercharge other peoples powers, I have failed everytime I think?


Accept maybe once when my target was directed so no I don't have the power to kill people and no I am not mafia.




Oh and I just my role information again and I can't be roleblocked The Peeps. :heh:

Edited by Coolness Bears
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If I'm lynched you guys aren't even going to be able to say 'oh well it was justified'. There's no evidence against me whatsoever. People are just lynching because they can't target me =\ how does that fact alone make me evil?


Avenge me by lynching Coolness please.


Peeps out.


Quick point though, this is Night 7 and you can clearly see two pok?mon being stopped by me. One is heroicjanitor who targeted me that night and the other is Coolness Bears, my own target.


A green, green and red Pok?mon hopped from tree top to tree top, at the same time below a purple, black, red and yellow Pok?mon moved towards its target. They were both unprepared and immediately found themselves gasping for breath amidst a sea of blue and orange Pok?mon.


Coolness, if you were town I'd ask you to check your info from night 7 because it will say you were roleblocked. Unfortunately you're mafia so you'll just lie and say you weren't. My power cancels out ANY abilities my target may have (once again, proof of this was when I roleblocked Diageo which allowed others to target him that night) so even if you can't be roleblocked, you can be by me.


I hope you all feel very stupid :p


I think I'm one away from majority at this point.

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