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Assassin's Creed III


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I've got a good bit left. Got to find all the frontier camps, do the common man logs, 100% some missions, catch a courier and do all the naval missions.


1 is located South West on the Frontier, another is based South West in Boston. Thats the only 2 i've found so far. Managed to ambush a courier around the 2nd frontier camp



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- Finish Hunting area animal things

- Delivery stuff (just need to buy/make the stuff I suppose)

- re-play a few 5 2 missions for 100%

- Buy all weapons (need £14k for 2 more then done), one more rope dark predator move for Brawlers

- sell a pelt to all stores (I though it was simply send a caravan thing to each one, so that was a waste of an hour)

- That Ordinary Man thingo (follow townsfolk around a bit)

- WIn at Bowls at the homestead -- yes, I've done 9 men's morris and fanarona

- NY underground

- Homestead inventions


And to add to the list;


- Loot a convoy without killing anyone (I did this except the convoy itself glitched and would not let me loot it!


The animal hunter locations and exploring maps 'completely' went way easier than I was expecting. Money is surprisingly scarce - I foolishly just sold all my items rather than using the convoys which eek out a lot more money, so order of play;


- Trawl NY underground

- Homestead to get pelts, last rope-dart kill and (hopefully) bare-fist a convoy

- Last 2 missions




98% (100% database), about 47 hours, 800G, 16757/17050


... Just discovered I'm only 32% with one of the delivery requests. Fantastic! I've just sold all my shit, too ¬_¬ Also forgot to craft a bunch of the inventions. Well that's set me back an hour or two!

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Did you get the diary of the common man thing with the lumberers? They are annoying the shit out of me. I followed the other people around and got the three logs very quickly, but with the lumberers, they only do the two things I already logged, and then go off smoking or drinking or fishing. I can't get the last one. Any tips?

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The lumberers are one of the earliest guys you unlock -- I think you get them during sequence 5. I've not tried it but perhaps reload that sequence and try to scan them afterwards? I had lumberers 3/3 really early on - they chop wood, get wood off a wagon and also use a massive two-man saw to slice up a log. Perhaps also make sure you're not just simply following them endlessly - I had trouble with following people in 'predator mode' (or whatever it is).


Also, it seemed very unreliable - I had issues with a couple of characters and they 'completed' their logs when they seemed to be 'in-between' activities.


I'm also fairly sure that one of my observations popped as 3/3 whilst observing an action I'd already seen. Not sure how they've scripted the whole thing. If you're having hard luck then warp elsewhere and do stuff then return. I've had a fair few glitches in this game where I've had to fast-travel somewhere then run back again, and the issue had resolved itself.

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I stealthily took out the back 6 without raising the alarm (just one convoy not two), and two of the front lot, leaving me with 3 to battle. Just to be clear are you saying the smoke bombs themselves can choke people or that you choked people while the smoke was active? I don't think the former happens but I figured it'd be worth clarifying.

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When you fight with bare hands in open conflict you usually snap their neck in the end or kill them in some way. When you do it sneakily, like behind a corner, you choke them by holding your hand over their mouth and nose. I figured I could do the same with smoke bombs so I was sure I wouldn't break someone's neck.

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I'll bear that in mind for any I can't get sneakily - but as I say the main issue was the fact that the convoy wouldn't produce the 'loot' icon.


I've now done everything (except the convoy thing), leaving the two missions to replay. Things were a lot quicker than expected. The Ordinary Man achievement's popped, but it's still listed in my tracker even though it all says complete. Hoping that's not an issue...

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The lumberers are one of the earliest guys you unlock -- I think you get them during sequence 5. I've not tried it but perhaps reload that sequence and try to scan them afterwards? I had lumberers 3/3 really early on - they chop wood' date=' get wood off a wagon and also use a massive two-man saw to slice up a log. Perhaps also make sure you're not just simply following them endlessly - I had trouble with following people in 'predator mode' (or whatever it is).


Also, it seemed very unreliable - I had issues with a couple of characters and they 'completed' their logs when they seemed to be 'in-between' activities.


I'm also fairly sure that one of my observations popped as 3/3 whilst observing an action I'd already seen. Not sure how they've scripted the whole thing. If you're having hard luck then warp elsewhere and do stuff then return. I've had a fair few glitches in this game where I've had to fast-travel somewhere then run back again, and the issue had resolved itself.[/quote']


They won't cut the log with a two man saw. But I've watched a youtube video, and the guy in it got 3 from watching him Godfrey talk to the wood worker, chop wood, and load it into the cart. All which I've have seen but it won't go up from 2. I think my game is glitched. I've tried fast travelling many times.

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Have you tried loading an earlier sequence, too? Again I don't know if it'll work for sure. Hopefully if it's glitch it gets patched!


@Tales there's perfectionist and completionist achievements - one is 100% mission constraints, the other is to clear your log book (as far as I'm aware), in which Ordinary Man thing is listed.


@EEVILMURRAY I tend not to watch ZP before a game because his cynical review style, while fun, isn't set out to identify the pro points.


He has a great point about the games reaching modern day and becoming more about politics and less about stabbing people. There's definitely a lack of assassinations. There's a bunch of discoverable assassination contracts given out by civilians, however they don't require much brain power as you can just run up and stab the target.


I've avoided much of the 'business' side of things 'til after I'd completed much of the game anyway. You don't need the money, right? So don't bother with the business stuff. Yahtzee didn't mention any of the hunting element - to me that is where a large chunk of the stealthy, assassination-type gameplay from previous games has been invested in order to leave room for the politics.


Plus the combat has definitely been improved and made more challenging, but of course this too can become a walk in the park with a bit of practice. And while yahtzee claims the story to be duller I felt it was more realistic and less cartoonish than previous attempts... and also a tad easier to follow.

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Have you tried loading an earlier sequence' date=' too? Again I don't know if it'll work for sure. Hopefully if it's glitch it gets patched!


@Tales there's perfectionist and completionist achievements - one is 100% mission constraints, the other is to clear your log book (as far as I'm aware), in which Ordinary Man thing is listed.


@EEVILMURRAY I tend not to watch ZP [i']before[/i] a game because his cynical review style, while fun, isn't set out to identify the pro points.


He has a great point about the games reaching modern day and becoming more about politics and less about stabbing people. There's definitely a lack of assassinations. There's a bunch of discoverable assassination contracts given out by civilians, however they don't require much brain power as you can just run up and stab the target.


I've avoided much of the 'business' side of things 'til after I'd completed much of the game anyway. You don't need the money, right? So don't bother with the business stuff. Yahtzee didn't mention any of the hunting element - to me that is where a large chunk of the stealthy, assassination-type gameplay from previous games has been invested in order to leave room for the politics.


Plus the combat has definitely been improved and made more challenging, but of course this too can become a walk in the park with a bit of practice. And while yahtzee claims the story to be duller I felt it was more realistic and less cartoonish than previous attempts... and also a tad easier to follow.

I was certain I got the 100% trophy(not the main story one) without clearing the ordinary man quest, but then I got uncertain since you say otherwise and Gamefaqs doesn't seem to back me up.


Edit: And I wasn't wrong. Checking the playstation home page, I did get the trophy! When I get back home I'll check if the dna tracker says 100% too. I think it does. I'm nowhere near completing the ordinary man.

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Thanks Tales for verifying that :) 100G to pop tonight, methinks!


@Shorty nice! I remember that being tense and thinking I should restart checkpoint with 10 secs left, only to blitz it in a matter of seconds.


@Tales any tips for Battle of Chesapeake? I've had absolutely zero luck exposing the frigates' weak points. My ship is too strong.


Lols as I types it, I gets it.Just gotta get teh 5 counters and I'm golden!


Wow, that was tense... So I did the combos, assassinated the cap'n... then... Desynched! Totally basking in the glory of success only to not notice i had 10 seconds to get off the ship!




Luckily it didn;t matter as I'd done the previous stuff in one go, wahey! 2 for 100G! Now to loot a caravan then it's onwards to multiplayer grind!


HILARIOUS bit of luck, that went against me. The convoy I was stealthing (got 4 incognito takedowns i.e. not-kills) ran into a bunch of patriots -- who killed off the other guards for the convoy for me! ... so I looted the convoy, giggling to myself -- to find no achievement unlocking. I guess the convoy being killed by others still counts!

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My option was to keep as much of a distance as possible and fire round shots into the front of their ship, usually aiming ahead of them so that only a couple of balls would hit at a time. Took a while but was worth it. Ramming them would leave them dead too often, no matter how slow I could go.


Another pro tip; It took me 4 attempts to get the convoy one to unlock. The 4th attempt was no different to the other 3, except I had managed to choke-out the drummer guy up front before combat-KOing the rest. The previous attempts I was in full conflict when I beat up the drummer guy. He normally buggers off so I think he's a bit of a pansy.

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Yeah, I have no idea why it took me so many attempts.


Working on multiplayer - found I relaly like wolfpack mode but other games... well, I just suck. I have no idea what's good or bad or what to use when (in terms of customisable character thingies). However wolfpack is great if you have some smart co-players who realise it's not about the most kills but the most efficient kills. I'm frequently getting 2nd/3rd place for points but coming last for kills.


What is annoying, though, is there's no quick way to see the 'storyline' videos whilst waiting for next game to start. I also seem to have quit a lobby because I wanted to cehck out some sort of leaderboard which, apparantly, auto-exits you. I then hit a couple of buttons and now apparantly I want to play single player - so the screen demands I insert disc 1. What if I've changed my mind? Nope. Got to do the disc-swap. Sigh.

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You are thinking of Deathmatch. Does anyone know the mode names? Assassinate has a compass and you can pick your contract. It's a terrible mode because you basically know where all characters are.



That's the point of deathmatch. It's a small level where the player characters don't have any clones, so that you can find them without the compass. If you want clones of yourself, you want Wanted Mode.


The best mode is definitely Deathmatch, with simple Deathmatch being a cool stripped down and basic fun mode.


You have a compass but it's so bad, and because there's the ability to blend you do need a slight compass. And when you say pick your target you choose which person to lock onto and they can't lock onto you. This is great because if someone acts suspicious or stupid, like starts running running through a crowd or on the rooftop then you target them. It's like the perfect 'no noobs' mode.


Without the ability to blend I think you lose a lot of the strategy you can normally apply.

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