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Because they were lying!


OK, a more sensible response...


My guess would be that the WiiU version never existed until the second half of 2014. They were just pretending they were working on it.

Now of course, I'm just guessing, but the impression I get is that they never actually started working on a WiiU version until the XBone/PS4 versions were pretty much done, and that's when they realised it wasn't going to work.


Either way, they were still lying, and it's still a big middle finger to anyone who helped to fund it and stated they would get it on the WiiU.


What I fail to see is the benefit in lying unless such a huge percentage of backers were paying for a wii u version (Something I doubt).


If they would of announced it was cancelled when the other versions were I really don't think there would of been much of response.


I think you are right in saying they probably never started the wii u version even though they kept saying how good it was looking.

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I haven't followed this enough to know if there's actually more to it but why do you think they were lying? All it seems to me was that they were working on different versions and the Wii U just wasn't up to snuff power wise to let them do what they wanted?


As opposed to the first link in my previous post? They were always advertising that there would be a WiiU version.


Here's the second news story that was posted to the site.




They knew what the WiiU was capable of back when they originally announced it. Not to mention that for a long time, they were reassuring people that the WiiU version was coming along nicely.

(The second link in my previous post shows that)


When they moved on to the next generation consoles, they should have been upfront about the WiiU version instead of just leading people on.


And now they're saying that the WiiU version was "always a maybe"

That's a bunch of bull! The WiiU version was one of the most hyped aspects about the game.

I once again refer to page 28 of the pdf.


It's scummy.

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Expected outcome is expected. And it's still just as scummy now as it was then.


They were very obviously stringing people along with claims of it running perfectly fine. Absolutely shameful of them to pretend that everything is hunkeydory and then all of a sudden, near when launch is coming and the Wii U hardware is struggling in terms of sales, oh NOW it's suddenly riddled with issues (even worse when they basically admitted that they could get it running better but just don't think it's worth the effort with the low sales predicted for the Wii U version - that's just a great big middle finger to every Wii U owner who funded your game!)


Considering its crowdfunding origins (a whole year went by with a Wii U version being promised as well!), the lack of transparency involved here is shocking.


Even if they announced a sequel at the launch of the next console, day and date with all other versions, even with extra content/better performance promised than the other consoles etc, I wouldn't encourage anyone to trust their word at all. If you can't be transparent with your crowd funding, then quite frankly, your word doesn't deserve to be taken at face value at all.

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What I fail to see is the benefit in lying unless such a huge percentage of backers were paying for a wii u version (Something I doubt).


Well, that link I just posted had a little poll about which console people were looking forward to playing this on. Wii U got the most votes. So there was some kind of an audience back then at least.

It's not a huge amount of course, and there's no way of telling how many of them backed the project. But they kept advertising that they were making this WiiU version that was "Looking great", etc. etc.


Clearly, it wasn't looking great. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been cancelled so abruptly.


I totally understand why it was cancelled, but it's the fact they kept acting like it was going to happen when it obviously wasn't that's got me annoyed.

Edited by Glen-i
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Expected outcome is expected. And it's still just as scummy now as it was then.


They were very obviously stringing people along with claims of it running perfectly fine. Absolutely shameful of them to pretend that everything is hunkeydory and then all of a sudden, near when launch is coming and the Wii U hardware is struggling in terms of sales, oh NOW it's suddenly riddled with issues (even worse when they basically admitted that they could get it running better but just don't think it's worth the effort with the low sales predicted for the Wii U version - that's just a great big middle finger to every Wii U owner who funded your game!)


Considering its crowdfunding origins (a whole year went by with a Wii U version being promised as well!), the lack of transparency involved here is shocking.


Even if they announced a sequel at the launch of the next console, day and date with all other versions, even with extra content/better performance promised than the other consoles etc, I wouldn't encourage anyone to trust their word at all. If you can't be transparent with your crowd funding, then quite frankly, your word doesn't deserve to be taken at face value at all.


Having got the PS4 version I have no doubt it would be a struggle to get the game running at an optimum level for the Wii U.


They should of just said that was the case many many months ago.


Even when the Wii U version was announced as delayed they could of explained that the team were struggling with the wii u version.


This is a post from Ian Bell at project Cars forum:




The new tyre model uses two full cores of both PS4 and One. The WiiU has two full cores in total


This game was never possible on the Wii U.

Edited by liger05
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Having got the PS4 version I have no doubt it would be a struggle to get the game running at an optimum level for the Wii U.


They should of just said that was the case many many months ago.


Even when the Wii U version was announced as delayed they could of explained that the team were struggling with the wii u version .


Pretty much.

Everyone knows why it's cancelled. That's not the reason people are annoyed. Loads of people saw it coming.

It's just incredibly bad practice to continue to promise something that you know you most likely won't be able to deliver.

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Pretty much.

Everyone knows why it's cancelled. That's not the reason people are annoyed. Loads of people saw it coming.

It's just incredibly bad practice to continue to promise something that you know you most likely won't be able to deliver.


The joke is at the initial delay there were many of us who said the game was going to get cancelled and I think that's why the developers decided to release those false comments to reassure people the game was still coming even though they knew it wasn't.


Far easier to break bad news early on rather than wait as long as possible. They deserve backlash for that.

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Pretty much.

Everyone knows why it's cancelled. That's not the reason people are annoyed. Loads of people saw it coming.

It's just incredibly bad practice to continue to promise something that you know you most likely won't be able to deliver.

I dislike how they're saying that Wii U was always a maybe when Wii U and PC were the focal point of the crowd funding campaign

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I have zero respect whatsoever for Slightly Mad Studios. They way they handled this is terrible and they have essentially broken their promises, lied and swindled people out of money.


Now the way they are behaving is childish and the fact that they are already desperate to acquire funding for the sequel before the current game is running properly also says a lot about them.

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I dislike how they're saying that Wii U was always a maybe when Wii U and PC were the focal point of the crowd funding campaign


Wasn't the only guarantee when funding a PC version which would eventually be ported to Wii U/360/PS3?

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I dislike how they're saying that Wii U was always a maybe when Wii U and PC were the focal point of the crowd funding campaign


This is the thing that irritates me the most.


I'm gonna post the pdf file again so it doesn't get lost in the previous page.

Because people really need to know the bald-faced cheek of SMS claiming that the WiiU version was always a maybe.


WiiU is mentioned a few times, but you want to scroll down to page 28.

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Wasn't the only guarantee when funding a PC version which would eventually be ported to Wii U/360/PS3?

They were touting Wii U version as a huge thing, long before PS4/XBO versions, promising it, backing Nintendo when the Wii U pre-release stuff was going on, made posts about Wii U progress etc.

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Wasn't the only guarantee when funding a PC version which would eventually be ported to Wii U/360/PS3?


Legally, they only promised a PC version.


Didn't stop them from hyping up the WiiU version though.


They were touting Wii U version as a huge thing, long before PS4/XBO versions, promising it, backing Nintendo when the Wii U pre-release stuff was going on, made posts about Wii U progress etc.


The pdf file makes that painfully clear.

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That's the issue. You cancel the Wii U version when the PS3/360 versions are cancelled and I don't see a problem.

The reason people are pissed is because of how they're saying "It was always a maybe" now when they were pushing it like crazy, insisting it was happening.

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That's the issue. You cancel the Wii U version when the PS3/360 versions are cancelled and I don't see a problem.


But they didn't, that's the point. They kept on going on about how well the WiiU version was coming along when it wasn't going well.

They used the WiiU to help build up hype for the game then went back on their promise.


What if you're one of the poor people who contributed to the funding of this game only to find that it's not coming out for the console you were expecting it for? I'd imagine you'd be pretty damn peeved.

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Really don't have a problem with SMS cancelling the game. They would have realised that getting a decent port running on Wii U without a serious downgrade was just not possible.


Nintendo needs to take the flack for that with shitty hardware.


Where I do have a problem with SMS is the blatant lying about how well the Wii U version looked. Obviously this was absolute BS as SMS would have known they were struggling.


Taking this long to cancel was wrong. Game should have been cancelled alongside PS3/360 versions.

Edited by khilafah
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Fair dos in my opinion - If a Wii U version is not inline with their expectancies of what the game should be, then they have every right to delete it.


They don't have to keep any promises, this is business and they have probably done the right thing in terms of their own prosperity as a company.


If you've lost respect for this company based on this practice, then you might as well show no respect to 90% of third parties for ditching the Wii U.

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Fair dos in my opinion - If a Wii U version is not inline with their expectancies of what the game should be, then they have every right to delete it.


They don't have to keep any promises, this is business and they have probably done the right thing in terms of their own prosperity as a company.


If you've lost respect for this company based on this practice, then you might as well show no respect to 90% of third parties.


This is a business. And allegedly there is a prototype out there. I would be far more comfortable with them putting hands up, saying we couldn't pull it off on the Wii U, but this is what we did get. Release a game with less realistic algorithms.

If someone made a simulator of my car, I wouldn't notice that instead of 0.46 units of fuel being used per mile on a stretch of road, 0.5 units had been burnt. I wouldn't notice that the formula change meant that my tires wore out half a mile earlier. Hell, I probably wouldn't notice that they wore out half a mile earlier.

I wouldn't object to less realistic weather.

Also I think it is slightly different. We won't see or ever know what % of backers backed this for the Wii U version, but if that % was the difference between the project being viable and not, it really stinks. Regardless it's put me off kick starters somewhat, I wouldn't go near anything involving members of this team in the future.


As a business, I would respect them more for releasing a similar underpowered project cars (unless Nintendo charge them a flat rate fee? but I believe it is a % of sales only, right? or maybe there are tax/insurance implications??)


As a gamer I would respect them more, so long as they put their hands up and stated it lacked the power of the other iterations (when no one would expect anything else).


Having said all that, the fast racing neo team are probably reasonably happy that their racer looks to be the one that'll push the Wii U hardest.



Out of interest, does anyone on these forums have the game on a different console? I heard some pretty negative things about frame rate etc. when everything was maxed out... have those issues been patched/never existed in the first place?

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Fair dos in my opinion - If a Wii U version is not inline with their expectancies of what the game should be, then they have every right to delete it.


They don't have to keep any promises, this is business and they have probably done the right thing in terms of their own prosperity as a company.


If you've lost respect for this company based on this practice, then you might as well show no respect to 90% of third parties for ditching the Wii U.


I think it was bad practice. Cancelling the game isn't a problem but I do find it ridiculous that the developers were saying one thing in public when in reality things were very different.


I don't think anyone can defend that. Seems to me they simply bottled doing what they should of done a year ago and announced the wii u version was cancelled.


Remember when Metro: Last Light was cancelled as despite it appearing on Nintendo's platform during a demo reel. The developers were honest early on.


No bs just told it how it was:


Chief technical officer, Oles Shishkovtsov, explains why Metro’s sequel won’t be appearing.


“[The] Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU,” said Shishkovtsov to NowGamer.


Even his colleage, Huw Beynon, confirmed there would not be a Wii U version of Metro: Last Light, and couldn’t justify the effort required to bring a comparable version to the Wii U.


“We had an early look at it, we thought we could probably do it, but in terms of the impact we would make on the overall quality of the game – potentially to its detriment – we just figured it wasn’t worth pursuing at this time. It’s something we might return to. I really couldn’t make any promises, though.”


Despite Nintendo’s console offering Metro: Last Light new experiences to its players with it dual screens, when asked Benyon was adamant that the Wii U would ever seen Metro: Last Light when asked directly.


“We had an initial look at the Wii U, but given the size of the team and compared to where we were last time, just developing for the Playstation 3 is a significant addition.”


The project cars team could of done this a year ago.

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@Pestneb & @liger05


I hear what you're saying but they really don't owe the Wii U anything.


I feel like maybe they did try but the PS4/XB1 versions were what they envisioned and couldn't be arsed to tinker with the Wii u version - and possibly add extra effort for something to do with the gamepad.


I don't know - wasn't really following this game tbh - It just doesn't surprise anymore. Nintendo's positioning in the industry is the main fault.

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@Pestneb & @liger05


I hear what you're saying but they really don't owe the Wii U anything.


I feel like maybe they did try but the PS4/XB1 versions were what they envisioned and couldn't be arsed to tinker with the Wii u version - and possibly add extra effort for something to do with the gamepad.


I don't know - wasn't really following this game tbh - It just doesn't surprise anymore. Nintendo's positioning in the industry is the main fault.


Er... not really sure if you understand what's gone on here. The point is they do owe people something, as the game was crowd funded.


People donated toward the cost of making the game and there were different levels of funding - which if reached guaranteed different levels of commitment from Slightly Mad Studios.


The fact of the matter is the level for a Wii U release was reached, they then reneged on this. It is irrelevant what the state of Wii U hardware is, they knew that before hand and committed to making the game and took the money up front.


Cancelling a game is one thing, cancelling a game people have already paid for and can't get their money back is a completely different thing.

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Cancelling a game is one thing, cancelling a game people have already paid for and can't get their money back is a completely different thing.


To be fair that is always a risk with kickstarter. If the funding for the Wii U was made to the side of project cars

a)it would have shown them how much interest there was

b)they could have done the right thing and returned the money.

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