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Project CARS


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Just seen this news myself - can't say it was a game I was bothered about but Ouch. Another nail in the Wii U - and sadly not really through any current fault of its own(it's the standard issue it's always been and we already know - it isn't up to scratch for developers) but not very good for it.


As for the devlopers - pretty shitty they've been touting the promise of it up until quite recently, when it looks like that wasn't really the case(in their defense, I think they probably did really try, but just couldn't get what they wanted out of it). Extra scathing being a crowd-funded game but hey - perils of the model.

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Er... not really sure if you understand what's gone on here. The point is they do owe people something, as the game was crowd funded.


People donated toward the cost of making the game and there were different levels of funding - which if reached guaranteed different levels of commitment from Slightly Mad Studios.


The fact of the matter is the level for a Wii U release was reached, they then reneged on this. It is irrelevant what the state of Wii U hardware is, they knew that before hand and committed to making the game and took the money up front.


Cancelling a game is one thing, cancelling a game people have already paid for and can't get their money back is a completely different thing.


I don't think its as clinical as that. The crowdfunding didn't guarantee any title other than a PC version.


I don't think Wii U, PS3 and 360 owners can start claiming they are owed a game when the crowdfunding didn't explicitly say a title was going to be released on those platforms no matter what.


As people have said crowdfunding doesn't guarantee you anything. I backed the Shemue 3 kickstarter but know for well the risks involved.


I think slightly mad deserve criticism simply cos they kept talking about a Wii U version being released long after they probably realised the hardware wasn't capable running the game they envisioned beforehand.


I just wish Nintendo would of released a piece of hardware which would of meant things like this and what happened with Metro: Last Light didn't happen.

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What Zech's , Glen-i and others have said about it being crowd funding and PR heavily implying a certain version was coming is what is really scummy here and had it been something advertised on UK television/newspapers etc would have contravened advertising laws


whilst i personally saw this coming once the PS4/XBONe became lead versions, the PR and every bit of info coming from SMS was that WiiU was coming and nothing fishy was going on - hell they even released statements to dispel the conspiracy theory the wiiU version wasn't coming! I'm sure they've done what they interpret to be everything legally so as they can claim they never promised it, but its skirting the line so bloody close, it would be interesting if a class action was taken against them - Kickstarter etc whilst awesome for something, its so open to abuse, you sign a contract to give money with no real commitment, it would be interesting to have the system legally tested, because this and a few others really push the boundaries on what is acceptable - borderline con-artists, no legal con artists! i feel terrible for those that backed it believing those goals of a WiiU version would/had to be honoured

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Er... not really sure if you understand what's gone on here. The point is they do owe people something, as the game was crowd funded.


People donated toward the cost of making the game and there were different levels of funding - which if reached guaranteed different levels of commitment from Slightly Mad Studios.


The fact of the matter is the level for a Wii U release was reached, they then reneged on this. It is irrelevant what the state of Wii U hardware is, they knew that before hand and committed to making the game and took the money up front.


Cancelling a game is one thing, cancelling a game people have already paid for and can't get their money back is a completely different thing.


I agree, it is a scummy practice - but its obvious this is due to the problems surrounding the console that has brought upon this decision. Im sure if the Wii U was performing they wouldn't have felt indifferent.


They still need to make some dollar back.

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To be fair that is always a risk with kickstarter. If the funding for the Wii U was made to the side of project cars

a)it would have shown them how much interest there was

b)they could have done the right thing and returned the money.


Should point out that this wasn't Kickstarter.


Crowd-funding is not exactly the same thing.

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Should point out that this wasn't Kickstarter.


Crowd-funding is not exactly the same thing.


I see, what differentiates the crowd funding from kick starter (I'm fairly ignorant on the whole thing, gleaned most of what I know from 90's racer's page)

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I see, what differentiates the crowd funding from kick starter (I'm fairly ignorant on the whole thing, gleaned most of what I know from 90's racer's page)


I'm gonna leave this one to @Dcubed. I'm sure he's more knowledgeable about this kind of thing.

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I see, what differentiates the crowd funding from kick starter (I'm fairly ignorant on the whole thing, gleaned most of what I know from 90's racer's page)


Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform, but Project Cars wasn't actually crowd funded through Kickstarter itself. Instead, Slightly Mad Studios set up their own crowd funding site where they sold different "packs" that granted the user rights to have a say in certain part of the game's development (as well as a small share of the profits after a certain point).

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Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform, but Project Cars wasn't actually crowd funded through Kickstarter itself. Instead, Slightly Mad Studios set up their own crowd funding site where they sold different "packs" that granted the user rights to have a say in certain part of the game's development (as well as a small share of the profits after a certain point).


hmm.. so really the Wii U pack should have been marketed separately... then they could have refunded people at least..:wtf: but not my problem personally so hey :) Not heard a large amount of people complaining online that they invested for the Wii U, so maybe it's not an issue

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