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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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i left the food at default; 1600 cals in 5 meals



2 eggs Eggs

0.5 cup Multigrain Oatmeal


meal 2

1 cup Cottage Cheese

2 oz Pasta


meal 3

1 cup Cottage Cheese

1 cup Wild Rice


meal 4

1 cup lentils


meal 5

1 cup Avocados




2 cup Carrots

1 cup Spinach

Eat these throughout the day


Right.... er... cottage cheese twice in one day....cottage cheese and rice? Oats and Eggs? And how the hell would you add spinach and carrots to those meals?


It's a great idea, but could do with finesse, like maybe suggesting something logical, like milk, with the oats... lol


edit: oh wait i just noticed it has next to nothing set on the list.... lol thats...logical


edit2: er ok..... what in the name of god do you do with this meal:


1 cup Apples

1 slice Bacon

3 oz Ground Beef

0.5 cup Multigrain Oatmeal


...suggestions on a postcard...

Edited by Raining_again
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so im disappointed in you guys..... its only the beginning of feb and this has sunk down to page 2..... tsk tsk


How is everyone getting on?


I'm on mfp if anyone wants to add me clicky great wee place to get support, and the app/website is superb for tracking. With my iphone its like *scan barcode - verify item + cals - choose portion size - add*


At the minute I'm not going by mfp recommendations for calories. I'm doing a spike week. Basically I get my BMR, multiply by 7 (for the week), subtract the deficit for loss (in my case 1000 calories for 2lbs pw loss) then divide by 8. The number I get is the normal calorie allowance for a regular day (think its 1700 for me) and then the last day of the week I double my intake. Spikes my metabolism (see what they did with the name lol) and allows me to have a day where I can enjoy a higher intake.

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I have not been weighing myself and I am trying to not look at that too much at the moment, since i'm trying to train as well and tone up I didn't think it would be a good thing to look at. (unlike last year when I was just basically looking weight).


However once my six weeks are up (need to work out when that is) I WILL weigh myself then and look at body fat to see if the exercises I have been doing and eating have had any significant improvements.


Shall wait and see...

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I have not been weighing myself and I am trying to not look at that too much at the moment, since i'm trying to train as well and tone up I didn't think it would be a good thing to look at. (unlike last year when I was just basically looking weight).


However once my six weeks are up (need to work out when that is) I WILL weigh myself then and look at body fat to see if the exercises I have been doing and eating have had any significant improvements.


Shall wait and see...


Are you doing any particular training routine?

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Are you doing any particular training routine?


Just what I posted on page 2.


*Whispers* He has done a lot of 'super sets' one activity followed immediatly by the next, he says it will maximise fat burn etc. And even though I can lift heavier weights, that is for power where he said lower weight high reps is suited for toning and burning.


- Squat Press with a bar with 20KG on, 15 reps and straight after 10-12 press ups. 3 Sets of that.


- Incline Chest press with 16-18KG dum bells, 15 reps of that and straight after 15 bicep curls of 10KG. 3 Sets of that.


- Lat Pull down wide grip with 42.5KG 12 times and straight after same weight but close grip 12 times. 3 Sets of that.


- Then row for 1000M/1500M


- 12 Crunches, straight away 12 Russian twists and straight after that 12 bicycle crunches. 3 sets of that.


Legs are killing me today (that will be the squat presses) and I couldn't quite do all the sets etc but he said to except that but to work towards and by the end of six weeks I should be able to np.


Still can't do all the squats but can do all the other sets now. He said to do 3 times a week and I think I have been doing that (try and go every other day) but not really done any cardio ontop of that - don't really want to be going the gym everyday...

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Good news since my last weigh in as I've put on 2kg of weight but apparently lost 3kg of fat. Looks my my cardio/football and slightly better dieting is paying off. I think having a more structured sleeping pattern is helping me too as I'm not staying up all night. Now I tend to be all tucked up for 12 on a school night and 1 on a weekend.


Used some lifting straps today for the first time and made a massive difference. Normally with a deadlift, anything above 60kg I will struggle to hold onto to complete 8 reps, so I've not been progressing much, but using them I was able to do 90kg. Really dug into my wrist though so will need to wear wrist bands or something underneath.


As mentioned in previous posts they are definitely worth getting if you find your grip goes long before the muscle you're primarily trying to work does.

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started again on monday past, doing normal calorie counting, and lost 4lbs in 5 days, yay.


Now I'm starting my week on a Saturday morning... doing spike calorie counting which is really working for me. There's 3 levels of calorie allowance with it; Spike, high and low. On your spike day you have your BMR x2, High days (for exercise - has to be heavy going weight training) are your BMR, and low days are 500-700 subtracted off your BMR, depending on how much you have to lose and how high your BMR is.


I had a low day yesterday, and a spike day today. Indian here I come, 4000 calories to eat lol :3




trying to keep my low/high days as clean as possible, cutting out sweetener and salt, and drinking all of my water intake and more :)

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I've been healthy since the new year now and i'm so bored of still having a fat belly. So i've gone a bit more extreme with the diet, cos obvs exercise and healthy-ish eating is taking forever to get rid of my belly.


Been eating cereal in the morning, porridge for lunch, fish/veg/bread for din dins. Low fat yogurt in there somewhere. No extra treats. Is probably way too few cals for a whole day, but i don't care cos i feel fine!


Oh, and look at this!!


The mirror bowl. Japanese invention. I really want one!



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haha clever stuff!


I've been drinking water like a fish this week, and not obsessively weighing, and eating my calories... I will literally scream/kill someone if I haven't lost at least 4lbs... lol =P


I did some kettlebell exercises but I've stopped going to the gym and my fitness has gone to poooop. Damn.

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Reactivated my extortionately expensive gym membership today, and went to do some shoulder exercises and squats. It was the first time in about three months that I've actuallly done any weights, so I'm wondering, is it supposed to make me feel this fucking exhausted and sleepy? I've been feeling fucking terrible all day.

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It was the first time in about three months that I've actuallly done any weights, so I'm wondering, is it supposed to make me feel this fucking exhausted and sleepy? I've been feeling fucking terrible all day.


It's probably just a 'shock' to your body, as weight lifting does exhort a lot of energy.


Wont be as bad when your body gets used to it again.

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I do feel exhausted and sleepy towards the evening time if I've been at the gym. Think it's natural, as you've just used up a lot of energy, so you're a bit devoid of it. :heh:


I went earlier today. Was going to go yesterday but really didn't feel up for it, so spent the day doing work for school instead. Did chest stuff today, really enjoy doing decline bench presses for some reason. Feels fun. :heh:

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Haha, well I'd only had 5 hours sleep the night before so I was a little sleepy anyway, but yeah, I've eaten so much today its ridiculous.


Cooked 1kg of chicken with 7 new potatoes. Ate it all.

3 Bowls of Cereal

2 Protein shakes.

1 Bean burger.


I'm going to crap myself. Still so hungry. Think I overdid it on the squats, my legs have withered, but somehow I still expected to lift 100kg. There will be pain tomorrow.

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I'm still following the plan that was given to me but the last two sessions I decided to increase two of the weights myself as I was doing all the sets required and I like to push myself.


I had been doing 15KG dum bells for incline chest price, increased that to 17.5KG on each hand and on the lat pull I increased to 52.5KG from 45KG.


Still can't quite do all the sets for the squat press though!

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