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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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Before then I hadn't really been lifting weights as I been having grief with my left arm elbow tendon, hopefully the rest has sorted it out. I didn't even injure it in the gym, it was due to having an arm wrestle and playing squash I started to get a pain and it hasn't gone away...:p


Rest it! If you have pain that's your body telling you something isn't right. You can only do more damage to it. I know it's really tempting to use it but you need to rest.

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Rest it! If you have pain that's your body telling you something isn't right. You can only do more damage to it. I know it's really tempting to use it but you need to rest.


I have been resting it for almost a month now!


When I was having the pain I wouldn't feel it when I wasn't using my arm, only felt it when lifting a few weights etc. I have been very aware of not using it for day to day tasks much, such as carrying heavy shopping with right arm.


What is weird though is the last few days it feels like it's aching, but I don't know if it's all in my head coz it's been pissing me off for awhile and I keep thinking about being careful with it. Also I felt this 'aching' sensation even when I took some ibuprofen. :hmm:


I have got some old dumb bells at home (4KG each) and I tried some bicep curls with that pitiful weight and I didn't feel any pain or discomfort. So maybe I just need to slowly build it back up over time, hopefully it has fully healed as it is doing my head in now not being able to lift weights, all the progress I have made will start to disappear!!!


I can only assume I damaged it quite bad coz when I felt it playing squash I carried on playing for like another 40 minutes (whoops).

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I can only assume I damaged it quite bad coz when I felt it playing squash I carried on playing for like another 40 minutes (whoops).


I did exactly the same thing apart from it was my shoulder playing squash. Best part of 9 months I was out for. :(


Tendon injuries are serious.

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Bodies are tender things. If you're feeling uncomfortable in any way, it's best to just leave it and rest. You risk doing more bad than good. Just use that time to focus on something else instead. Do some other types of cardio or focus on the legs, or just rest altogether.


I've felt so unmotivated lately and tired. I've bought my own bench for home and have already bought some cast iron weights to go with it. I'm looking to get some more, maybe 4 x 10 kg worth, which added to the current lot should mean that I can do shoulders and quite a bit of chest work at home. I'm feeling so tired that getting home from work and then leaving again to go to the gym just doesn't seem like a good idea. So, being able to get home and exercise there will save me time, and it won't feel like I'm missing out on an evening.

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I did exactly the same thing apart from it was my shoulder playing squash. Best part of 9 months I was out for. :(


Tendon injuries are serious.


Ah man, 9 months! That Sucks.


Bodies are tender things. If you're feeling uncomfortable in any way, it's best to just leave it and rest. You risk doing more bad than good. Just use that time to focus on something else instead. Do some other types of cardio or focus on the legs, or just rest altogether.


Yeah, if I feel anything at the gym tomorrow i'm just gonna have to keep blasting cardio till it gets better :(

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Ah man, 9 months! That Sucks.




Yeah, if I feel anything at the gym tomorrow i'm just gonna have to keep blasting cardio till it gets better :(


Yeah tell me about it man. For the first few weeks I couldn't use my arm. Raising it hurt like hell. One thing that really stands out was that I had to switch to my left arm to wipe my arse. Kinda weird switching haha.



The Doctor, naturally, was adamant there was nothing majorly wrong with it and a few weeks rest it would be fine.


At one point I lay on it funny and it felt like nerves were twisted and I literally couldn't move it at all!


I actually think I've done something to y wrist at the moment. I felt something twing during a tennis match two weeks ago and I can feel it now when I'm bench pressing and playing tennis. May need to give it a rest unfortunately.

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So, bought some extra weights yesterday (the 10kg plates, 4 of them) and used them yesterday with the bench and other stuff I already had. Love it. I basically have everything I need for shoulders, chest, biceps, and some triceps and back.


One thing I've noticed is that this bench is miles better than the ones that they have in my gym for decline presses. They have two different types of benches, but only the one type does decline, and it just doesn't feel that comfortable. They've got another decline bench with a rack attached, but sometimes the barbell is missing as somebody is using it for something else, or the whole thing is already in use.


Hoping that this will help. Particularly with next year, as I can imagine it being a busy year at school...

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I am becoming a running addict, and my 5K PB time is dropping pretty regularly. I'm now down to 24:13 which is good given that just prior to Christmas I was struggling to hit 30:00. I'm mixing up the runs too - doing interval, and hill running pretty regularly.

The uncoolest thing about all this happened just today. I go out running at lunchtime at work. There are a few others that also go out. I recently bought some nice new running shoes. One of the other guys bought the exact same pair - colour/everything. I was like "er ... do you not think that's a bit weird/creepy?" But he did not. I know it's not a big deal, but I put some effort into finding shoes that matched my foot type and that sort of jazz. He sees mine, then buys the exact same. Urgh.

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I've been hitting the weights again in recent months after many stop and starts due to judo injuries and motivation. Just trying to get stronger and add a little muscle without much fat.


Mostly deadlifting, front-squating and doing additional dumbell work. My deadlift is back up to 100kg for 3 reps, but I feel my grip is limiting me so I'm weighing up the pros and cons of using straps.

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I can't wait to get back into running when I'm well again. Couch to 5K was my life before the past two months happened. Loved doing it and I'd recommend it to anybody.


So it's my birthday on Sunday and I promised that I'd take a photo of myself on the day and show you what I looked like on the same day last year. I still remember saying that and I'm sticking to the promise. I'm going to wear the same thing I wore in the photo and just hope that I look different from how I used to. I think I have when I look in the mirror but I'm not sure whether it would be noticeable on screen.

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So today is Sunday which means it's my birthday and it also means I'm going to show you my photos. So here's what I looked like exactly a year ago today:




In this photo, I weighed in at 18st 10lb.



And here's what I look like now:



Now, I am 16st 7lb.



You probably can't really see a difference on photo but in real-life, you can. But yeah, over the course of a year, I've lost 2st and 3lb so I'm mega-proud of myself even if I didn't reach my target, I was close and I'm still going to continue losing weight! :D

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Well done mate. There's definitely a big difference!


Go taps aff for the next photo though, boxers all the way.


Ha! I couldn't do that just yet, need to lose a bit more weight first, lmao!


Thanks though, I couldn't really see a big difference in the photos but I could looking in the mirror. That shirt is seriously baggy on me now. Was quite surprised, really. Just goes to show that dedication and hard-work really does pay off! Now all I need to do is lose another stone, tone up and gain a bit of muscle and I'll be the black Johnny Bravo, getting all the hot sexy mamas with my studly bod! :awesome:


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Thanks Raining!


I have good news, people. I can now fit into a Large and look good...although I still buy XL, I'm into baggy clothing and baggy suits me more right now. Also, my waist is a 38/40 and it used to be 44 (I think) so things are definitely looking slim! :)

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I think baggy clothes make you look larger as it looks like you're trying to cover something up.


I love my tight fitting tshirts and polo shirts. I always I for the super slim fit shirts too.


I'm not so slim to be able to carry tight shirts off yet, I still have this annoying flab at the bottom that's hard to shift but when that's gone and I've toned up, I think I can rock it! I wear polo shirts in my normal size, I find them comfy as well.

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Normal endurance running is beyond boring for me now, I tend to do HIIT nowadays, I can achieve far better results in far less time and i'm now feeling like i'm challenging myself again.


If you like that, try the 10-20-30 training too. It's developed by a Danish professor (Bangsbo, maybe you've heard of him) and it goes like this:

- 10 seconds of sprinting, full speed

- 20 seconds of moderate jogging

- 30 seconds of walking (or slow jogging if you prefer)

Rinse and repeat for about ten minutes (or more if you feel like it). It gives great results but it's better when running with somebody that can push you in the sprinting. Also, it may be a bit hard keeping track of time but that's a minor issue.

Furthermore, Bangsbo also recommends this workout, called (selfishly) Bangsbo Intervals. Here you sprint 100 % for 30 seconds, put a mark about 10 m behind the point you got to after 30 seconds. Then you have 3 minutes to get back to the starting point and then do 30 seconds of sprinting again, reaching the mark you made. Then go back (without moving the mark), resting 3 minutes and then sprint again. Rinse and repeat for 8-10 rounds.


These two routines are great!

Edited by MindFreak
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If you like that, try the 10-20-30 training too. It's developed by a Danish professor (Bangsbo, maybe you've heard of him) and it goes like this:

- 10 seconds of sprinting, full speed

- 20 seconds of moderate jogging

- 30 seconds of walking (or slow jogging if you prefer)

Rinse and repeat for about ten minutes (or more if you feel like it). It gives great results but it's better when running with somebody that can push you in the sprinting. Also, it may be a bit hard keeping track of time but that's a minor issue.

Furthermore, Bangsbo also recommends this workout, called (selfishly) Bangsbo Intervals. Here you sprint 100 % for 30 seconds, put a mark about 10 m behind the point you got to after 30 seconds. Then you have 3 minutes to get back to the starting point and then do 30 seconds of sprinting again, reaching the mark you made. Then go back (without moving the mark), resting 3 minutes and then sprint again. Rinse and repeat for 8-10 rounds.


These two routines are great!


Yeah, i've heard of that one. my routine is a 5 minute warm up jog, followed by 6 cycles of springing for a 1 minute followed by jogging for 2 minutes. I then do a 5 minute cool down run after the final sprint. Very effective and only takes 25 minutes.

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