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Cloak and Dagger Mafia

The Peeps

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And no, it's not up to them. The persuading thing is flavour, in practice I essentially force someone to go for a different target. This should be the same with you, then, shouldn't it?

So you are, by all definition, a redirector, not a persuader, even though your flavour title says that.


My power differs greatly from yours. I send in a target, and they get a memo suggesting who is most beneficial to target. They can take my advice or ignore it. I don't choose who the recommendation recommends.

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So you are, by all definition, a redirector, not a persuader, even though your flavour title says that.


It's not the flavour title, my flavour title is "Enforcer". It's just that, when I receive the PM detailing what I did during that night, it varies on what it says. "Persuade" was used only once, but I've also got "talked into" and "convince".


What I was trying to say all this time is that my exact methods (the words I use, if I even use memos, etc.) aren't clear, and I only get a vague description like that. But functionally, I am a redirector, yes.

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So we've cleared that Eevil and Jonnas are happy with how each others powers work?


So what do we think of two protectors and two roleblockers?

Is it likely we could have two of either powers both as townies??


Would be good if rez would let us know noone other than me targetted him last night.

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Been through the thread, here are all my thoughts, along with a list of people's powers


Players (11):


Aqui1a - Protector. Very quiet. Barely said anything about what he has done.

DuD - Tracker

EEVILMURRAY - Redirector/Recommender

Tales - PM Swapper, one giant PM swapping night

uəʌəsʎɐɾ - Started off as target swapper SWAPPED WITH JIMBOB now a mirrorer/untargeteable tracker

Jimbob - started as mirrorer/untargetable tracker SWAPPED WITH JAY now a target swapper

Jonnas - Redirector/Enforcer

mr-paul - tracker. FOUND TO BE EVIL BY YVONNE, claimed to be unlynchable

Nintendohnut - Protector from negative effects

ReZourceman - Started as Info-gatherer (proven) SWAPPED WITH DIAGEO now an enhancer (quiet)

Rummy - Started as temporary power swapper SWAPPED WITH YVONNE now an investigator (alignment)


Dead (5):

Zell - Investigator? Making notes just before he died

Diageo - Started as Enhancer SWAPPED WITH REZ was an info-gatherer

Dannyboy-the-Dane - Power investigator

Yvonne - Started as Investigator SWAPPED WITH RUMMY died



My thoughts below:


- Yvonne found EEVILMURRAY and Rez as GOOD, mr-paul as EVIL.

- Rummy has since found JIMBOB to be EVIL


- The night Rummy targeted me (night 5?) PMs were swapped. He didn't get a PM to say what the results were. Jimbob tried to redirect me. I stop negative effects, so I STOPPED JIMBOB from redirecting me. Rummy got through, his PM went elsewhere. Like to have gone to a mafia member as they kept quiet about it.


- One of Rez, DuD, Aqui1a and Cube had a double-vote on day one. They all voted on day two to prove they didn't this means one of them has an OPTIONAL DOUBLE VOTE. Rez is cleared as good by Yvonne, Cube is dead (and as a neutral is unlikely to have a double vote) so it is DuD's or Aqui1a's


- I trust Rummy, his story adds up. He got Yvonne's power on the night before Yvonne was forced to accuse me. However, this doesn't clear him, but I do trust him for now.


- On the day everyone was voting for me and I nearly was lynched, I believe ReZourceman was likely being controlled. His post simply didn't seem right.


- The post-controller is unaccounted for, and with so many roles 'proven' in various ways, there are only a few people this could possibly be. On my list of potentials are Aqui1a and Tales - everyone else has been backed up I think


- My biggest suspects at the moment are:


mr-paul - he was found to be evil by Yvonne. He has a power that stops him being lynched.


Jimbob - Rummy found him to be evil. His original power is WAY too powerful, and has mafia written all over it. Untargetable tracker? Come on, that's so scummy it's unbelievable. Luckily this power was swapped with jay's.


Aqui1a - has been quiet for the whole game. Rarely says anything, when he does it's along the lines of 'I got no info'. Claims protector, but this has never been proven. Only time he claims to have been successful is when he saved Tales... which brings me on to...


Tales - Swaps PMs, massively confusing the town. No benefit whatsoever to the town, despite what he claims. Hasn't revealed anything else about his role, and was backed up by another suspicious person the night there was no kill.



If Aqui1a and Tales are in the mafia together, either the killer was redirected on the night of no kill (we need to look back at this and consult our redirectors) or the mafia decided not to kill that night, then planned for Aqui1a to claim he protected Tales (making them both look good)


I'm happy to vote for any one of them, but right now I think the best bet is either of the last two or Jimbob. I really think the last two are scummy, but to be honest if we lynch Jimbob we can verify Rummy and Yvonne's results, proving several people as good and mr-paul as evil, or the opposite. Jimbob is, I feel, the most 'useful' lynch we can make today.


I am aware that majority it dropping rather rapidly, and if I have missed someone and there are five mafia members, they may be very close to winning. However, better that we actually do something about this than sit around doing nothing.

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Night 2


Two agents stayed in his office all night, keeping watchful eyes on the door. Another Agent was surprised to be locked in his office as a result of his actions. Two Agents went home for the night.


One Agent guarded another from a number of visits. Another Agent once again swapped the room numbers of two offices around which fooled multiple other Agents.


Two Agents were locked in battle but resolved the matter by the end of the night.


Day 3 starts now


Majority is 8


This was night 2. This night I believe that someone redirected the mafia killer to one of his team mates, but one that perhaps couldn't be killed. Either that or something else simply stopped the killer from completing his task. The fact that the two agents being locked in battle came at the end of the write-up kind of suggests that this is where the kill would've taken place, had there been one.


Although I admit it does corroborate what you have said rather well. I just believe you're probably a mafia protector, rather than a townie protector.


@Aqui1a what have you done each night, please? Can you list your targets? Thanks :)


It would also make sense that Tales is the force-poster, as his only other known action was when he was seen 'in the Post Room' switching around everyone's PMs. When Yvonne was lynched the write-up mentioned messages and photographs of his family. Theoretically these would fit in with the role of someone who is at home in a Post Room.

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Nice post there Dohnut. I know you have highlighted many "truths" in it, and there are many things which are verified, but a lot of it we still have to take people's word. I still don't totally trust Eevil, parts of it do add up in some ways, but I do think it is one of the most wishywashy roles. But then you are right with Tales too - we know he can swap PMs, so would post manipulation fit with this as well?


I'm sorry to say I am not evil, I cannot explain Yvonne's investigation though, which is why I am slightly wary of following the results of Rummy. I do believe his roles, but we can't go fully on just an investigation, imo. Who knows whether Yvonne was being controlled longer than we think, or if there was any PM manipulation/mixing up. I haven't lied - I told you that I couldn't be lynched and the day would end, I wanted to carry on and find mafia, but the day ended with the lynchmob after me.


I don't think there would be 5 mafia in a game of 16 people. 3 or 4 at the most. We had a neutral in Cube, didn't we? There might still another neutral.


I didn't want to publicise it, but I do have a super-roleblock power, which will stop EVERYONE'S power for a night. If we mislynch again we will be getting dangerously close, and I will use it so we can go straight on to trying to lynch someone correctly.


So yeah, overall I am suspcious of Jimbob, Eevil and Tales the most, then Aqui1a and ReZ to an extent because of their inactivity.

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Lynching Jimbob would tell us a lot.


If he is mafia, we know that we can trust EEVILMURRAY and Rez, and that we should lynch mr-paul.


If he is town, we know not to trust Rummy's future results.



Either way, lynching Jimbob would be beneficial to the town.


@mr\-paul As for whether or not things are 'truths' there are only a few powers that are, as yet, unproven. Tales and Aqui1a jump straight to mind, but to a lesser extent there is also DuD and EEVIL. However, the latter of those two have had a power confirmed at some point in the game or been shown to be good under investigation. If we lynch Jimbob we can know for sure. I really do think Tales is scummy, but lynching Jimbob is the best lead we have at the moment I think


Change Vote(?): Jimbob

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Time to throw the final logs onto the fire


Looking back at previous messages, before Yvonne was lynched, they revealed certain members to be mafia and town. Nintendohnut has also apparantly revealed is alliance. So, i could reveal mine and it would favour either the mafia or town. Which will make one of the two options Nintendohnut put forward into effect, and probably totally annilate myself. What should i do people, this could either save or kill me.


Edit: Oh bugger it, it's been done by others. @Nintendohnut. Lynching me would not be beneficial, because i'm town like yourself. So i believe that option 2 (town) is in effect as of right now.


There it is out now, and if none of you believe me after that then await the results that the creator (Peeps) posts relating to my character once i've been lynch'd.

Edited by Jimbob
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Yeah... it was unlikely you were ever going to say you were mafia though, wasn't it?


I can 100% assure you i am not mafia in anyway. Not going to be funny, but Rummy's information is false. So i will be guessing you won't be following Rummys information in the future, unless i don't get lynched. My lynching will benefit the mafia, and town want the mafia lynched.

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jayseven (who I can't mention because of his silly name)


I knew it! That was his plan! :heh:


Right, I didn't answer your post because there wasn't much to be mentioned, aside from what I already said. So I will repeat myself:


I'm voting for Jimbob despite Rummy's investigations, which I don't fully trust yet. Similarly, I don't think mr-paul is evil, because he didn't send a target a few nights ago, something the mafia would never do.


So, (and this is technically new thoughts I didn't post before, but whatever) if this lead on Jimbob turns out to somehow be wrong, I think Rummy is the one we should go for. That's unlikely, but so is Jimbob turning out to be good.


Oh, and I think Tales is good, as he was the target for last night's kill. aqui1a says he was the one who protected Tales, but it is always possible he was the killer, but that theory creates new plotholes, and requires aqui1a to be one hell of a liar and a quickthinker, not to mention being in cahoots with the real protector. Really farfetched, so I think both are good.

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Why would I protect Dannyboy on night two from being killed by my own mafia?


That's the point. You say you were going to innocently protect Dannyboy before you were redirected (checking my previous PMs, that was me who did the redirection), which is an easy thing to say. You could've easily been protecting a mafia buddy, instead of what you say.

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I'm talking about the second night. I successfully protected Dannyboy on the second night.. why else would I do that? :|


I don't like the way you're trying to direct attention towards me, when I've clearly given all of the information asked for, and protected people from the mafia. Makes me a little suspicious of you if I'm honest :)


Did you just say you redirected me away from Dannyboy on the fourth night? lol :hmm:

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It would also make sense that Tales is the force-poster, as his only other known action was when he was seen 'in the Post Room' switching around everyone's PMs. When Yvonne was lynched the write-up mentioned messages and photographs of his family. Theoretically these would fit in with the role of someone who is at home in a Post Room.


The post room thing is just flavour. I'm nowhere near any post room.


My only role in this game, as a townie, is to be as much pain as possible to all sides. (bolding in case some jumpy people think it means just town)


I can either randomize someone's target(s) or send their result to some on random(not me)(I assume it's depending on their role), or I can make my target recieve wrong information in whatever pms they would have otherwise recieved. The last one was to randomize all pms so they are sent to the wrong people. That was a one time only use. As for the first power, when I use it I get told I purposefully ran into the person. Then I help him up and shove him in a random direction(I assumed it wouldn't include me or the initial person but it seems the latter is wrong). I have only used that one besides the one time I used the third. Eddiecoleslaw used power nr 2 on the first night. I several times stated how my third power could be incredibly useful if luck were on our side(mafia's pm sent to a townie) although that has seemed to be ignored for some reason. The first one is the same, potentially very useful.


Also, all information recieved about me will be incorrect. Although with what some has said earlier I'm not sure what information it refers to. Like alignment or if power against me succeeded. I don't remember now but it was something with Jonnas two nights ago that made me unsure.


I'm surprised mr-paul has not been lynched yet so mr-paul. But I'm leaning towards Nintendohnut for only assuming bad things about the pm swap. It sounds like a mafia attempting to go for the easy kill. I think the advantages was plain obvious. Change vote: Nintendohnut.


@DuD : Rummy claimed to have switched mine and Yvonne's power. Because my power never changed he would be told that he succeeded when he really didn't. I'm unsure if he would have recieved incorrect information about Yvonne too. Assuming he did switch Yvonne's power, it wasn't with me and Yvonne wouldn't have been able to investigate. This was said assuming Yvonne was mafia though so it's not very relevant except for the mafia who want me gone or less bright townies.

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