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I'm sick and bored please HELP!


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So since I got back to work for the new school year I have had a cold but my usual fuck it I'll get through attitude has prevailed! Until yesterday where I was just devoid of any energy...I went to the doctors and turns out I have both a throat and chest infection :(


So I'm stuck at home bored out of my mind and need something to do, recommend me some websites to visit some funny videos to watch anything!


At this point I'd like to thank Rez for recommending Breaking Bad ages ago as it's keeping me going marathoning that brilliant show.

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Call yourself a gamer?? :D Surely you must have some RPGs to sink your teeth into. Deus Ex 3 and Xenoblade will absorb hours.


I have been playing some Infamous 2 actually. Just looking through my backlog the only "RPGs" I have in are dragon age origins and okami, not strictly RPGs in case of okami more actiona adventure. do have Star Ocean First Depature on PSP thats been waiting to be started for years.

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the horrors of /b/ are just too depressing these days, so I go to Reddit a few times a day for a dose of time-passing humour, .gifs and interesting things to read. Yesterday Bear Grylls was on there doing youtube responsise for an AMA (Ask Me Anything), a 4chan mod did one too, which led to me perusing moot's old AMA, loading up his transcript when he stood at trial for a witness (having to explain to the jury terms like "oldfag" :P), visiting the 4chan archive. Reddit has a good mix of image- and text-based stuff which is perfect for the adhd-riddled internet user of today.


I also have taken to having a puzzle book nearby, and tend to do a crossword/whatever when adverts are on telly.


When you're in that mood where you actually have books to read, games to play, tv to watch, yet too bored to invest in any fully, I do find the above helps.

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Also I find a combination of Football Manager, Facebook Chat, general browsing whilst is fantastic! What's even better is if you have 2 monitors so FM can be on one so you can still see it whilst doing other stuff! On my iMac the screen is big enough so I can have FM in windowed mode and have space for other things too. Think I'm going to invest in a new monitor come Modern Warfare 3 so I can move the Xbox to my room so I don't have to wait around for the TV to free up all the time.

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My favourite webcomics:













Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation reviews:



Web articles:







Dino Run

Achievement Unlocked

Upgrade Complete

Alien Hominid

Me and the Key

This Is The Only Level


I have a lot more sites which are fashion and beauty related, but I doubt they'd garner much interest here so I omit them. You should maybe not spend all your time in front of the computer, too... Get well soon :)

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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