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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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@BDFF_OFFICIAL (Official Twitter account):

"久しぶりにTwitterにアクセスしました。外国の方の声、ちゃんと届いてますよ! I accessed Twitter after a long absence. A voice of the foreign one arrives properly! ※翻訳ソフトを使用してます"


@Cheesemeister3k Reply:

".@BDFF_OFFICIAL "We hear you, foreigners!" re: requests for localization. #BravelyDefault #3DS"



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I always expected that Bravely Default would get localised. Considering its been heavily hinted at that it will get a sequel they probably want to build up a fan base. Plus most of their recent big title games have been localised, Type 0 is the odd one out but that's because the PSP was basically dead by the time it released.


But then Lighting Returns exists and Versus has been in development for 6 years so I wouldn't be surprised if Square Enix defied all logic.

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Figured I'd provide a better translation of that last tweet, mainly because I'm bored and they used a translator which doesn't really give the full picture


There are a lot of comments coming from overseas! We'll be working hard so that we can give every one the ability to play!


Practically a confirmation in my eyes. The fact they're addressing overseas audiences is a good sign, but they are using potential form which I imagine covers their asses if it doesn't happen.

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They'd basically be trolling all the international fans who want the game if they don't announce a localisation after this. Why would they start being active on the Twitter account again for? Unless the Japanese version is getting an update/DLC/sequel. But then there's also the fact that they are posting in English.


Imagine the backlash if it doesn't turn out to be a localisation. :laughing:

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I'm sure they pulled that sort of shit with FF-Type-o

but the psp died outside of Japan by that point so that made more sense to not bother, this however is coming as the 3DS is going from strength to strength


Hence why I mentioned there's very different circumstances comparing both games.


I'm pretty sure it'll come out here, but it wouldn't surprise me if they cut some corners with the voice acting. I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of it entirely or trimmed it down to cut scenes and battles. There is a lot of voice acting in this game.

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Japanese voice acting with English subtitles would do me just fine! :)


I'd actually be willing to buy it again if that was the case. The vocabulary in this game is far more complex than my current understanding of the language and quite a bit gets lost, thanks to the fact I don't have an electronic dictionary to write all the kanji as I read it. I understand the core basics of the story and it's kind of intriguing, you start getting any idea of where the game is heading very early on but so many spanners get thrown into the works.


Have my favourite battle theme thus far as hype material


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I'd actually be willing to buy it again if that was the case. The vocabulary in this game is far more complex than my current understanding of the language and quite a bit gets lost, thanks to the fact I don't have an electronic dictionary to write all the kanji as I read it. I understand the core basics of the story and it's kind of intriguing, you start getting any idea of where the game is heading very early on but so many spanners get thrown into the works.


Sounds like me going through 大神伝 although I do use my 電子辞書 occasionaly. Trust me though, going through a game where you need to use that thing for every sentence gets old pretty quickly, so I only use it when I absolutely want to know what's going on or if I'm just in the mood for some translating.


The most important bits are covered in the cutscenes anyway, and the subtitles just fly by during those sections, so I try to recognize certain Kanji really fast and look at what's going on on screen (which conveys the message pretty well given that it is Okamiden :laughing:)


I, too, only half understand what's going on, but どんどんわかるようになっています。

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aaaand after a long break, I finally picked up where I left off on Bravely Saturday night (Lunch time for you guys) and just finished the true ending half an hour ago (2am Tuesday for you guys). Doesn't sound so impressive, but considering I left it at the 49 hour mark, and the save just after the credits has me at the 86 hour mark, I think I may need a new hobby!


But final thoughts on the game: Absolutely fantastic. If you like your classic RPG's or don't mind turn based battles/random encounters, you'll love it and the story will keep dragging you in. Heck, I only got the main gist of the story from my Japanese skills, but there is a little 'textbook' in the game that burrows very deep into the background of the history, characters and terminology and a lot of the articles are incredibly text heavy.


Job system is pretty much your standard Final Fantasy affair, and the only shake up to the battle system is the 'Brave' and 'Default' commands which does add a bit more strategy to battles.


What I loved most: Music and Story. Pretty much one of my favourite soundtracks (alongside Eternal Sonata), will most likely be buying it before I return to the UK and maybe even be seeing it performed live in July. Every one of the playable characters has equal share of the lime light, something I've always found RPG's to be lacking, and the story all comes together neatly with quite a few twists in the works and most notably, a very big hint at the end of a sequel.


What I hated most: The gameplay of the second half. There was no problem with the game or the story at any point during this time, but I'm a completionist and there's something specifically about this complaint that I can't elaborate on because it would be very spoilery. One thing is certain though, once it gets localised and you guys are playing it, if you're a completionist like me you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.


Last words? I'm buying this game when it's localised. Whether I'll buy it at launch or later on as it gets cheaper will depend on money, but there is far too much text without reading assistance in the "D Textbook" that I can't be bothered to go through and translate for myself to fully comprehend the story and not having an electronic dictionary doesn't help either.

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Was planned for localisation at least. With the recent change of guard at the top of S-E and layoffs at S-E LA, I would've been a bit more cautious than Siliconera regarding celebrations...


Though mind you though, one other guy on GAF was saying how Nintendo were involved in getting the game localised and released in Europe at the least (which seems plausible, given Iwata's new initiative in getting JPN 3DS games released in the west) and that probably wouldn't be affected by a change in CEO, as it would probably be risk free for S-E, so...

Edited by Dcubed
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