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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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I've been doing very similar with Vampire as a secondary ability on some characters, times 4 brave and firestorm and you blitz through the undead, allowing you to farm exp/jp or gold if you switch eggs! i think i've master all jobs now across my 4 characters.


I do however feel that chapter 6 is reduindant so far, or atleast the repetition part is done too much, its effectively light on story and just free jp/exp,

It should be one chapter shorter and a little more condensed on the story, its certainly made this bit a chore to complete

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Managed it nicely. Although slightly pissed myself off that since I made Agnés a Ninja I had to make her second ability White Magic since she's normally been my healer. Normally her second ability is Freelancer so I can use the ability to see how much HP the enemy has, so I was flying blind. BUT! fisted him after some time and now redoing the Asterisk people just for fun. Tiz has mastered his Black Mage, Edea her Valkyrie so I've been giving them new jobs just for fun to see what I can build up. Although I'm not sure what to go with next, been flitting through.


I kinda called it from the off. Based on the voice actor.


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You don't have to level Ninja very far to learn Utsusemi.


Anyone who just hit Chapter 5 and has the airship can find a pretty easy levelling spot outside Starkfort. All the enemies are undead, so you can make one character a spritmaster with white magic secondary ability to easily heal the enemies to kill them off in one go.


It gets even more efficient as you go, too - the Spiritmaster's 'Holy One' (2 slots) passive ability makes healing magic do 2.5 times damage, while the white mage ability 'Epic Group Cast' (3 slots) lets you group target all enemies with healing magic. As well as learning higher level white magic as you go. Speed up battles to 4X and you're looking at about 20 mins to master a job on a character when you have a growth egg on (but you're levelling multiple characters at once).


That area's great for money. With More Money/Golden Egg and a Thief with the ability to steal off everyone and get 2x items. Some battles you end up with 8x Ancient Bows (6,000 a piece!), Dark Shields and Tridents. Quick easy battles too, Thief does the 2x steal on everything twice, then my BM/Summoner casts 2 strong fires spells and the battle is over. Auto.

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As I mentioned last night on MH3U I too will definitely be waiting until Christmas Day to play this sure to be amazing title. :D


I stuck with the deluxe edition in the end too so it's currently sitting on display sealed, begging to be carefully unpacked and played but I must be strong...




...I must be brave! :p For December 25th is now my default day to enjoy. :cool:


Well it turns out that in the end I kept my copy sealed, it stayed that way for well over a month... I couldn't bring myself to open it in the end :sad: so I decided to sell it instead; fortunately I got a message from the buyer who was very happy to receive it - the Deluxe Edition sold to a nice young woman who I assume has a decent amount of interest in Nintendo - so I am glad that it has gone to a good home. :D


I also mentioned N-Europe being that we have a fantastic thread for the game and a good community so if we have any new female forum members who are fanatical/interested in Bravely Default then chances are you know who to thank/blame. :p


In all seriousness though I really wanted to get into this game as it sounds fantastic, so I have now bought a standalone copy which should be with me by Monday hopefully with the intention of actually playing it soon. :grin:


Regarding the demo, is it worth playing it through to the end? Or should I just abandon that and get straight into the game when it arrives? If it's worthwhile then I'll invest some time in the demo over the weekend at least. : peace:

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Not played demo, but I'd just get straight into thew game. I myself am going so slow time has nearly stopped. I have issues, it takes will to want to concentrate on anything, but that has nothing to dow tim the game.


I do think this game is very slow-paced in parts though. It took me a week to do Chapter 3 and it's taken me a week just to do the Vampire sidequest in Chapter 4. It's hard to understand the reasoning behind some of the difficulty spikes. Now I'm back onto the main storyline, it feels fast-paced and smooth-flowing again; the Vampire sidequest made me far stronger than I needed to be at this point.

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Well, I only started the Vampire Castle story Chapter 5+, and since starting I've done the first "you know what" again (spoilers), all 6 dragons, another boss battle, 2 nemeses and am at the top of Vampire Castle(nice items on the way up). He's got 200,000 HP and every 3-4 turns does a double combo of some sort of elemental blast+bone crusher. I can block the elemental attack using Enigma, but the bone crusher always gets me. I hear you can use Rampart to block the physical, but that's going top require me to level up Knight on my fastest player and use it as a sub, otherwise I'll have to waste my primo physical attacker on using Rampart. That'll only leave two attackers though, so this could take a while. Those attacks can pretty much one-shot on their own on Hard, and I'm not doing any more levelling or switching difficulties, so this will have to do! Wish me luck.


Something weird happened when fighting the dragons. My healer Spiritmaster/White Mage always had the dragon trying to status effect her. They ALWAYS targeted her. I had the Red Mage ability that restores 2BP when hit with a status effect on her (whether it takes effect or not) and using that SacrificeMP move to give 2 extra BPs meant I was essentially fully Enigma Elemental block and Curaga nearly every turn. I was unkillable.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Well, I only started the Vampire Castle story Chapter 5+, and since starting I've done the first "you know what" again (spoilers), all 6 dragons, another boss battle, 2 nemeses and am at the top of Vampire Castle(nice items on the way up). He's got 200,000 HP and every 3-4 turns does a double combo of some sort of elemental blast+bone crusher. I can block the elemental attack using Enigma, but the bone crusher always gets me. I hear you can use Rampart to block the physical, but that's going top require me to level up Knight on my fastest player and use it as a sub, otherwise I'll have to waste my primo physical attacker on using Rampart. That'll only leave two attackers though, so this could take a while. Those attacks can pretty much one-shot on their own on Hard, and I'm not doing any more levelling or switching difficulties, so this will have to do! Wish me luck.


The way I did it was to make a Ninja and have Transience (Ninja), Counter Amp (Swordmaster) and Turn Tables (Red Mage) as their passive abilities. During battle, cast Utsusemi, which will block any physical attacks. If any of your party has low HP, he will not use elemental attacks.


Your best attacks will be counter attacks, but when that's not possible, just use normal ones (assuming they still have the Utsusemi buff). It takes a long time and I didn't want to do it that way, but I got impatient.


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The way I did it was to make a Ninja and have Transience (Ninja), Counter Amp (Swordmaster) and Turn Tables (Red Mage) as their passive abilities. During battle, cast Utsusemi, which will block any physical attacks. If any of your party has low HP, he will not use elemental attacks.


Your best attacks will be counter attacks, but when that's not possible, just use normal ones (assuming they still have the Utsusemi buff). It takes a long time and I didn't want to do it that way, but I got impatient.


I wouldn't worry, the game seems to leave you little choice but to spam physical attack block/evade moves to beat this on hard. If the Rampart doesn't work I shall use this! Thank you.


Outside the Eternian town...man every enemy nearly has Turbo Ether steals. Last week I stocked up on nearly a 100.

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You can fight the dragons again as well? Shit, missed that trick.


I've turned the encounter rate off for this portion of the game. It'll probably bite me in the arse but I'm only fapping around for JP.


No one else see the title remix?


No idea if you can fight the dragons again, it's just I never fought them until Chapter 5. Still on CH5, so no idea about the title remix.


I don't usually turn encounters off until I faced all enemies in an area for my Bestiary.


I did DeRosso easily with Utsusemi/Rampart. Never bothered with Enigma. Turns out this was totally my fault as I was doing it 4x Brave at a time again. One turn at a time made it ridiculously easy. He randomly did Bone Crusher TWICE in a row, I blocked one and for some reason everyone just evaded the second (shrugs), which was the only "awww hell naw!" moment.


Deciding what to do next. Do all the boss side-quests/genomes/job-ups or just get on with the story. Doing all this stuff instead of continuing the story has killed my enthusiasm, so i may just get back to the story. All these boss-redos are available until end-game, I assume?

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Has anyone managed to not get bored the *fifth* time around?


I thought four times was enough, but now I'm just considering going straight for the Crystals and fuck the other bosses, I've got my team/job/items/shit now. It's taking the piss.


The first time I played I got extremely bored. So many wasted opportunities with the story line, it is easily the biggest fault with the game.


Second time through(For The Sequel) wasn't too bad to be honest. They streamlined the shit out of it. If you think it's bad enough as it is, the original Japanese version had it far worse. Chapter 7 and 8 were really enjoyable this time through, they were the same as 5 and 6 originally.

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How was it more enjoyable the second time around? I'm just starting Chapter 8 now. 7 had a bit more flavour to the story with the grouped characters where as the two "worlds" (after the original) were just the same thing. At least I managed to get so pimped I took on DeRosso with my original team instead of making them all Ninjas.

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...and now the story is spoiled. Thank you. Still on Chapter 5 and that pretty much spoils what will happen next.

Trust me. This spoils nothing of the story worth noting.


It's like knowing what happens to Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

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Shite. Think I need some help now chaps...


bosses. Or is it four? The set which has the fire mage in it. I get made weak to fire and two Fira's later I'm dead... Shit's gonna get added on quicker than I can dispel it. And since it's mainly a magical assault I won't be able to Ninja it.


Current squad:

Tiz: Arcanist with Black Magic

Agnés: Spiritmaster with White Magic

Ringabel: Monk with Freelancer (mainly to examine lé foes)

Edea: Valkyrie with forgotten support


All abilitied up to the max


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Shite. Think I need some help now chaps...


bosses. Or is it four? The set which has the fire mage in it. I get made weak to fire and two Fira's later I'm dead... Shit's gonna get added on quicker than I can dispel it. And since it's mainly a magical assault I won't be able to Ninja it.


Current squad:

Tiz: Arcanist with Black Magic

Agnés: Spiritmaster with White Magic

Ringabel: Monk with Freelancer (mainly to examine lé foes)

Edea: Valkyrie with forgotten support


All abilitied up to the max


Any reason why you can't keep up a constant Enigma (nullifies all elements)? If you have a Performer with My Hero (I use Tiz for this), you can Mimic that and keep everyone's BP high enough to always keep up moves like Enigma.


I also think you could have Ringabel as a more aggressive attacker, but that's another matter. I'm hearing Ninja is the best class, with Ranger as support, and Katana Lore from Swordmaster. That way you have a dual-wielding katana user.




Anyway, a small update from me. I've sent everyone a 9999 attack "Maximum Draw", so hopefully that'll be useful.


Also, I have now maxed-out every character with every job, so some of you might like to Abilink with me if you still need any abilities (I'd also like to thank @Sheikah - he's been very good to Abilink with). One of the Conjurer's skills, Obliterate, makes levelling-up the jobs very, very fast.

Edited by Grazza
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