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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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A word on job levelling, I wouldn't bother doing it for most jobs for each character early game, later on you'll get far more JP as well as an accessory that can double EXP and JP. I can basically get any job from 1 to 14 in maybe half an hour.


is that in reference to my post?

I'm not doing every job with every character, just key ones with each character about lvl 9 or 10

Edea has Valkyrie, Knight, Swordmaster and Ninja

Ringabell has Monk, Thief, Red Mage, Free Lancer and pirate

Agnes has White Mage, Black Mage,Red Mage and Summoner

Tiz has Black Mage, Red Mage, Time Mage, Merchant and Sword Mage


Even then i feel i've wasted time on some roles, Time mage is pointless as is/was Thief as theres virtually nothing of note worth stealing, and Swordmaster feels a bit lack luster, thers only one good move and its only useful for bosses/hlvl single enemies

And i've not even bothered with Pharmacist, it just seems the most pointless class

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Time Mage is worth maxing for hasten world, it really makes life easier.


Thief is good to max for stealing and 4 x 9999 with Godspeed Strike as is Ninja for Dual Wield. Spiritmaster is top for safety buffs as is Performer to always stay in positive BP. Freelancer is brill for nearly everyone for Mimic and Dark Knight's rage is ridiculously good for damage dealing (combine with Spell Fencer's drain on your weapon to heal as you hit too). Vampire and Swordmaster aren't too shabby either.

Edited by Sheikah
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Did anyone else get annoyed with the anarchist and spellcaster jobs? both jobs describe being the best black/white magic user....but then can't use them unless you add it as a second ability......





and side quest 12 just opened up...

god lord those dragons are hard! i'm lvl 60 and they are kicking my ass!



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Thanks for the tip it worked! Although I wish I'd not bothered the castle is ten times worse! Lol


Haha yeah, another tip for that - turn off random battles and use 4 ninjas again to take out the boss on the top floor.


A lot of story to be found in there as well as good loot and and a job class. ;)

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If any one wants a truly fearsome set up that basically fought ever boss on auto (except for 2), check the spoiler out for what I use.


Have 3 members with these abilities:

Superstar's Buff Up

Valkyrie's Sky High


And one other member with

Valkyrie's Sky High

Time Mage's Hasten World


Choose Super Jump for every character once you get the choice, press Y, battle practically done except for Belphegor And Ba'al I


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just started playing this. I knew from the moment it was announced I wanted to buy it, and indeed bought it at release, it's just that I've been too busy to start it before now.


Well... it's fantastic! Bravely Default is like a love letter to classic Final Fantasy, especially FF III (which is a particular favourite of mine), somehow managing to get that feel just right. Once upon a time I might have been overwhelmed by the amount of options, but it is all explained well in the tutorials. Truth be told, the game gives you subtle nudges as to which decisions to make. Nonetheless, the choices are still yours.

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I finally started to play this properly yesterday. I started it before Christmas but only played for an hour or so. I fired it up yesterday and started it from scratch.


Absolutely loving it! It has a familiar feeling to old school Square RPGs but at the same time everything feels really fresh and new.


The levelling up system is fantastic. Those of you who know me well enough know that I actually enjoy grinding in these games and the way it's setup on here is pure genius.


Yesterday I was sat watching the footy, all the while I was walking around with 100% encounter rate on and automatic battles at full speed. I went up a crazy amount of levels and got some nice cash as well.


Given that I have been grinding I think I'm over powered a little. I have just reached the Wind Temple and my team are all level 22. :D


At the moment I'm rocking a team of a Monk ( Tiz ), Thief ( Ringabel ), White Mage ( Agnes ) and Black Mage ( Edea). The balance of power and magic, with some healing on the side, has worked well so far.


The characters themselves are awesome, with the banter between them being quite funny. Ringabel and his womanizing ways, mixed with Edea's feisty attitude are especially great.


I'm also enjoying the rebuilding of the town mini game. I got some great armour and weaponry off it and have now started focusing on the accessory shop as I found out that's where the Growth Egg and a Golden Egg are obtained.


So, yeah, amazing game so far and I'm still only on chapter 1!

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Feel really bad having to refight and then KILL all the bosses? sure they are commuting atrocities, but by the end of chapter 4 you know their intentions were pure and the crystal orthodoxy was effectively a corrupt institution as it was, so to kill them seems really unfair, surely beating them and leaving them unconscious would be preferable given what the party now know...its like they've forgotten....

Unless later chapters reveal some further twists making them seem evil? but considering how this is going i'm guessing the crystals themselves aren't all that good, or certainly have been corrupt themselves for so very long


Jobs etc wise, i've mastered a few jobs for each character now and am working towards mastering the others with useful support abilites

regarding said bosses i've found Tiz as a black mage, with anarchist support ability is working amazing, poison the boss, spam extermination and its doing 6000k damage per hit, so when you've got plus 3 brave you can decimate a boss in a short time



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Chapter 5 onwards made me dislike this game a bit. It was so very very cheap. In some ways I can't believe they did it.


I completed the game a couple of weeks back, the job system is brilliant and it looked pretty nice. There really needs to be some improvements in the sequel though:


- Screw the crystals (I know this won't happen). They're inanimate and boring plot devices.

- Sort out the towns. There is what - an inn, a weapon shop, a spell shop, an item shop - all of these you can't enter most of the time. I'd like to see towns like in the PS1 Final Fantasy games, where at least 75% of the buildings you can usually enter

- No repetition

- The quest system could be made to have more of a purpose than just teach you things.

- They could have fleshed out the characters a bit more. They weren't too underdeveloped but they still didn't feel as cool as old school FF characters.


It did do some great things though. Adjustable random battles, call airship from map, Abilink, fast forwarding battles.

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At the moment I'm rocking a team of a Monk ( Tiz ), Thief ( Ringabel ), White Mage ( Agnes ) and Black Mage ( Edea). The balance of power and magic, with some healing on the side, has worked well so far.


Hmm, I have missed the Thief job, and I'm at almost exactly the same place as you. I am using Martial Artist (Tiz), White Mage (Agnes), Knight (Ringabel) and Black Mage (Edea) - all of which I felt the game was suggesting, so I just went with it. :heh:


- Sort out the towns. There is what - an inn, a weapon shop, a spell shop, an item shop - all of these you can't enter most of the time. I'd like to see towns like in the PS1 Final Fantasy games, where at least 75% of the buildings you can usually enter


I'm still waiting for another "real-scale" RPG like Dragon Quest VIII where the towns are modelled the same as the overworld and, indeed, you can go through all the doors and into all the buildings. So many RPGs are like this, where the town is really just a false background.


Also, I know I keep saying this about 3DS games, but the art style really seems like it's been designed for a higher resolution than the 3DS can offer. The areas have been designed as artwork first and foremost (and very nice artwork too), but seeing some of the scenes zoomed out is just crazy compared to what the 3DS can display.

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Chapter 5 onwards made me dislike this game a bit. It was so very very cheap. In some ways I can't believe they did it.


This is what I warned in this thread during my original playthrough last January, it's very dry. It makes sense given the plot, but they just didn't justify it enough.


Just be grateful they changed chapters 7 and 8 and all of the streamlining they did, it took me over 80 fucking hours to complete it.


Obviously, from chapter 5, you can start to disobey Aery and break the crystals. However, doing so will enter a continuity error. You'll arrive at chapter 9, the normal ending, and Ringabell will somehow have all of his memories returned to him, despite the fact he shouldn't have fully regained them at that time. I was hoping this would be corrected and we would get a new alternative ending for the new version, but we didn't.


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Hmm, I have missed the Thief job, and I'm at almost exactly the same place as you. I am using Martial Artist (Tiz), White Mage (Agnes), Knight (Ringabel) and Black Mage (Edea) - all of which I felt the game was suggesting, so I just went with it. :heh:


It does seem to suggest that. Moment Chapter 3 (My Norende rebuilt...) Main job then support; Agnes = Red Mage/Freelancer, Tiz = Valkyrie/Sword Mage, Edea = Black Mage/Summoner, Ringabel = Thief/Ranger.


If you go look at base stats you'll see that Tiz is set-up for "anything" average/Mario stats. Edea is set up for brute strength classes. Agnes has the best INT/MIND so is best for both attack and curative spells. Ringabel is set up for speed making jobs with speed based attacks and going first better etc.


OF COURSE it's not really that much of a points difference, more a tiny little boost that is easily augmented past by any character with the right equipment.


I'd been having Agnes as pure White Mage for my healer with support Black Mage, and switched to Red Mage after I realised her MIND seems to be almost as good (like barely a few points lower) as White Mage, but allowing a significantly higher magic attack incase she needs to use attack spells. It almost makes White Mage seem pointless except for level 5+ spells (which I've no idea if they're any good yet, not being that far. And even then it may be wise to level White Mage to max and still keep her Red with White backup just to keep almost as good MIND with pretty good INT. Unless I have my math wrong).

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@Grazza The thief job is part of the first side-quest.


Thanks. Got that and Merchant now.


I loved how the bodyguard abandoned both of them! A simple but effective way of demonstrating the effects of only caring about money!



If you go look at base stats you'll see that Tiz is set-up for "anything" average/Mario stats. Edea is set up for brute strength classes. Agnes has the best INT/MIND so is best for both attack and curative spells. Ringabel is set up for speed making jobs with speed based attacks and going first better etc.


Very interesting, thanks, and has made me think of the characters differently.

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A question to those who have completed the game. What is the max level for all the shops in the town you are rebuilding?


I managed to get the accessory shop to level 10 and went to buy the growth and golden eggs only to see they cost a fortune! At least they are there to buy when the time comes.


I'm level 30 and just reached that flower city on chapter 2. Ringabel's reaction to all the women has been hilarious.


I was listening to NintendoWorldReport podcast this morning and they were saying that they think that the game doesn't do a good job at showing you what does what and battles are slow. This was their thoughts on the demo as they still haven't got the full game over in the US.


I think the main game done a great job if showing you what's what and the battles can be sped up to your liking. Were these tutorials and features not on the demo?

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I was listening to NintendoWorldReport podcast this morning and they were saying that they think that the game doesn't do a good job at showing you what does what and battles are slow. This was their thoughts on the demo as they still haven't got the full game over in the US.


I think the main game done a great job if showing you what's what and the battles can be sped up to your liking. Were these tutorials and features not on the demo?


I think it does quite a good job, it's just that there's so much to learn. Personally, I still haven't used Summon, Abilink or Special, because I'm not sure which ones are part of the intended experience, and which are "cheats" for newer players. I'm very much in favour of features like this for less experienced players, I just need to take time to work out which is which.


It's like being able to set the encounter rate to zero. It's great for running back to town when you've run out of MP, but I'm not sure if I should really just be using a potion!


Anyway, I'm still loving this game. Got the Time Mage and Sword Fencer jobs. Very tempted to make Edea a Spell Fencer, as it seems to suit her, but I'm reluctant for her to abandon the Black Mage class. Still haven't found a class I really love for Tiz. Thief seems to work best at the moment, which surprisingly makes him more powerful than he is as a Monk.

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I think it does quite a good job, it's just that there's so much to learn. Personally, I still haven't used Summon, Abilink or Special, because I'm not sure which ones are part of the intended experience, and which are "cheats" for newer players. I'm very much in favour of features like this for less experienced players, I just need to take time to work out which is which.


It's like being able to set the encounter rate to zero. It's great for running back to town when you've run out of MP, but I'm not sure if I should really just be using a potion!


Anyway, I'm still loving this game. Got the Time Mage and Sword Fencer jobs. Very tempted to make Edea a Sword Fencer, as it seems to suit her, but I'm reluctant for her to abandon the Black Mage class. Still haven't found a class I really love for Tiz. Thief seems to work best at the moment, which surprisingly makes him more powerful than he is as a Monk.


Summon (not to be confused with the actual summon skill) and Abilink are the cheats. Special is just basically special moves (like Limit Breaks from FF7), except you get to augment them and even name your own. Renamed most of mine and my characters say new stuff. You get parts from the shops you upgrade in Norende.


Just made Agnes a Salve-Maker. It's main skill is insane, double healing whether it be magic or item usage. It makes White Mage essentially useless (MIND may be higher on WM, but the double healing makes it irrelevant). It's even S with staff so you've got super healing specials, too. A potion and phoenix down nets you a 5000HP raise. It's just overkill. Then you've got super magic attack skills easy to combine that I assume will do mad damage, though obviously these items are harder to come by.


I think the game intends you to keep switching to next jobs that you get, them sort of being upgrades to previous jobs rather the jobs being anywhere equal in power/range etc.


I have to admit I haven't really used the Summoner, and there doesn't really seem to be many. I did go visit Susano-O and got trashed. Guess I got to prepare to survive THAT one. (You know the owl men you sometimes meet? After you get the Summoner ability, go visit them...save first though).


Still only on chapter 3 as I'm taking it REALLY slow. Just spent ages reading almost everything in D's Journal. It certainly sheds light on a lot of things, doesn't it? Can't believe I didn't even know the name of the world until today. The journal seems to be an essential part of the plot as far as I can tell (no spoilers please!) I had suspicions earlier with a certain scene, then in chapter 3 another scene basically made my mind say "READ THE BLOODY THING NOW!!"

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I think the game intends you to keep switching to next jobs that you get, them sort of being upgrades to previous jobs rather the jobs being anywhere equal in power/range etc.


That's just what I was thinking. The jobs become so time-consuming to master, it feels like the game wants you to just get the first few levels of each one. I've also started to just use the character suggested in the "demo" video for each job.

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That's just what I was thinking. The jobs become so time-consuming to master, it feels like the game wants you to just get the first few levels of each one. I've also started to just use the character suggested in the "demo" video for each job.


I've stuck with Monk, White Mage, Black Mage and Thief. They are all at level 9 now so ill probably just stick with them until they are maxed out. I haven't struggled yet with this setup due to me over levelling and just tanking my way through the boss fights.


Just acquired the Summoner job. Beat the boss in 5 rounds. :D To be fair it was a mistake as I defaulted my first 3 goes, unleashed hell on the 4th and then hit Auto by accident which made me unleash again but put me in negative 2 moves. Luckily the boss died during this second onslaught. :)

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