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Fire Emblem Awakening


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Nice to hear that :)


Hmmm, tough question. First Fire Emblem game? I would say play in normal/newcomer, but since you're good at strategy games then I say go for the hard/classic. Like I said before it starts off challenging at the beginning but you'll find it more manageable the further you progress through the game. "Classic" mode means that when one of your characters dies, that's it for them. Permanent death (Permadeath). Also I think playing in hard/classic would scratch your strategy needs a lot better.


How do you feel about the whole 'Permadeath' feature anyway?

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How do you feel about the whole 'Permadeath' feature anyway?


It's an amazing feature. It makes every decision you make so much more important. Like in a game of chess.


Like I said before it starts off challenging at the beginning but you'll find it more manageable the further you progress through the game.


Sounds good.

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Whoop whoop, going to start this beast of a game in a couple of hours.


Any advice on which difficulty I should play it?


I found it much more enjoyable on Normal/Newcomer. Avoids a huge amount of frustration.

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Really love this game, put 30 hours in an on chapter 16; how far through am I? Percentage wise (don't want to know how many chapters there are exactly).


Love just having random battles and building up my weaker ones, one thing I'm not doing though is getting people married. I'm on chapter 16 and no closer to marrying anyone really. Am I doing something wrong? Does it matter?!

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when you marry characters then you gain access to their children as characters, they inherit the last two skills the parents had, so you can carry over some awesome skill sets to the children (women generally should carry over galeforce as males can't get it normally, so male children get this awesome move), besides which some of the children are awesome


i've married every one bar the character received in chapter 16, and i've trained most character up ready for a final push, but i think theres a fair way to go isn't there? 20 something chapters? then DLC

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Is there any real advantage of pairing up?


So far (well only done two missions) it seems better to just have units on adjacent squares for the occasional double attack.


Pairing them up means they will build a stronger relationship (well it will go quicker I think), plus the character who is standing in the background will not get hurt. Useful if you have a character with low health left and no way to heal them.


Also useful if you want to reach certain places. For example if you have a mounted character and a normal one, you can pair the normal one up with the mounted one, move the mounted one on the map (in most maps they can go further than normal characters), then switch and attack your opponent/heal an ally with the normal character.


Also for the relationship part, the more you pair characters up, the quicker you will be able to marry them. So if you really like a certain couple, make sure they are always together so they can eventually marry. =)

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when you marry characters then you gain access to their children as characters, they inherit the last two skills the parents had, so you can carry over some awesome skill sets to the children (women generally should carry over galeforce as males can't get it normally, so male children get this awesome move), besides which some of the children are awesome


i've married every one bar the character received in chapter 16, and i've trained most character up ready for a final push, but i think theres a fair way to go isn't there? 20 something chapters? then DLC


So how come I'm nowhere near marrying people? I won't to marry them. I'm not sure whether I want my character to marry tharja who I have a thing for, or nowi is unbearably cute...

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Pair people up to improve their relationship, it is the fastest way to get them to marry.


I don't get people's obsession with Tharja, she really annoys me. Just like Henry, they are both a bit too creepy. Not that I could marry Tharja anyway as my avatar is female, yet she still shows that weird obsession with me. Eww.

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I don't normally let characters die, but I let Tharja die quickly after recruiting her - I think because I was towards the end of the mission and I'd toiled so hard to get there and I didn't want to start again.


I then found out later that everyone says she's a really strong unit.


Oh well. I've trained up Henry and Micaiah (DLC) to be my powerful dark mages.

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I totally understand people's obsession with Tharja, she never ceases to amaze me. Unlike Henry, he's too creepy.


Nicely put :awesome:


Also welcome to the Henry Haters Club!


Oh well. I've trained up Henry



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Really love this game, put 30 hours in an on chapter 16; how far through am I? Percentage wise (don't want to know how many chapters there are exactly).


About 50% through the whole thing (including optional content).


Love just having random battles and building up my weaker ones, one thing I'm not doing though is getting people married. I'm on chapter 16 and no closer to marrying anyone really. Am I doing something wrong? Does it matter?!


Well, going from A-rank to S-rank (married) is quite a leap. Not every couple can achieve it together, so it's worth checking that. Other than that, if you have two people you are certain you want to marry each other, just grind, grind, grind! There are two things that build up rapport:


1) Attacking together (paired or just standing next to each other)

2) Defending together (as above)


Is there any real advantage of pairing up?


So far (well only done two missions) it seems better to just have units on adjacent squares for the occasional double attack.


Early on, you have so few units, I think it's better to arrange them 2x2, 3x3 etc. That way you can build rapport with many people at once. It is worth pairing up eventually though, as an A-rank or S-rank relationship will block an awful lot of attacks.


I don't get people's obsession with Tharja, she really annoys me.


Same here, although I came to appreciate her as a good bit of writing. As soon as I saw Cordelia, I was certain I wanted to marry her. :laughing:


Tharja and Henry are both good units though (and Henry has a softer side if you get him talking to Olivia). If I play this again, I intend to get them the skills from Dark Knight, then make them both Sorcerers (an awesome class).

Edited by Grazza
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So I started this today but have a question before I go further. Is the character I create a Mage? The reason I ask is because during the first battle I was using magic attacks rather than a sword. If that is the case I will restart and sort the skills out that I picked to reflect a magic user.

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He can use magic and swords. He can reclass to any other class if you wanted, but he needs to be level 10, although you will probably want to make his final class the Grandmaster which uses both as well. If you want to give him some of the better skills you will have to make him go down the magic based classes.


I lowered my Avatar's proficiency in Strength, I don't think it made a huge amount of difference but it's up to you in the end, the great thing about the game is the amount of customisation.

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Caught up in all the E3 hub-bub is another installment of Fire Emblem DLC.


This Weeks Download Content


Bonus Team: Genealogy G2 (JP)

Bonus Map: Ghost of a Blade


Outrealm Gate

The Future Past 2

Rogues & Redeemers 2

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Still haven't finished my 1st playthrough either. The actual in-game save file time is around 68 hours. I was just a bit shocked to see that I played this much! although when I looked back at my overall 3DS and Wii U playtime in the past month or so, Fire Emblem had taken up around 91% of that time so this has been the only game I've played PROPERLY since it was released.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wasn't a fan before the 3DS either.


Says it all really.




Not much action in this thread lately. People have been sucked in by portables :p


Download Content for 20/6


Bonus Team: Thracia 776 (JP)

Bonus Item: Mjölnir

Bonus Challengers: Tiki's Wyverns & Army of Shadow


Outrealm Gate

The Future Past 3

Rogues & Redeemers 3


Download Content for 27/6


Bonus Team: Binding (JP)

Bonus Map: The Wellspring of Truth


Outrealm Gate

Lost Bloodlines 1

Lost Bloodlines Pack

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