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Our DLC this week


BMS Battle 2 - FFIV :bouncy:

BMS Esper Battle - FFXII

BMS Battle Theme - FFXI

FMS March of the Dreadnoughts - FFXIII


Screw the rest, it's all about FF4! My favourite boss battle theme in the series! :D

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Posted (edited)

This week's haul (thanks for not listing it Nintendo, you're soooooo helpful!)


Crystal Cave - FFIII

Challenge - FFX

Ragnarok - FFXI

Rabanastre (Town Ward Upper Stratum) - FFXII


Good stuff this week! May just buy it all (Except for Challenge. I wanted the normal boss battle music instead :( )

Edited by Dcubed

Once more (even if nobody is reading this thread anymore :( )


Ultimecia's Castle - FFVIII


The Crystal Tower - FFIII


Battle 2 (Boss Battle) - FFIX


This is the Last Battle - FFIII


I'll enjoy them all, even if nobody else here will :cool:


Oh! How nice of them to finally start revealling this week's DLC in advance again! :indeed:


The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (FF11 — FMS)

Otherworld (FF10 — BMS)

Force Your Way (FF08 — BMS)

The Decisive Battle (FF05 — BMS)


Just Force Your Way for me this week.


OMGWTFBBQ HOLY SHIT!!! Force Your Way on Ultimate is like some kind of sick joke!


Is it even possible?! This song is handing my arse to me on a silver platter! Easily the hardest song in the game! (it makes Battle on the Big Bridge, FF4 Battle 2 and Battle with the Four Fiends look like child's play! :o )

  • 2 weeks later...

Started playing this today, have just done the FFVI set. Not really familiar with any of the music from this point onwards... :blank:

In fact the only music that offers some kind of nostalgia for me is from FFIV (or FFII as I knew it) because it's the only FF game I own. :heh:

And I see that they left the best battle theme from that game out as DLC, and of course (as I discovered and commented on earlier in this thread) Samba de Chocobo isn't included at all. On the cart or DLC! :o Which is just bizarre in my opinion. :nono:


This is my biggest problem with the game really, I mean sure the presentation is lovely (it really is top-notch icon14.gif) and there's loads and loads of content, but the majority of music lacks rhythm! Not exactly ideal for a rhythm game. :wtf:

It's made worse by the fact that there seem to be quite a few great examples of good upbeat songs in the FF series, but they haven't been included, not even as part of the DLC! ::shrug:


I know the main goal here was probably to appeal to the hardcore FF fan, and therefore focus on the tracks that evoke memories of key sections from the various games, but they should have mixed it up a bit more I reckon.

Also, half of the time it seems like the notes that you're hitting don't relate at all to what's going on with the music. :hmm: They almost seem to be randomly placed.

It just doesn't feel like a rhythm game to me, not like Rhythm Paradise / Donkey Konga / Space Channel 5 / Samba de Amigo / Taiko Drum Master etc...


Anyway, I'm still enjoying it, but I'm pretty glad that I waited until now in order to get in on the cheap. :hehe:

Looks like I'll need to pick up Rhythm Thief or just wait for Harmo Knight to come out, for my 3DS rhythm fix. :wink:

  RedShell said:
Also, half of the time it seems like the notes that you're hitting don't relate at all to what's going on with the music. :hmm: They almost seem to be randomly placed.


It's not randomly playing notes when it changes. What's happening is that the note charts switch from the melody to the harmony and backing tracks during certain songs (The tunes in the Chaos Shrine however are somewhat randomised, using modified forms of pre-set note chart portions).


You're right about a lot of the songs not having any sense of rhythm though - especially FF12's music. I'd have to agree that you get more out of this game if you're a fan of the series (and that FF4's Boss Battle theme is the best in the series! - It's also one of the most fun songs to play BTW! Well worth the purchase! :D)


I kinda like the fact that not all of the music in the game is exactly rhythm focused though. It's nice to play to some of the more sedate and ambient music as well from time to time, even if it isnt necessarily a good fit for rhythm gameplay (Rabanastre fits this description nicely!)

  Dcubed said:
FF4's Boss Battle theme is the best in the series! - It's also one of the most fun songs to play BTW! Well worth the purchase! :D
Yeah, I'll definitely be grabbing that one. :)

Any other tracks you'd recommend for me? Keeping in mind that I prefer more rhythmical/upbeat stuff.

It's annoying how there's no preview for songs from the DLC list. :blank:


Also, what's the deal with purchasing extra songs? Do you need to have credit on your eShop account beforehand, or can you just add it directly in-game? ::shrug:

Posted (edited)
  RedShell said:
Yeah, I'll definitely be grabbing that one. :)

Any other tracks you'd recommend for me? Keeping in mind that I prefer more rhythmical/upbeat stuff.

It's annoying how there's no preview for songs from the DLC list. :blank:


Also, what's the deal with purchasing extra songs? Do you need to have credit on your eShop account beforehand, or can you just add it directly in-game? ::shrug:


You can add funds from within the game itself (you can also pay exact amounts, just like in the eShop - it's the same interface for the most part)


You could always use YouTube for song previews, but for my own recommendations I'd pick any of the battle music from FF3 and FF4, Matoya's Cave, Cosmo Canyon, Ride On, FF9 Battle Theme, FF9 Battle Theme 2 (warning, hard!) or Force Your Way (warning!!! Hardest song in the game by far. May cause irrepressible tears, unceasing cursing and permanant psychological damage from the sheer difficulty!)


Give them a listen (they're all fun to play, though some are pretty easy)

Edited by Dcubed

I strongly disagree that the music lacks rhythm. It's just that's it's often more of a melodic/motivic variety rather than a constant driving beat. It's more subtle, but no less present!


Having only heard FF1, 2, 6 and 7 in any detail and only a passing acquaintance with the rest of the series I've been struck actually at how well developed these short pieces are not only within each game but across the entire series (11, 12 and 13 feel very different however). The broader field melodies for instance often have short 'cells' phrases that repeat and develop with variation, and the stylus inputs reflect this (more from expert onwards). Many also do in fact have an underlying rhythmic pattern - eg the bolero-like pulse in Terra's theme, the 3/4 lilt of Elia Maiden of Water.


The more freeform battle tracks like Clash of Swords and Sabre's Edge can be thrilling, like you're conducting a mini orchestra, especially the latter which has a fairly regular beat but with harp and piano whirling around it brilliantly! Sometimes I feel myself getting into the zone with certain tracks and it's great.


I think this game interprets 'rhythm' for the most part as 'accent' rather than 'beat', which I'm finding rather a refreshing change!


  Dcubed said:
You could always use YouTube for song previews, but for my own recommendations I'd pick any of the battle music from FF3 and FF4, Matoya's Cave, Cosmo Canyon, Ride On, FF9 Battle Theme, FF9 Battle Theme 2 (warning, hard!) or Force Your Way (warning!!! Hardest song in the game by far. May cause irrepressible tears, unceasing cursing and permanant psychological damage from the sheer difficulty!)


As I'm not much of a FF expert, I've been meaning to ask for a few DLC recommendations. I already have Matoya's Cave and Cosmo Canyon. Will check out the rest you mention and FFIV Battle 2 :)

  Dcubed said:
You can add funds from within the game itself (you can also pay exact amounts, just like in the eShop - it's the same interface for the most part)
Am I right in thinking that you can't select multiple songs to download in a single transaction though, meaning you've got purchase each song individually? :hmm:


Also, is it better to play the game with items/abilities attached to the characters, or without for that extra bonus. As far as I can tell, that no item bonus is just for the high score, but does it effect the amount of XP/Rhythmia that you earn too? ::shrug:

  RedShell said:
Am I right in thinking that you can't select multiple songs to download in a single transaction though, meaning you've got purchase each song individually? :hmm:


Yeah, one at a time. It's a pain to buy multiple songs at once when you're paying exact amounts (but if you've got funds lying around in your eshop account, then it's not that bad - downloads are nice and fast)


  RedShell said:
Also, is it better to play the game with items/abilities attached to the characters, or without for that extra bonus. As far as I can tell, that no item bonus is just for the high score, but does it effect the amount of XP/Rhythmia that you earn too? ::shrug:


It's for high score and nothing else. Personally, I play with all equipment off for Challenge mode and with my stuff on in the Chaos Shrine.

  Dcubed said:
Yeah, one at a time. It's a pain to buy multiple songs at once when you're paying exact amounts (but if you've got funds lying around in your eshop account, then it's not that bad - downloads are nice and fast)
Wow, terrible system. Feel sorry for anyone that downloaded 'em all. :heh:


I just picked up a couple in the end, Battle 2 from FFIV and Battle 1 from FFV. :D

Can't see me getting any others, gave them all a quick listen on YouTube, but not really digging the rest of the DLC tracks.


Do you think there's any chance that we might see more DLC at some point?

There are other FF songs that I'd happily purchase, like Samba de Chocobo (most of the Chocobo themes actually ;)).


  Dcubed said:
It's for high score and nothing else. Personally, I play with all equipment off for Challenge mode and with my stuff on in the Chaos Shrine.
Cheers, I shall do the same. :)

Got my first character up to Level 99 today! :yay: Mainly thanks to Miratete's Memoirs. icon14.gif


Can that item appear on any stage, or are there only certain ones that have it? I wasn't paying attention to which stage I found it on. :hmm:

Would definitely like to find some more of those though. ;)

  RedShell said:
Got my first character up to Level 99 today! :yay: Mainly thanks to Miratete's Memoirs. icon14.gif


Can that item appear on any stage, or are there only certain ones that have it? I wasn't paying attention to which stage I found it on. :hmm:

Would definitely like to find some more of those though. ;)


It'll only be on certain stages. Check your list of Dark Notes and see if it's listed as one of the droppable items (It'll only list one of the possible drops though unless you've completed it multiple times, so if it's not listed, you're plum out of luck I'm afraid - you'll just have to make a note the next time you find one!)

  Dcubed said:
It'll only be on certain stages. Check your list of Dark Notes and see if it's listed as one of the droppable items (It'll only list one of the possible drops though unless you've completed it multiple times, so if it's not listed, you're plum out of luck I'm afraid - you'll just have to make a note the next time you find one!)
I now have a Dark Note with Miratete's Memoirs as an available item. Discovered it thanks to the Libra ability. icon14.gif

The problem is it's dropped by Boss 2, and I only ever seem to fight Boss 3. :hmm:

Is there an easy way to get Boss 2 instead? :blank:

  RedShell said:
I now have a Dark Note with Miratete's Memoirs as an available item. Discovered it thanks to the Libra ability. icon14.gif

The problem is it's dropped by Boss 2, and I only ever seem to fight Boss 3. :hmm:

Is there an easy way to get Boss 2 instead? :blank:


I think there may be but I'm not sure, sorry. All I know is that you need to go past the signpost in the FMS in order to get to Boss 2 & 3.


Try hitting up GFaqs? ::shrug:

  Dcubed said:
I think there may be but I'm not sure, sorry. All I know is that you need to go past the signpost in the FMS in order to get to Boss 2 & 3.


Try hitting up GFaqs? ::shrug:

Yeah, I had a quick look a while back. From what I can gather it's dependant on the amount of health you have.

You need to have between 70-50% health or something like that. :hmm:

Which means you basically have to play badly on purpose!


I've tried it a few times, but I still always ended up at Boss 3. ::shrug: Was hopping there might be an ability/item you could use to always get Boss 2, but doesn't look like there is. :sad:

  • 2 months later...

I never get why they do this level of hype for iOS ports. It just seems so silly.


I would buy a Wii U eshop sequel in a trice though! There's enough great music left (well... at least in 6, 7 + 8). Of course what we really want are Theatrhythms for different series, like Chrono and Mana.

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