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- MPT, one of the best topics on the forum, loved by most people, used by most people, great bit of banter, nice sense of community. The mods 'dont like it' because it's supposedly a spam fest (who gives a fuck?) so it's closed. Nice one.


- Ant and Harribo post a couple of spam messages and piss off a mod so they're banned. Plenty of people have spammed spam threads anyway. Think back to all those "NOKIA N95 FOR CHEAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!111111" threads. How many people posted random bullocks on those and got away scot free?


- Topics are closed or locked every 5 minutes by mods who can't stand that anyone DARES to challenge them about a decision. Censorship, again, nice one.


I like this place a lot and get on with most people, I just think some of the mods need to seriously get over themselves, take their fingers off the big red button that gives them a stiffy and makes them feel like god and lighten up a bit. Because seriously, as Dyson says...



The MPT thread I agree, was a great piece of this forum, and it odes need to be brought back.


I know, plenty of members piss me off, but no-one bans them. However, when a moderator's in the picture, there's blood to pay.


Topics are closed frquently, bith topics of ant and harribo are closed before I even get to post there. The moderators are not allowing people to speak their mind in case some mutiny comes under way.


And I agree, four mods on chit chat when there are other boards that need mods more? This place is getting pretty bad.


So, all in all, I agree with you on everything motion!


1) Mod's can't ban people.

2) You tell us to tidy up the boards, but complain when we do things you don't like.


In theory, yes they can. By dishing out plentiful infractions, or, as the rules cleary state, the admins are biased towards the mods opinions and will take serious action against who the mods recommend for bannage.

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As I said IRO the donor scheme, that was just a counter against if there were bandwith issues....so is there a reason why we'lll never see the other stuff I suggested, or will we possibly see something like that?


Ill be honest, at this precise moment in time there is little encouraging me to post here.

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General Chit Chat

This is the place to chat about anything!



Indicative of the state this forum is in, Mr_Odwin is made a mod for whatever reason, someone who is known to despise the meaningless post topic... and quelle surprise, yet another topic locked even though 99% of forumers want the MPT back.

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Guest dynastygal

I know I'm 'new' here, but I've seen this on other forums - people complaining forums are going downhill, etc. Instead of complaining constantly about how forums are going downhill and so on, try to contribute and make the place better (and obviously don't do it by repeating an overused net catchphrase).

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General Chit Chat

This is the place to chat about anything!



Indicative of the state this forum is in, Mr_Odwin is made a mod for whatever reason, someone who is known to despise the meaningless post topic... and quelle surprise, yet another topic locked even though 99% of forumers want the MPT back.


Anything other that if we make another mod who dislikes it, or the MPT!!!!


Mr Odwin used an argument as an excuse. Like any decent mamber of staff, he should've just warned against the argument or deleted posts. But he acted against something he had a personal grudge on with his revived power, and therefore acted unprofessional.


That's really going to help bring it back.


Doesn't matter. You're a moderator, and therefpre have next to no choice in the matter. It's really up to the admins to bring it back.

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With all due respect dynastygal, yes you are new here and therefore can't feel the annoyance that we are feeling. If a foum I used to enjoy very much decides one day to ban a few great members and close the most popular topic in the whole message board, as well as mods and admins pretty much telling us all to shut up... I think we're entitled to complain about it.

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Guest dynastygal

Well, the spammers only have themselves to blame. Clearly spamming is against the rules (as it is on most forums). So I wouldn't have a go at the mods for dealing with spammers which it is their job to do among other things.

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This place isn't a democracy. At the end of the day, the admins can ban whoever the fuck they like and delete whatever the fuck they want. Afterall it's their forum. If you have too much of a problem with that then no-one's forcing you to stay.


EDIT: Welcome back to the forum staff, Mr Modwin.

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Well, the spammers only have themselves to blame. Clearly spamming is against the rules (as it is on most forums). So I wouldn't have a go at the mods for dealing with spammers which it is their job to do among other things.


Everyone, including admins have posted a spam post at one time or another.


This place isn't a democracy. At the end of the day, the admins can ban whoever the fuck they like and delete whatever the fuck they want. Afterall it's their forum. If you have too much of a problem with that then no-one's forcing you to stay.


I'm not disputing they can do what they like. I'm merely commenting that treating their members with even the slightest amount of respect might be a good idea.

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Guest dynastygal

There's a difference between a meaningless post that's random and doesn't occur often, and one that is the same context, over and over, and in other threads too.

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For once I'm actually taking Motion's side. Even though its not a democracy the admins should act as it is out of fear of loosing members.


N-Europe used to have one of the best forums out of any gaming website, its depressing to think its going to the dogs now.


I think I've learned more by using this forum than many other things.


I've learned how to touch type because of N-Europe, I learned how to make a good signature, and many other things. Its a real shame now that the forum is becoming just like any other forum.

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Especially considering this forum would be nothing without its members.


It's funny, a hell of a lot people on these boards no doubt agree with us. I've already had countless PM's from members saying so.


(and mods/admins please don't try going through my PMs like we know you can do/have done - I've deleted them)

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Guys, can't you just wait a bit? Discussion in the mod boards takes quite a lot of time because believe it or not we aren't all on 24/7. It'll take a few days to decide whats going on with the MPT and what changes will be made to the forum.


For those of you that dislike the way the forum is at the moment, we know it can't stay how it is and are working on it. Change is coming, and hopefully for the better. Im sure most of you who stick it out will be pleased with what we have planned :)


And I agree, four mods on chit chat when there are other boards that need mods more? This place is getting pretty bad.


Serious question: Which boards need more help?


This is after all, the suggestions thread. If you believe another board is in need of more moderators then please, bring it to our attention. Gen Chat definitely needs 4 mods, it's the busiest area of the forum. If somewhere else needs more attention it will get it

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Change is coming, and hopefully for the better. Im sure most of you who stick it out will be pleased with what we have planned :)



If that's the case I hope change means:


- Less arrogance from mods/admins

- Less patronising and insulting from mods/admins

- Removal of certain mods/admins who clearly aren't fit to a job properly.

- Bringing back Fierce_Link

- Getting rid of all this fecking censorship


So in short, actually running a forum properly.


(not you McPhee, you're one of the few cool mods)

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- Less arrogance from mods/admins


Agree, however it only seems to be a handful. Some seem to let there personal bais get on top of them.


- Less patronising and insulting from mods/admins


Again, just a few ruining the group.


- Removal of certain mods/admins who clearly aren't fit to a job properly.


Maybe, however the problem is the times the mods are one. Most are all on at the same time (admittedly the busiest) but this also leaves the daytime often with no moderators at all.


- Bringing back Fierce_Link


That would be too good to be true.


- Getting rid of all this fecking censorship


Yeah, well. Yeah.

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Course it was a quick lockage, god forbid the mods keep a controversial topic open so that the nasty forum members will have a chance to reply! More censorship, not sure what I was expecting to be honest.


There banned members for now and second of all, we've had enough threads about it. Are we going to get a thread a day saying "Message from Ant?"


It's getting at the same thing so offcourse it'll be locked.

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