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I think the high scores/game help board could perhaps benefit from being separate help/high score subforums for each main console forum...

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Click on viewpost.gif and it will take you to their post from which you can go to their profile.

Its not as fast.

Sometimes its on a diffrent page altogether.

So how's that Shoutbox/Chat box idea working out?
I think a poll should be created if they are up for it.

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Its not as fast.

Sometimes its on a diffrent page altogether.

I think a poll should be created if they are up for it.

balancing speed with usefulness and demand/frequency of use... I don't think it's too shoddy :P


Also; why a poll?! Like, for anything at all.

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balancing speed with usefulness and demand/frequency of use... I don't think it's too shoddy :P


Also; why a poll?! Like, for anything at all.

Don't you like polls? I think they are a good indicator of what people want.

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Polls indeed are pretty much useless, not everybody has a set answer for a question, seems like another idea for you to start yet another thread that won't particularly matter.

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Polls indeed are pretty much useless, not everybody has a set answer for a question, seems like another idea for you to start yet another thread that won't particularly matter.


Basically this.

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A poll might not be best, but I for one do think this forum should really have a shoutbox. On the forums I use that have one it lets you get to know people better and is fun for general socialising without a particular topic. It can't hurt to try it out.

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Well as far as im aware (although it was Shorty who set it up) it simply replaces the http://www.youtube.com/... part so as long as the 'XRDIU72AB' stuff is used its the same.

Here's a test then:



Edit: Nope, it should be widescreen.

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The Youtube tag is made using YT's own embed code, and at the moment, their embed codes still output the video in whatever size the video is.


For example this video:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MMsAmCPMoqU (random from the front page)


it's not actually widescreen, and the embed code on the right:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" 
1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></pa
ram><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param
><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MMsAmCPMoqU&hl=
en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptacce
ss="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></


if put on a website would show it the old fashioned way, as you can see by the width "425" and height "344".


So unless I make two tags, one for ws and one for regular vids, there's no way around it until/unless youtube changes their embed tags.




...on a side note that video is so lame.

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Ashley that'd be fine to swing jayseven not shorty :P


They do live together...


Don't you love it when a plan falls into place?

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There's a vBulletin mod called gXboxlive which creates an Xbox Live leaderboard, I think that might be a good idea.

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