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You were previously saying that you wanted the admins to use all your suggestions... that's a little like dictation, if you ask me.


And of course the only dictation is from the top down, this forum (like all of them) is a dictatorship.


My wording was a bit skew-ways, I wasnt actually disputing that.

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If you were to get your facts right before typing nonsense I'd actually have time to argue with you...


My previous input has been to call for the deletion of the MPoTD thread. That hasn't happened.

Look, "your" was in the plural. It's irrelevent that you in particular didn't want the MPT - the vast majority of members were for it and therefore bringing it back was using input of the members. If it were deleted, that would be a perfect example of ignoring the suggestions of the members.

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You want the MPT deleted? Seriously?


Well, im afraid you're going to be disappointed then Conzer. Listening to suggestions doesn't mean executing every single one, after all we can't both delete and restore the MPT (although as far as you are concerned it currently IS deleted).

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Can Staff Please Stop Posting in Closed Threads.


It is a fucking annoying habit to get into makes the forum look retarded, and its like one staff member is overruling the others by posting in it, also if you want to talk in it, re-open it, or move it to trash and talk about the thread in the staff boards.

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Can Staff Please Stop Posting in Closed Threads.


It is a fucking annoying habit to get into makes the forum look retarded, and its like one staff member is overruling the others by posting in it, also if you want to talk in it, re-open it, or move it to trash and talk about the thread in the staff boards.


Good point, we can't reply to what they say either.

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No, they were NEVER warned once.


I warned them that the admins and mods were on a short fuse and they were doing nothing but fanning flames, and could expect to return the next morning to find the MPT locked and some members banned, and, oh, look, I was right. :indeed:


I don't want to give myself airs, but I think an established member such as myself should be recognised as having a decent understanding of how this place is run...

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Can Staff Please Stop Posting in Closed Threads.


It is a fucking annoying habit to get into makes the forum look retarded, and its like one staff member is overruling the others by posting in it, also if you want to talk in it, re-open it, or move it to trash and talk about the thread in the staff boards.

That's should only be done if someone wants to point something out that people should read, but doesn't want the thread open again.


It should never be used so a staff member can have the last word in an argument.

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I have a suggestion to members.

Go and make your own fucking forum with all the shitty little things you want in it, invite harribo and ant to sign up. Just stop annoying all the mods and shit with shitty little 'kick half of the admins/mods'

And with that, I'm signing out of the forum since god knows when.

Can't be arsed reading the same recycled shit threads a message from ant..


Seconded, people should have realised that the mods and admins where pissed off, and not gone and stirred up shit and pissed in their pool. It's their own bloody fault!


Oh, and I've just recalled by I've always wanted to vote for Stefkov if an "elect a mod" system was in place. It's because he thinks like I do, and he respects the mods. :indeed:

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You should listen to McPhee. Although you may think a load of stuff has been deleted and nothing else is happening, we're actually discussing what to do with the forum, and there've been lots of good ideas. Give us a chance and let us sort things out so that they work efficiently. Despite what you all seem to think, the staff want to make the board something the members enjoy, so give them a chance to decide how to do this without jumping down their throats.


And bear in mind that I'm as big a fan of the MPT as the majority of you.


Personally, the single biggest change that is required is to do with the attitudes of some of the mods/admins. A little less 'god-like' 'holier than though' 'Forum God' would be a start.


Titled pm "wots ur msn?" with subject "..."


I replied "Why?"


He replied: "bleh dont worry about it if your gonna be like that, was jus gonna give ya some advice on the forums but w/e"


My reply to that: "The only reason I'm like it is because I'm weary of who I add to msn due to past grievances with people on msn.


I'm sure you can give me 'advice' via pm."


Then his reply: "ROFL Yes because your amazing and Im a pervert and I want your msn [end of sarcasm]


lol get the fuck out of here. Bleh fuck the advice, keep making 9 threads a day"


That's when I sent it to a moderator. There was no need, imo, for the rudeness within the PMS. I never outright denied him my MSN, I just wanted to know why.


Oh for **** sake dynastygal, grow some thicker skin. Jesus.


MPT IS coming back, and always was. We are just sorting out some other crap first, think of it as "closed for refurbishment"


Someone should probably tell Moria that so that he doesn't feel the need to act like an arrogant arse in this topic.


Can Staff Please Stop Posting in Closed Threads.


It is a fucking annoying habit to get into makes the forum look retarded, and its like one staff member is overruling the others by posting in it, also if you want to talk in it, re-open it, or move it to trash and talk about the thread in the staff boards.


That too.

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That's should only be done if someone wants to point something out that people should read, but doesn't want the thread open again.


It should never be used so a staff member can have the last word in an argument.

Well Jordan just posted in a closed thread to give his input, rather unnecessarily, and its happened alot over the last few days.

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Sorry, missed it amongst all the shit slinging.


The long and short of it is that mods don't really have the authority to reveal what's going on behind the scenes.


OK, that's cool. Should be interesting. *runs off to watch 2.04 of Heroes*

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So you telling them that was a official warning Fish?

No. They were never officially warned, had no previous offences to their names.


No, but it's not like "no one saw it coming", and less like no one tried to get them to stop for their own good.


Also, they're on 'the list' (:heh:), which means they'll have done something, and should have the brains to know it, too.

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Guest dynastygal

Motion, his attitude towards me in general, was uncalled for (he'd also been a bit of an ass on the forums). Just as your attitude towards me (currently) is uncalled for.


It harms nobody to try and be friendly about things. There was certainly no need for him to be sarcastic and rude to me in those PMS.

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Motion, his attitude towards me in general, was uncalled for (he'd also been a bit of an ass on the forums). Just as your attitude towards me (currently) is uncalled for.


It harms nobody to try and be friendly about things. There was certainly no need for him to be sarcastic and rude to me in those PMS.


This is the internet. Are you that sensitive??

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They were on "the list" a day or so before they got banned.


Things are being sorted out so that people won't get banned without warnings.


"harribo - wants justice says:

how am i supposed to play my cards right if im not allowed to see them"

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Guest dynastygal

To some things yes, and to other things no. And the internet can do a lot of damage, financially, emotionally etc. Dunno about you, but I've been e-bullied a lot and recieved a lot of sick comments about my loved ones, as well as being hacked and other crap ¬¬


Anyways. Enough with the retorts and questions heading my way. This thread is for suggestions, not complaining about new members and bans and such what.

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OK, that's cool. Should be interesting. *runs off to watch 2.04 of Heroes*


Sorry, i did read you're post. It's not really my place to tell you guys everything thats going on and tbh theres a lot of stuff that isn't final yet so it'd be pointless to go telling everyone something that might well change by tomorrow.


I've said what i know to be true, this forum is getting a shake-up and the MPT will be coming back.


As for Ant + Harribo; I know Ant had a few infractions, not sure about Harribo.

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Motion, his attitude towards me in general, was uncalled for (he'd also been a bit of an ass on the forums). Just as your attitude towards me (currently) is uncalled for.


It harms nobody to try and be friendly about things. There was certainly no need for him to be sarcastic and rude to me in those PMS.

God forbid people being sarcastic on the internet.

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They probably should have been warned.


However, they definitely shouldn't have acted like cocks.


"Justice For Antony Shimmin says:

I have had no infractions

Justice For Antony Shimmin says:

Onmy self

Justice For Antony Shimmin says:

I wasn't issued with any"


What infractions?

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Guest dynastygal

The mods agreed his actions/words were uncalled for, and he ended up being banned for it (as well as past offences), so let it be. What's happened has happened. @ 39

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