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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Just finished reading Secret Empire #2. Not sure I'm feeling the art. Interesting ending though.


Flash #22 felt oddly short for some reason. All the Rebirth stuff seems cool. I do hope there's a twist to it though. Seems a bit pointless to constantly keep the villain hidden if it's who we all think it is.


Do you read any Marvel or DC anymore @ReZourceman?

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the Marvel side, I'm reading both Captain Americas (though I don't think I'll be reading Secret Empire weekly. We'll see), Ms.Marvel, Squirrel Girl and Hulk (that's She-Hulk's book). I was also reading Mosaic and Great Lakes Avengers, but those got cancelled.


On DC, I'm reading Red Hood and the Outlaws, Supergirl and Super-Sons.

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If anyone else reads comics digitally its worth checking out Amazon's Marvel kindle sale at the moment. Lots of cheap graphic novels that also link to Comixology accounts. I just bought myself the entire Ms Marvel 2000s series, the new Ms Marvel series and the new Thor books.



Edited by Happenstance
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Ok then I think that's it....


My final tally from the Amazon sale:


Ms Marvel Vol 1: Best of the Best

Ms Marvel Vol 2: Civil War

Ms Marvel Vol 3: Operation Lightning Storm

Ms Marvel Vol 4: Monster Smash

Ms Marvel Vol 5: Secret Invasion

Ms Marvel Vol 6: Ascension

Ms Marvel Vol 7: Dark Reign

Ms Marvel Vol 8: Best You Can Be

Ms Marvel (2014) Vol 1: No Normal

The Mighty Thor Vol 1: Thunder in Her Veins

The Mighty Thor Vol 2: Lords of Midgard

Spider-Man: Blue

Amazing Spider-Man: Origin of the Hobgoblin

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection - Round Robin

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection - Cosmic Adventures

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection - The Goblin Last Stand

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection - Return of the Sinister Six

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection - Great Responsibility

Deadpool: The Adamantium Collection

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1: Coming Home

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2: Revelations

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3: Until the Stars Turn Cold

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4: Life & Death of Spiders

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5: Unintended Consequences

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6: Happy Birthday

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 7: The Book of Ezekiel

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 8: Sins Past

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 9: Skin Deep

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Turns out it wasnt the end to my spending after all...



Star Wars Vol 1: Skywalker Strikes

Star Wars Vol 2: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon

Star Wars Vol 3: Rebel Jail

Star Wars Vol 4: Last Flight of the Harbinger

Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol 1: Vader

Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol 2: Shadows and Secrets

Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol 3: The Shu-Torun War

Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol 4: End of Games

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read and finished Crisis on Infinite Earths last week. What a story! That was massive, it was well-written and not that confusing - though some things could have been explained a bit better - and it was sad. It is very obvious from reading stuff that came after this that it really had an effect on the entire DC Universe and I feel that it is an important book to read.


Now on to Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis, though I'm unsure whether they are actually part of the same story. They should be done by next week and then I'll read Injustice Year 1 and 2.

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Speaking of Crisis and Infinite Crisis...


Read the oversized Dark Days: The Forge, which is the lead up to Metal. Wasn't sure what to expect...but it was great. Snyder bringing in elements from his Batman run was good. Felt like it gave a bit more weight to Death of the Family. I can't wait to see where it goes.


Had a similar vibe to The Wake, which I though was absolutely superb.

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Let me know your thoughts. Bar Romita Jr's art, which I think is mostly vile, it's a great issue. Kind of a slow building of tension.


In a weird way it doesn't feel too dissimilar to Rebirth, I guess because it has a few left-field characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Finished reading Injustice: Complete Year One and quite liked it, will definitely continue reading that series but I'll wait for the complete edition before picking them up.


One thing, though. The art style differed quite a lot between the issues and some of them were not appealing to me - too cartoony in some way. Also some of the characters suddenly wore other outfits or had different hairstyles or even colours which was a bit weird overall. 

Oh, forgot, there was also one issue with continuity at some point. 


Batman had taken down the JL Watchtower Satelite and it was taken to Earth. An issue or two later, it was back in space.


Recently I also read Final Crisis. That was a mess, utterly confusing. Had to read the story on Wikipedia half-way through because it made no sense at all. It's a shame, really, because the overall plot and story was actually interesting.

Edited by MindFreak
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I caught a good show on the History Channel last night. It was called Superheroes Decoded. It went into how superheroes and comics took over mainstream culture during different time periods and how comic book stories are often influenced by what is happening in the real world. It was a really interesting watch, although the ending seemed a little rushed. It was part of one two ( next part airs on the 19th ), lasted about 90 minutes and focused on characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America and the how and why they were created . The next episode looks to be X-men focused.

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6 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Sounds interesting. I might give it a look.

Yeah, I figured a couple of you guys on here may have been interested in it. I had no idea it was on and just loaded up the Sky app on the PS4 and found it to be one of the featured shows on the main page. 

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I was in HMV the other day and picked up the AXIS TPB. I'm a huge fan of the Onslaught storyline back in the 90's and figured I would give this a read, seeing as they kinda brought him back.

The book was okay, but nothing special. He was much less of a threat this time around, yet the Avengers and what little X-Men were in the book had trouble taking him down. I mean, in the original story he had an army of Sentinels at his disposal and this time he only had 2.

I did enjoy the story a little more once the AXIS flip happened. It was interesting to see heroes being evil and villains being good. The back and forth between Deadpool and Spider-Man was another enjoyable aspect, as well.

It was sad to see the X-Men take such a back seat role in this fight. Given their history with Onslaught I figured they would have been front and centre. I suppose it's not surprising, though. Ever since the MCU came into play the X-Men seemed to have been pushed to one side. Still, buying this book did get me interested in picking up some of the more recent trades, so I man pick up The Death of X and X-men vs Inhumans. Although, I could just go up the attic and unpack and read all the X-Men/Generation X/X-Force/Excalibur/Cable/X-Man/AoA etc. comics i've got stored up there. :D

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