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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Got my new books in the post. Totally recommend the Schism HC- dunno if it's a new standard for events at Marvel or whatever but the pages are actually a lot bigger than my other books. Almost like a 'blockbuster' print. Dead cool.


Also got The Dark Angel Saga pt. I, which is totally fucking amazing, obvs.

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Got my new books in the post. Totally recommend the Schism HC- dunno if it's a new standard for events at Marvel or whatever but the pages are actually a lot bigger than my other books.


Like Invincible. <3 <3 <3


Speaking of....my 10-15 came, so I may order the rest now considering :


A) Another casino win (lul)


B) The earlier ones are mostly cheaper


C) BookDepository are having a 10% off sale till end of the month!


You guys should check it out, they are actually a fantastic site, got a lot of rare stuff @Happenstance


(If anyone is interested, I need to e-mail you the code and link for the 10% discount. its invite only discount)

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Just found this. I don't even...


First of all let me say the art was fantastic, if not revolutionary.I really, really, enjoyed it.This was a good story for Brubaker, but alas, with the same flaws as most, if not all of his previous stories. Brubaker is an anti- Nazi Aryan supremacist of the sort who can hide his proclivities with the old deniable, "I have good friends who are black". As always, underlying all of the supposed anti-fascism, is the foundation of Aryan supremacy.My god! We are presented with his Utopian vision of the perfect world; new colonies in space inhabited by the perfectly blond and blue eyed children of Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers. Who reading this review could deny what a wonderful world it would be?

And to give power and belief to Brubakers dream, we are made to gaze into Sharon Carters wonderfully colored eyes. We gaze DEEPLY into then so as not to miss the point;eyes of such a perfect shade that they literally resurrect the dead!Imagine the beauty! HAHAHA! Or was that 8o year old who got shot point blank in the chest really dead? How could he not have been dead? Mr. Brubaker- EXPLAIN! In any event, it was surely the eyes that either performed either a resurrection or a miraculous healing, indeed.Oh, this was high comedy,once again, straight of Goebbels!

And of course, there had to be the obligatory verification of the black mans impotence, as the falcon can't even silently take out a lowly hydra grunt.The falcon once again serves Brubakers Utopian purpose! Did Roy Thomas or whoever created the falcon some 40 years ago know that a man like Brubaker would come along to take full advantage? The man is truly a race criminal. That having been said, this was a good book, if you can get past the supremacy, which I have no doubt that 99% of you will be able to do with little trouble at all.

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Right so... I am someone who understands very little about Marvel Comics' publications. My whole experience boils down to a couple of Spiderman issues I got as a kid* and the Ultimate Spiderman series (which I loved, and only stopped because I didn't know how or where to continue buying them)


* (one of them featured Peter Parker retiring only for a mysterious new Spiderman to appear. The other one was part of an arc which, as I understand, ends with MJ miscarrying and Ben Reilly dying.

Damn, that shit be complicated)



Anyway, due to several factors, I ended up buying a Venom Volume, looks really recent, too.


In it, Flash Thompson is the new Venom. The government (or SHIELD, or whatever) have got a hold of the symbiote, and Flash Thompson, now crippled, volunteered to use it and become a "Super Soldier" of sorts.


He can't wear the suit for more than 48 hours, and often struggles to keep himself in control. Throughout the volume, he faces a mysterious organization looking to steal Vibranium, a supervillain called "Jack O'Lantern", and gets into a struggle with Spiderman.



Anyway, I liked what I read, and was wondering, just how recent is it? Is there an ongoing "Venom" series? If so, I'd like to do some research on how accessible it would be for me to keep up.


Would be great if you guys could clear things up for me :)

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Right so... I am someone who understands very little about Marvel Comics' publications. My whole experience boils down to a couple of Spiderman issues I got as a kid* and the Ultimate Spiderman series (which I loved, and only stopped because I didn't know how or where to continue buying them)


* (one of them featured Peter Parker retiring only for a mysterious new Spiderman to appear. The other one was part of an arc which, as I understand, ends with MJ miscarrying and Ben Reilly dying.

Damn, that shit be complicated)



Anyway, due to several factors, I ended up buying a Venom Volume, looks really recent, too.


In it, Flash Thompson is the new Venom. The government (or SHIELD, or whatever) have got a hold of the symbiote, and Flash Thompson, now crippled, volunteered to use it and become a "Super Soldier" of sorts.


He can't wear the suit for more than 48 hours, and often struggles to keep himself in control. Throughout the volume, he faces a mysterious organization looking to steal Vibranium, a supervillain called "Jack O'Lantern", and gets into a struggle with Spiderman.



Anyway, I liked what I read, and was wondering, just how recent is it? Is there an ongoing "Venom" series? If so, I'd like to do some research on how accessible it would be for me to keep up.


Would be great if you guys could clear things up for me :)

Ah Jonnas, good choice. It is an ongoing series, its currently on issue 13 (to make it simple, I won't say its on issue 13.2, because of a special 4/5 part story where its out every week this month with a different writer/artist lol), but essentially yes, its recent.


Its written by Rick Remender who is my favourite *new* writer, although he has been around a good few years, I think he has made a real name for himself the last few years.


If you liked Venom then you will undoubtedly like Uncanny X-Force, which is also written by Remender.


Apart from that I would recommend, the new Ultimate Spider-Man, starring Miles Morales, and I also of course recommend Invincible.


The Book Depository have all the volumes, and free worldwide delivery. (By Robert Kirkman).

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I need to get in to Venom. Never really wanted to read about him before but the Flash angle is really fresh. And Remender is probably in my top 3 Marvel writers right now. He's on fire.


Uncanny -X-Force is just....so good. It really shows what can be done with an extended partnership between artists and writers too: Although the 6 issue arcs all function as independent stories (The Apocalypse Solution and Deathlok Nation expecially) but Remender never looses sight of the main thread dealing with Archangel and Warren. The only thing I'm not 100% sold on in the book is Deadpool. He's had some character development (and some great lines) but I just don't think he's right for such a serious book. Fantomex, on the other hand, has flourished. He's become a brilliant character with tonnes of depth.

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Wikipedia says it's this ongoing comic. *Helpful*


Ah, the official site. Of course :heh:


Ah Jonnas, good choice. It is an ongoing series, its currently on issue 13 (to make it simple, I won't say its on issue 13.2, because of a special 4/5 part story where its out every week this month with a different writer/artist lol), but essentially yes, its recent.




Damn, that shit be complicated


Its written by Rick Remender who is my favourite *new* writer, although he has been around a good few years, I think he has made a real name for himself the last few years.


If you liked Venom then you will undoubtedly like Uncanny X-Force, which is also written by Remender.


Apart from that I would recommend, the new Ultimate Spider-Man, starring Miles Morales, and I also of course recommend Invincible.


The Book Depository have all the volumes, and free worldwide delivery. (By Robert Kirkman).


Ah, so there is a 2nd Volume coming out, apparently. Judging by the individual Issue prices, it's probably a better solution for my wallet :heh: Even if Volumes only come out every 5 months or so.


And thank you for the suggestions, but I'm not really looking into getting deep into comics*. I liked this new Venom, since it has plenty of the same elements as Spiderman, and might start following it, if I can afford it, but that's about it.

The suggestions remain, though :)


*Though Ultimate Spiderman intrigues me, since I've started it already.

After some investigation, I seem to have stopped at Volume 6 (weird, considering I had 20 issues), but there are 22 Volumes or so :o


Getting back into it now would be too far a leap, I think.

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Welcome to the world of comics. :blank:


One of the reasons I don't follow Superhero Comics, yes :heh:


They have ongoing storylines with no definite conclusion or closure in mind, which not only requires one to keep up with the publications, there will be a tendency to produce retcons and hit reset buttons on several plot elements (sometimes spurred by changes to the writing staff). And in the case of Marvel, crossovers are regular, which inevitably requires you to be familiar with other publications and/or plot events as well.


Don't get me wrong, I can definitely see the appeal, and there's plenty of good stuff to see, it's just not something I'm willing to do regularly.

But I'll try my hand with Venom and see how it goes.

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One of the reasons I don't follow Superhero Comics, yes :heh:


They have ongoing storylines with no definite conclusion or closure in mind, which not only requires one to keep up with the publications, there will be a tendency to produce retcons and hit reset buttons on several plot elements (sometimes spurred by changes to the writing staff). And in the case of Marvel, crossovers are regular, which inevitably requires you to be familiar with other publications and/or plot events as well.


Don't get me wrong, I can definitely see the appeal, and there's plenty of good stuff to see, it's just not something I'm willing to do regularly.

But I'll try my hand with Venom and see how it goes.




I can completely understand your points though, it certainly gets ridiculous (with Marvel and DC anyway), but yeah, Invincible is self contained. Well....in issue 60 it has every Image character in (although the continuuities are not actually linked, apart from with Brit and Wolf-Man, which are also written by Kirkman) and issue 57 crossed over with Wolf-Man, but that was it.

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I'm not convinced there will be though. There aren't many long running series' and the ones that are, I can't ever imagine being retconned. They are so much more free and different to how Marvel and DC work.


Don't get me wrong though, I love the interconnected side of M/DC, and have learned to live with retcons.

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Image are more like an imprint than a parent company like Marvel or DC. Like Rez said they don't really have the business model in place that leads to retcons and convoluted continuity. Not that all retcons are bad- Sometimes a totally ass-backward run needs one to undo some crappy plot twist.

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