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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Wow. I thought Supergirl was really good. Agreed it felt short. I bloody loved the art (although one of the close ups was really weird). There are some absolutely beautifully framed shots, too. I think her costume would have looked better with white leggings instead of bare skin while keeping the rad boots.


Actually really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I was expecting it to be bleh. Only picked it up because I love the cover. The writing was great, too.


When her super hearing tunes in and she can here the exact dialogue from the other issues. Yes.



I need to read the next issue.



At the end of this month I'm going to have a real hard time picking which books I'm going to stick with and which ones I'm going to drop.

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I bloody loved the art (although one of the close ups was really weird). There are some absolutely beautifully framed shots, too. I think her costume would have looked better with white leggings instead of bare skin while keeping the rad boots.op.


Mahmud Asrar! He did Dynamo 5.


Ugh. I don't want to buy Supergirl. Ugh. I might have to. UGH.

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Supergirl had nice art, though not much happened. Not bad though, and I'm interested (sorta) to see what happens next/it's obvious.


It's just a shame they keep having to reinvent Supergirl every 5-10 years. But yeah, good.


Red Hood & The Outlaws was fine, nothing really. Not sure how I feel about Starfire. Not really bothered about this one.


Nightwing was enjoyable.


I have Batman, Birds of Prey (dunno why I bought it, but was in the mood. Should have got Catwoman instead probably.) and Wonder Woman on the way in the post. It's from FP though, and I haven't got a shipping e-mail so I'm sure it'll be years before I see them. :/

Edited by Paj!
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I havn't read much this week, however Batman was absolutely awesome. I could talk more about it, but it was just incredibly well done, the reaffirmation that the Robin's have "high" security clearance and then Alfred on "highest" was a nice subtle touch and a nice pre-drinks for the ending. Great stuff.


And I just finished Y The Last Man. Basically essential reading, the last volume pretty much blew me away. Extraordinarily well written.


I havn't read much this week, however Batman was absolutely awesome. I could talk more about it, but it was just incredibly well done, the reaffirmation that the Robin's have "high" security clearance and then Alfred on "highest" was a nice subtle touch and a nice pre-drinks for the ending. Great stuff.


And I just finished Y The Last Man. Basically essential reading, the last volume pretty much blew me away. Extraordinarily well written.

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Anyone read Schism? Really good stuff. The Fight finally kicked off and the reasons felt good. In character, reasonable on both sides and powerful. The way Aaron finally brings them to blows is really powerful and vicious too. The words are as brutal as the fight itself. Great stuff.

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Yeah I loved Schism.


Batman 1 was good, but I'm over the art already. Don't like Capullo's style...everyone's face was too nebulous and just nothing felt defined enough, I couldn't get a visual grasp. I didn't like his Joker either. I find some interps of Joker just really lacking sometimes. I think it's when he's too small or feminine or something. Or has horrible curly hair.

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Have you read it all Rez? I'm picking it up again and just to


They're in Australia, about to head to Japan.



Really enjoying it so far, just a lot to get through.


I really do think the last volume is pretty much a masterpiece, the characterisation is second to none. I really love Volume (6 is it?) or 5, the one with the ship.


Just....utterly awesome in my humble opinion.




Started issue 1 of Gladstones School for World Conquerors.


Very big! Not finished it in two breaks (20 minutes), I absolutely love it so far though! Cannot wait to read more!




Thor arrived!




Marineman volume 1 : A Matter of Life and Depth arrived.


Seriously....this thing is meaty! Its 1-6 but it seems to have an absolute fuck tonne of extra content it is insane, its a got a really nice foreword and photo from Dave Gibbons and I am stunned by it, one of the nicest looking and feeling TPB's I have ever encountered!


£12 from Play. I'll let you know what the story is like.

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