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Man, so much has happened. Shulk died, Duckson is a douche, Alvis is a traitor...kinda. Mechonis came alive. Bionis came alive. Mechonis got killed. Then there was about 20 boss fights one after the other! Phew.


So I hit another wall. That stupid bitch, Lorithia. She just kicked my butt for about 3 hours today and I've just beat her now.


I tried a bunch of methods, read people's opinions and even trawled through this thread to see if others had issues with her. It seems, like Gadolt, this is another cheap boss with only a few tactics that work.


I switched to Melia and then tried the methods described. I failed instantly. I decided to level up a bit more, even though my levels were fine, and this allowed me to practice with her and get used to her attacks.


I switched my team around and put Riki in the squad. This gave me Sharla for healing, Riki for poison and bleed attacks and Melia for ether attacks. It still took a while to get the victory but it's done now.


Stupid cow!



@lostmario if you thought that was a brick wall just wait until you hit the point I've just described. A few peeps in this thread had issues with the fight as well.

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Man, so much has happened. Shulk died, Duckson is a douche, Alvis is a traitor...kinda. Mechonis came alive. Bionis came alive. Mechonis got killed. Then there was about 20 boss fights one after the other! Phew.


So I hit another wall. That stupid bitch, Lorithia. She just kicked my butt for about 3 hours today and I've just beat her now.


I tried a bunch of methods, read people's opinions and even trawled through this thread to see if others had issues with her. It seems, like Gadolt, this is another cheap boss with only a few tactics that work.


I switched to Melia and then tried the methods described. I failed instantly. I decided to level up a bit more, even though my levels were fine, and this allowed me to practice with her and get used to her attacks.


I switched my team around and put Riki in the squad. This gave me Sharla for healing, Riki for poison and bleed attacks and Melia for ether attacks. It still took a while to get the victory but it's done now.


Stupid cow!



@lostmario if you thought that was a brick wall just wait until you hit the point I've just described. A few peeps in this thread had issues with the fight as well.


That was the hardest boss in the game, I think. I found that fight frustrating and it's a relief when you get through it.


I feel very much the same way with the bosses in Metroid Prime, particularly the last one. Proper fist pump material. I'm sure I swore at the telly when I completed the one you just did.

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That was the hardest boss in the game, I think. I found that fight frustrating and it's a relief when you get through it.


I feel very much the same way with the bosses in Metroid Prime, particularly the last one. Proper fist pump material. I'm sure I swore at the telly when I completed the one you just did.


Yeah, I proper shouted out when I beat it. :D


Now for a bunch of sidequests and levelling up Colony 6 some more. The end is near.....

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Yeah so I got to that boss, many tries and 2 hours later, no chance of doing it.


I think that is me done with the game. I had a good run, 78 hours and all.


Can't see how I can get past this.


I know it's disheartened but don't give up. You are so close to the end of the game. What level are your characters and are you using Melina?

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I know it's disheartened but don't give up. You are so close to the end of the game. What level are your characters and are you using Melina?


Level 73 and no, not used her at all.


Tempted to get as much of Colony 6 done as possible then call it a day. Still need a bloody ice cabbage.


The difficulty spikes in this game are just stupid.


Before this stupid boss, I went 75 hours with only 1 enemy causing me any problems.

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Level 73 and no, not used her at all.


Tempted to get as much of Colony 6 done as possible then call it a day. Still need a bloody ice cabbage.


The difficulty spikes in this game are just stupid.


Before this stupid boss, I went 75 hours with only 1 enemy causing me any problems.


There are only 2 difficulty spikes in the game, this and the one you've already beaten. Your level could do with being a little higher. Use this to level up quickly. It works a treat and helped me gain the extra few levels to allow me to beat the boss you're stuck on.



You NEED to use Melia as your main character or you're gonna have a nightmare with the boss. Her Ether attacks are the way to go and if you have Riki and Sharla on your team then then will both attack and heal you. Just level up Melina's element attacks and the reflect ability, as well as copy and you should be set.


The fight is cheap in that you really need to use Melina, any other character is an absolute nightmare. Then again, seeing who the boss is I suppose it is only right that she is the main.


Don't give up, mate. You are near the end and it would be a waste of 70 odd hours not to finish the game off!


In other news, I'm level 79 now. Just gonna get to level 81 and then have a crack at the final boss!

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I can't remember if I used Melia or not. The one character who I think is an absolute must for ANY big fight is Sharla/BigTitsMcKee. Her healing properties make her an essential. Going into any big battle without her is suicide, imo, and you'll get battered in next to no time.


Go quest for a bit, raise your level to about 76/77, go back and you'll do it no problem. It is a hard boss, though, so don't get discouraged.

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Well I got the Ice Cabbage I had been looking for which means I can get a few more colony 6 quests in before finishing with it.


Tried using Melia, I got her to do one attack on her and then it wouldn't let me use any other attack but that one for the rest of the fight, as always It didn't end well.


I aint spending 10+ hours levelling up, if I needed to be a certain level to beat it, it should give me more quests or areas to unlock to be at that level. I've done all the side quests available, what more do you want from me?!!


I'm done trying to finish the game. Lost all enjoyment of playing this game in the last day.


Was in a really good mood going into this easter weekend, in a right mood now.


In other news, I'm level 79 now. Just gonna get to level 81 and then have a crack at the final boss!


Seeing this doesn't help. Thank Hero


All them times I carried you on my back in Monster Hunter and you post things like this. :indeed:

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Yeah, Melia is confusing to use. I was doing the same as you and then realised I was doing it wrong. You select a summon element, like fire, water etc. and you should see the element hovering about you. You can carry 3 different ones at a time. You then fire these elements by using the middle icon, the one where the Monado power is for Shulk. Rinse and repeat.


Each if these elements carry a bonus when used. For example, the water element gives you a healing boost, bolt gives your ether moves a boost and earth gives you a physical boost.


If using the method I showed you it shouldn't take long to level up at all. There's another spot like this late in the game. I've been killing level 90 enemies and getting 240k exp, despite being only level 80. :D

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If using the method I showed you it shouldn't take long to level up at all. There's another spot like this late in the game. I've been killing level 90 enemies and getting 240k exp, despite being only level 80. :D


My point is I shouldn't have to use that technique to continue through the game, the spike in difficulty makes no sense with how the rest of the game has played out.

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My point is I shouldn't have to use that technique to continue through the game, the spike in difficulty makes no sense with how the rest of the game has played out.


I agree. It does cheapen the experience of the game. To be fair, I've had to grind before I get to the last boss. I think the levelling up in this game is very broken.


In most JRPGs there is a spot or enemy that gives out great exp boosts but in this once you've exausted your sidequests you are left with fighting enemies that give very little experience points. Even if you do find an enemy that does dish out a decent amount, the amount needed to level up is crazy. I mean, I'm fighting things at 10 levels above me, they give 240k exp and the bar is still hardly moving!


To be honest I'm at the point where I just want the thing finished and shelved. For me, it hasn't been an enjoyable experience and as I said before I've played much, much better JRPGs, with better characters and story.

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To be honest I'm at the point where I just want the thing finished and shelved. For me, it hasn't been an enjoyable experience and as I said before I've played much, much better JRPGs, with better characters and story.


While I'm gutted I'll never finish it, I have really enjoyed playing it.


Hopefully they fix these issues for the Wii U game though.

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Better characters and story?

It had better not be ff8. :indeed:

That was one of my favourite things about the game.

That boss really does need you to learn how to us melia (who has a weird style) though which is the fist time it was needed in the game. I would also urge you to finish it though @lostmario not long after this. If you level up for lorithia you should walk the end game.

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Aaaaaaaaaand it's done!


The last boss was a massive pain in the balls, especially as you have to fight a bunch of fights before him and you can't even save before the big fight. I got my butt kicked on my first attempt and knocked it off. I then had to make my way all the way back to him when I fired it up again.


I'm glad it's done. I was determined to finish it this time so haven't played anything else in the mean time.


If I'm honest, I probably enjoyed The Last Story more than this. This had its high points but the low points far out weigh them.


*places back on shelf never to be touched again*

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You lot telling me that you can actually control another character other than Shulk!!!?


You serious?


Yep being serious. I once controlled Melia in that tomb thing but the game made me do it. I didn't know you could actually change the lead character!!






You dun goof'd, brah. I genuinely laughed at that. :D

That means you've never played as Reyn or Riki?! Sheeeeeeeeet.

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I would also urge you to finish it though @lostmario not long after this. If you level up for lorithia you should walk the end game.


Thats the thing, I have tried. I didn't plan on putting 80 hours into this game just to give up but I have no choice.


I'd love to finish it, I could waste hours doing HoTs level up trick but why should I. I haven't needed to resort to doing that for the rest of the game so why now, sounds to me like the game is broken.

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Definitely remember the boss you're all talking about giving me trouble when I played the game on release and do agree it was a bit of an unnecessarily sharp difficulty spike. Think I did venture off and do a little bit of levelling but not too much.


Just a point, have you been doing skill linking across your characters? It's something I completely missed out on until that boss and when I was told about it it was a bit of a godsend getting various buffs at the start and throughout battles, particularly in that boss battle.


That, along with having Melia on the team (you don't necessarily have to control her but you do really need her there. Or use Monado Cyclone or whatever it's called as it's an Ether based attack), helped get through the fight.


All you guys playing is making me want to start again! Didn't quite finish rebuilding Colony 6 in my finished save file and always considered going after the Super Bosses (although the lvl 120 one can go to hell!).

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All these people saying you need Melia or Sharla... please!


After the Gadolt fight I realised that Shulk was fine healing people, so certainly didn't use Sharla ever again. Basically my tactic was to control Shulk and have him use Monado Armour to reduce the damage the team takes and then use his healing move as well, if you get a vision then use Monado Shield. These are the only arts I would use with him, otherwise he should be auto attacking.


My second player was Dunban and my third was Fiora, they can both hit fast which was vital for building up my chain attack. The main tactic was to get the chain attack up and then, break, topple and daze, once you come out of the chain attack daze again with Shulk and then by the time the enemy is up the chain attack should be close to being full again so rinse and repeat.


For the boss in question I killed the three enemies she summons, which built up the chain attack (once these are gone as well she is susceptible to physical damage) and then used the break, topple, daze chain attack tactic, after the first chain attack I don't think she hit me again as I was building up the chain very quickly. I also had agility gems on the team so they could hit more often.


Once I got this tactic down the other bosses were a piece of piss!


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It's been a while since I played this, but what I remember is that I used Dunban, Reyn and Sharla for everything unless I absolutely had to cram Shulk in. Dunban was my favourite because he can both stun and topple quite easily, plus lower enemy defence for a massive chain link beatdown. I remember there was some boss fight towards the end where I was "supposed" to use some other character...but I just said "screw that" and blasted through it with my own combination. There seem to be multiple options in most fights depending on your playstyle...


Still, no matter what your team, you have to level them up, there's no way around that. Find some high level boss monsters and it shouldn't be that hard...I remember there being a super good levelling spot high up in the Valak Mountain, but that was probably for the end game. Not sure at what level you can even go there...

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