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I'm not that bothered about difficulty of the last boss anymore... in my view it's the games fault for not making the last boss level 100, haha, when they have normal and unqiue monsters pushing that level. Or when some of the 5th Skill Trees require you to beat level 96+ monsters.


If I want I could always try the end with weaker armour and weapons :wink:


The completionist in me wouldn't let me go on till I have everything I can possibly do done :D


On that note I now have ZERO quests left on my list :D


(Though would anyone know of a complete list of all the side quests that can be found? I'd like to know if there are actually none left or if I might have missed some that I might still be able to pick up, haha)


Got all the "RM"'s and finding the 4th one suits me best with the right gems to get a good balance of power and defence.


I'm sure I wasn't the only one disappointed with opening that door and thinking... "Is that all that's in there?"


I expecting something more :heh:


Though the level 99 Slobos that appeared did surprise me



Only had a few collectables left.

When I checked at 1 on Valak Mountain, which I knew was the Ice Cabbage again :mad:

Did a bit of a run on the mountain... none yet.


There was 1 space left on Fallen Arm, Rainbow Slug, I just warped to the distant fingertip at night where I found the 2 I needed for a previous quest and it was the first orb I picked up :D


Then I also had a Death Lychee from Prison Island.... although I swear I had 11 and used 10 for a quest, no idea what happened to the 1 I should have had left.... but when I went looking luckily it was like the 10th orb I picked up. Phew.


I also have the final "Other" area collectable to get I know who has it though don't have anything valuable enough to trade for it :heh:


Then there's the Heart-to-Hearts, starting to pick up a fair few of them. Got everyones affinity with Shulk to max and Sharla is maxed with Melia and the 7th Char.

Every other connection is blue or purple faces. So a bit of affinity grinding I guess.


Anyone know what works best? Giving presents or the Nebula trick?

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Then there's the Heart-to-Hearts, starting to pick up a fair few of them. Got everyones affinity with Shulk to max and Sharla is maxed with Melia and the 7th Char.

Every other connection is blue or purple faces. So a bit of affinity grinding I guess.


Doing sidequests and exploration with different party combinations would have. At least for you, as you were going to do the quests anyway.

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Doing sidequests and exploration with different party combinations would have. At least for you, as you were going to do the quests anyway.


I was doing that, how else do you think I maxed Shulks affinity with everyone else, kept him as my lead and switched the other two round. Took me long enough to get that sorted. Haven't used Shulk since the "Core" unless I needed the Purge move.


I think gifts is the best option with your level. This list shows who likes what. It also has all the quests listed as you wanted.




Cheers Tales, will have a look at that... tried a bit of gifting last night though but was started running out of the good (3 heart) items fast and still no upgrade in the affinity level :heh: Managed to get Reyn and the 7th to max though... using up almost every 3 heart item I had :heh:


Whats the max level you can get your characters too?

99 or 100?


I might just get everyone to that, have a go at some of the Super Bosses, then do whatever Heart-to-Hearts are available then finish the game even if there some H-t-H's left.


I think the H-t-H's were handled a bit wrong. I reckon they should have been primarily used as a way to increase affinity not using affinity as the main way to see the H-t-H's. Like the Skits used in Tales of Symphonia.


Though I guess for some of them you could have still required to have a certain affinity level between the characters but they at least shouldn't have had some where it required max affinity and then need god knows how many hearts to upgrade from purple to pink max :mad:


Speaking of the Super Bosses... how the hell are you meant to beat some of those... I've seen 2 so far (I hear there's 4 or 5?), one was 105 the other 108. I've never been able to get an attack to hit a normal monster more than 5 levels higher than me never mind beat one :heh:

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I might just get everyone to that, have a go at some of the Super Bosses, then do whatever Heart-to-Hearts are available then finish the game even if there some H-t-H's left.


I think the H-t-H's were handled a bit wrong. I reckon they should have been primarily used as a way to increase affinity not using affinity as the main way to see the H-t-H's. Like the Skits used in Tales of Symphonia.


Though I guess for some of them you could have still required to have a certain affinity level between the characters but they at least shouldn't have had some where it required max affinity and then need god knows how many hearts to upgrade from purple to pink max :mad:


I agree, at the end of the heart to heart what is the affinity boost actually going to do? Unless it does increase behind the scenes and you just cannot see it?


Speaking of the Super Bosses... how the hell are you meant to beat some of those... I've seen 2 so far (I hear there's 4 or 5?), one was 105 the other 108. I've never been able to get an attack to hit a normal monster more than 5 levels higher than me never mind beat one :heh:


In the Misc section of the google doc there are some suggestions for party combinations, gems and arts for defeating two of the super bosses. (I think, I am only at Agniratha)

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I was doing that, how else do you think I maxed Shulks affinity with everyone else, kept him as my lead and switched the other two round. Took me long enough to get that sorted. Haven't used Shulk since the "Core" unless I needed the Purge move.




Cheers Tales, will have a look at that... tried a bit of gifting last night though but was started running out of the good (3 heart) items fast and still no upgrade in the affinity level :heh: Managed to get Reyn and the 7th to max though... using up almost every 3 heart item I had :heh:


Whats the max level you can get your characters too?

99 or 100?


I might just get everyone to that, have a go at some of the Super Bosses, then do whatever Heart-to-Hearts are available then finish the game even if there some H-t-H's left.


I think the H-t-H's were handled a bit wrong. I reckon they should have been primarily used as a way to increase affinity not using affinity as the main way to see the H-t-H's. Like the Skits used in Tales of Symphonia.


Though I guess for some of them you could have still required to have a certain affinity level between the characters but they at least shouldn't have had some where it required max affinity and then need god knows how many hearts to upgrade from purple to pink max :mad:


Speaking of the Super Bosses... how the hell are you meant to beat some of those... I've seen 2 so far (I hear there's 4 or 5?), one was 105 the other 108. I've never been able to get an attack to hit a normal monster more than 5 levels higher than me never mind beat one :heh:

Just keep using all your items. It will take you a couple of hours. I used up everything I had and I still wasn't done. Missing two hearts I think, from blue face.


I think higher affinity increases the chances for chain attacks. It's needed for the super bosses according to the guide.


The super bosses you mentioned aren't the super bosses :p peterl0 mentioned them, and I know one of them is at lv 124! He is at the bottom of Valak Mountain. The amount of gem crafting and preparation that is needed made me rush to the end of the game and quit...Maybe some other time :)

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I think gifts is the best option with your level. This list shows who likes what. It also has all the quests listed as you wanted.




ok so i just checked the list of quests there with what I've got done and aside from the obvious "clashing quests" where you gotta choose to do one or the other and quests that required to have made certain choices in other quests I missed a total of just 4 that I know can't do and 4 that I still can. And 2 of those clash so it's really only 3 left for :D


Of the 4 that I totally missed 2 were surprise quests in Sword Valley and 2 were timed quests in the Hidden Village


they were 2 quests from Zelix that you get after Fiora's Treament, don't know how I missed them but I do know I didn't first find that NPC till after the "Core" :heh:



Of the 4 quests that I now have left on my list 3 I had to talk to either the giver NPC or another NPC before the ! appeared and 1 was a very interesting surprise quest. Which even came with some full cut scenes and added a little bit extra to the overall story so glad I checked this list or I may never have seen it :D


It was the Tyrea quest where you find her by the big gate going to Colony 6 walking from Watchpoint Junction. Obviously I never had any real need to go near there after the Core :heh:


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I was doing that, how else do you think I maxed Shulks affinity with everyone else, kept him as my lead and switched the other two round. Took me long enough to get that sorted. Haven't used Shulk since the "Core" unless I needed the Purge move.


It just sounded like you were always mainly using Shulk. ;) Now some time after the "Core" I've got Shulks affinity to everyone except for Riki on max and a fair few other characters maxed. On the other hand, I still have a lot of "yellow" affinity lines, because I never go round to using some characters in combination with each other.

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last night I found a great way to increase affinity :D


Found a level 99 Unique Monster in Makna, it one if the big T-Rex type things near where you fought the Telethia. Magnificent D...something is the name, can't fully remember.


Anyway whenever you hit him he inflicts Topple. So I just have my two AI characters go in and keep attacking and Toppling over, then used my 1st Character to help them up and get the odd Encourage too. You gotta run in Help/Encouage then run out before you auto-attack else you'll topple too. If your lucky both AI's will be next to each other and you'll get constant Help/Encouage's you won't have to run out.


Then if you've run out of revives and both your AI's faint, just run away, let everyone heal and go back.


In 80 odd mins managed to max Reyn with Riki from Blue and Melia, Sharla and Dunban from Purple. Also maxed Riki with Melia from Purple and Sharla, 7th Char and Dunban from Blue (all other connections with Reyn and Riki already maxed).


So using this I should have the rest of my connections maxed in one more play session :D

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I managed to put in another five hours or so last night, mopping up some of the quests I had left over. At the moment, I think I've got about six unfinished, plus quite a lot of the Colony 6 restoration, but I'm sure there are some I've missed - for one thing, there are still about five skill trees left for me to unlock. I'm at level 93 now, so there aren't too many monsters left that I don't stand a chance against - and it's certainly very satisfying being able to take down most of the high level ones that you meet (and swiftly run away from!) early in the game, like the dinos in Makra.

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I completed this yesterday after maxing everything. Loved it, especially the story behind the origin of the world. Anyone who doesn't use the 7th character much should consider it, such a fun character to play.


Good time to complete this actually with the current lineup of games from next week (Dark Souls!)

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OK had a quick(ish) afternoon session and finished maxing the affinity links with ALL the Characters using the method I described above (so glad I copped that, haha).


Then got everyone up to level 99 now :D


So all that is left now is to see all the remaining Heart-to-Heart's, then try take down one of the "above lvl100" monsters to try get an item I can trade to get the Love Source to complete my collectables list then I can go and finish the story :D


Will look into the other spuer bosses at another time, can only imagine the amount of gemming and gem crafting I might need to do to set up for each one :heh:


Also haven't got all the skills unlocked just yet, but I do have all the trees and that is good enough for me... are there no gems that will allow you get gain extra SP points like you can do with EXP and AP?


OK in my evening play session I thought I'd try take on one of the 100+ Uniques to try get the item for that last collectable trade, ended up spending over an hour trying :heh:


Tried looking up some advice on gemming and skill links but didn't have the right recommended rank of gems :heh: Best I had was the 108 in the Marsh, a few times I swear I almost had him but I seemed to be very unlucky with getting good chain links.... and kept missing a fair few moves :heh: (played at night with night buffs/skills, but only have 3 Night Vision gems all under 30% :heh:


When I finally realised how long I'd spent trying I gave up and went to do all the Heart-To-Hearts. Seeing all of those took a bit longer than I expected by the time I finished them up didn't have time to do the boss... so will have to leave that till tomorrow and make an event out of it I guess, haha

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I Finally got this yesterday.




This game is huge, I'm only still plodding around Colony 9 trying to level up and doing side quests there, but that's already made me lose around 3 hours so far.


time literally flies when playing this, I love it.

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Righty finished that off, loved the ending and whole lead up to it, despite how I easily swept the bosses aside with being almost jokingly over powered, haha (wish those super bosses would go like that)


Loved the Dickson fight and cut scenes at the top of prision Island.... though was a bit disappointed you didn't actually get to finish him off. He was just "yeah you beat me I'm gonna go sit over here and die" :heh:


Then the bit with the walking round in space freaked me out.... especially when the landmark names of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars came up.... that was blowing my mind.


From that I was expecting the game would end with everyone moving from Bionis to Earth.


Being put up aggainst the "Spirit of Mumkar" and others was cool though I guess lost a bit of impact in how quickly I pushed them aside, haha. Though I was actually hoping Mumkar would make a re-appearence at the end that is not how I expected it. Obviously I was hoping he survived from earlier and would try get involved at the end of the game.


Then when it came to explaning the origin of Bionis and Mechonis that was very cool, though a little bit "meh" at the same time. I didn't feel the game had any need to try and find a way to be part of our universe, that kinda felt a bit like "hey we need some sort of last twist in game what can we do?" like they forced it a bit.


But I guess it does give a good reason for the two giants and who/how Zanza and Meyneth came to be. I do remember when confronting Egill and it was mentioned that Meyneth actually created the Mechonis I always wondered what that meant.


The whole Alvis thing though was a bit weird. They should have just left him as being "the Monado" (even though previously it was stated that Zanza and the Monado were one in the same :heh:) or the soul of it I guess. Making him like the spirit of an AI computer went a bit far and also makes me wonder how neither Zanza or Meyneth knew what he was if he/it was actually the one "creating" each universe.


Loved the bit at the end then seeing everything through Fiora's eyes, even though you knew she'd have her Homs body back... though it would have been nice to have some proper explanation for that. Was it part of how the new world was created or did Venea find a way to de-Borg her?





Overall though loved it and the music at the end was perfect, glad I didn't listen to it on the soundtrack download before I heard it in the game :D


A few things that I thought the game needed at the end though were....




Alvis kept going on about making a choice, I was thinking there might be a mutiple ending thing where you get to choose between something and it effects the ending.


Also I was hoping somehow Fiora might not become Homs again as I was actually wanting Shulk to end up with Melia :heh:


It the whole Lloyd-Sheena thing all over again :mad:


Makes me wish they had done the Affinity thing more similar to how it was done in Tales of Symphonia where things would happen to different characters depending on who had the better relationship with Llyod.



Made a post-game save to get ready for a replay starting at lvl 99, do monsters scale up their level to match yours on the 2nd playthough? I reckon what I might do is just breeze though the story only on my 2nd run and not do any side quests :D

Get the game to kinda play out like a movie, haha.


Picked random items/weapons/armour to carry over too, didn't really put much thought into it. Though afterwards I was thinking I should have taken over nothing for the laugh, haha.


I did keep a save file that is just before the Point of no Return so I can go back to the first file and try for those Super Bosses at another time.


Do you get anything for beating all of those anyone know?

Edited by Mokong
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I completed this yesterday after maxing everything.


Great effort. : peace:


I Finally got this yesterday.




This game is huge, I'm only still plodding around Colony 9 trying to level up and doing side quests there, but that's already made me lose around 3 hours so far.


time literally flies when playing this, I love it.


You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait til you leave Colony 9. :o


What @Rummy said is actually an understatement.

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Do you get anything for beating all of those anyone know?

Some of them have a chance of dropping good equipment/gems. That's about it. There's no separate reward for beating all of them.


I'd imagine a New Game+ would be really boring, since you could just cut through most enemies like they were made of butter.


I agree with the things you said in your second spoiler box (especially your second point, man, I kept hoping...). :sad:

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Some of them have a chance of dropping good equipment/gems. That's about it. There's no separate reward for beating all of them.


I'd imagine a New Game+ would be really boring, since you could just cut through most enemies like they were made of butter.


I agree with the things you said in your second spoiler box (especially your second point, man, I kept hoping...). :sad:


Yes it's like the whole...


the whole Lloyd-Sheena thing all over again (just edited that into my previous post too), why must the hero always end up with the obvious choice :heh:



Also now that I think if it...


Would have been nice to see Reyn and Sharla hook up properly at the end seeing as it was hinted at since Sharla joined the game


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I don't like how...


... When the game reintroduces Fiora, it's all "they're soulmates! They've known each other since they were kids! They were always meant to be together!" Well, tough! You killed her off at the beginning of the game and now I've spent 50+ hours getting to know Melia and seeing how much she cares for Shulk. So from my perspective, Fiora's the one trying to steal Shulk from Melia.



It doesn't help that Fiora is dull as dishwater and that Shulk acts like a puppy dog around her.


Um... I swear I don't care as much as it seems.

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I don't like how...


... When the game reintroduces Fiora, it's all "they're soulmates! They've known each other since they were kids! They were always meant to be together!" Well, tough! You killed her off at the beginning of the game and now I've spent 50+ hours getting to know Melia and seeing how much she cares for Shulk. So from my perspective, Fiora's the one trying to steal Shulk from Melia.



It doesn't help that Fiora is dull as dishwater and that Shulk acts like a puppy dog around her.


Um... I swear I don't care as much as it seems.


Did I miss a section of the game? The only time I realised that Melia liked Shulk was that one scene in Alcamoth. I was surprised at the time...


In the heart to hearts?


Personally I was a sucker for Shulk and Fiora. The whole first half of the game is based on Shulks love for her and hence thirst for revenge after all. The next part is then about getting her back.



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So those who've completed this(both beating final boss and those completing like...loads more), how many hours have you racked up? I'm sitting at about 60+ and I've only just traipsed onto the Bionis. Story still has me intrigued, too.

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It took me just over 150 hours to finish the game, but I did every sidequest I could find.



Did I miss a section of the game? The only time I realised that Melia liked Shulk was that one scene in Alcamoth. I was surprised at the time...


In the heart to hearts?

Um... it's possible it was mostly explored in the heart-to-hearts. It kind of all blurs together at this point. I do know it was mentioned on several occasions, though. There are several heart-to-hearts that deal with it.

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Did I miss a section of the game? The only time I realised that Melia liked Shulk was that one scene in Alcamoth. I was surprised at the time...


In the heart to hearts?


Wait, didn't Sharla corner Melia and tell her to go for Shulk in a cut scene where it was made implicitely clear that Melia had a crush for him? Or was that also one of the a heart to hearts?

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Did I miss a section of the game? The only time I realised that Melia liked Shulk was that one scene in Alcamoth. I was surprised at the time...


In the heart to hearts?


Wait, didn't Sharla corner Melia and tell her to go for Shulk in a cut scene where it was made implicitely clear that Melia had a crush for him? Or was that also one of the a heart to hearts?


Yes it was when they left Alcamoth to move on to the Valak Mountains I think, unless you didn't pay any attention to that cut scene I don't see how you could have not noticed as it blatantly stated :heh:


Also I always thought there was a bit of a spark between the two from the first moment they found her, particularly when Melia woke up.


So those who've completed this(both beating final boss and those completing like...loads more), how many hours have you racked up? I'm sitting at about 60+ and I've only just traipsed onto the Bionis. Story still has me intrigued, too.


My save after getting to 99 with all characters, seeing all heart to hearts and doing all side quests (minus 4 that I missed, 2 surprise and 2 timed) I think my final time was about 139 hours.... probabaly my longest ever 1st playthrough of a game (with a designated ending, so not including games like Monster Hunter 3, Wii Sports Resort, Guitar Hero, etc)

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