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England Riots


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The police aren't outmatached. The days of softly softly politically correct policing are here. What we need is tear gas, water cannons and some batons meeting with skulls.


We don't have water cannons, we've never needed them before. The nearest ones are in Northern Ireland (or on their way, the acting police commissioner didn't specify either way). We also lack paramilitary, so you can forget rubber bullets etc. The military can use them, the police can't.


The police are definitely outmatched. There's too many incidents for them to deal with. Currently they have people at 13 different incidents (not including investigating officers looking at the aftermath from previous nights). Each time they arrive they're greeted with crowds 5-10 times their size. They can't contain these crowds, never mind attack them. They're stretched enough that some of them have worked through from last night and haven't yet been relieved.


They aren't outmatched? Debenhams in Clapham has been getting looted for an hour and a half. There's currently no police officers nearby, the five that were there retreated due to being outnumbered by "hundreds" of looters. If the police aren't outmatched then why aren't they there? If their numbers aren't stretched would they be allowing the looting to carry on? They're having to prioritise arson and other violent incidents over looting... :(


BTW, Leeds;




That's all I've seen so far.

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I'm still in Belgium at the moment, so I've only seen bits and pieces on Belgian news reports and on the BBC website. Haven't been following it super closely. But, it looks fucking horrific. It made me sad to watch one video where the rioters destroyed somebody's business (think it might have been a salon) without a care. It's a shame that somebody has put a lot of time and effort into building something, and then somebody else just destroys that within seconds.

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I think all these other reports coming about other places are people getting carried away, loads of people were talking about trouble in Luton. So much bullshit that Beds Police Facebook (who knew the old bill had facebook) had to issue a statement.


Bedfordshire Police

We are aware of the current social media comments in connection with the recent riots in London. At this time there are no reported disturbances in Bedfordshire.


We are monitoring the situation very closely and are well prepared to take appropriate action should the situation change.


At this time we will not respond to individual questions but we will update you as necessary.


I'd imagine similar rubbish is being spread around most towns outside north london.

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Yeah, Essex police had to dispel rumours going around that riots heading/started in Essex. What a load of bullshit, people on twitter just claiming things happening nearby to them.


Someone had time to post on twitter that their bus just had things thrown at it. BULLSHIT.

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I'm fucking livid right now. Confused, angry, annoyed, doesn't even cover it. Lucy is (as we know) in London. She's in Shoreditch. I'm genuinely worried that this time tomorrow people in those ends might get caught up in all this. Even more frustrating is I'm supposed to be going to see her tomorrow night and I'm pretty positive that at the rate they're closing stations Shoreditch High Street will be shut down at this rate.


Just.. ridiculously frustrated and disappointed. I've never felt quite so strongly about this sort of public demonstration before - the story has burrowed in to my gut.

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I still think it's weird that The Rise of the Planet of the Apes had a first screening today and riots are happening in London and Birmingham.


Apparently, the shopping centre by me is being raided as well. I feel ashamed because there's been rumours that people have actually started inside a children's hospital. It makes me feel sick.

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There's a few problems there. Firstly, the police are badly outnumbered. Secondly, there's far too many bystanders around. They don't want to turn this in to a war, and they don't want innocents caught in the middle. Over the past 10 years the police have been hit hard with criticism when innocents get caught in the crossfire and this is the result.


There's been a lot of call for no mercy policing in this incident, but as soon as some bystander dies from a rubber bullet to the eye there'll be outrage. People conveniently forget that they wanted a crackdown.


This. Its absolutely vital that the methods used to control the crowds aren't blanket enough that innocents get caught up in it. Just look at what happened at the G20 summit in Toronto where the police were basically beating everyone in their path just for the sake of it.

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Just watched footage of the riots on the TVB news. Horrifying to see so much fire, smashed shop windows, and violence. Much worse than I imagined (I had only listened to the news about it on the radio/read about it online prior to this). I seriously feel sorry for anyone who's near it right now. I would be in a terrible state if it had happened in my town. So pointless...stay safe everyone!!

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I'm fucking livid right now. Confused, angry, annoyed, doesn't even cover it. Lucy is (as we know) in London. She's in Shoreditch. I'm genuinely worried that this time tomorrow people in those ends might get caught up in all this. Even more frustrating is I'm supposed to be going to see her tomorrow night and I'm pretty positive that at the rate they're closing stations Shoreditch High Street will be shut down at this rate.


Just.. ridiculously frustrated and disappointed. I've never felt quite so strongly about this sort of public demonstration before - the story has burrowed in to my gut.


Was in Shoreditch half an hour ago. It's fine / normal.

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The children's hospital rumours aren't true. People on Twitter have been debunking it, apparently the police got there before the looters and made it clear it was off limits. Can't believe the number of idiots in Brum that looted with bare faces. They'll be getting picked up in the coming days...


Apparently some Polish shopkeepers saw their shops being looted in Croydon. Five minutes later an eyewitness saw around 50 Poles running down the high street, armed with sticks, beating the snot out of any looters they caught. Not sure if it's true or not, but it's been mentioned by a few sources. To be honest, I like. Serves the idiots right.

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I do think the Police should just start fucking shit up. I don't understand the whole "what about the innocents" thing. Surely they abandoned ship a long time ago? If they stayed, they won't exactly be walking amongst the rioters will they? If they've got any sense, they'll be hidden.


Thickest armour they can find, biggest stick they can find, most vicious dogs they can find, go nuts. Fuckers made their choice when they started setting fire to peoples homes/businesses.

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I do think the Police should just start fucking shit up. I don't understand the whole "what about the innocents" thing. Surely they abandoned ship a long time ago? If they stayed, they won't exactly be walking amongst the rioters will they? If they've got any sense, they'll be hidden.


Thickest armour they can find, biggest stick they can find, most vicious dogs they can find, go nuts. Fuckers made their choice when they started setting fire to peoples homes/businesses.


You should watch some of the footage on Sky News etc. Theyve got footage of them talking to the rioters (some girls said they were "getting back their taxes") and interviews with people who were walking around during the rioters and talking to them, asking then what theyre doing etc.

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You should watch some of the footage on Sky News etc. Theyve got footage of them talking to the rioters (some girls said they were "getting back their taxes") and interviews with people who were walking around during the rioters and talking to them, asking then what theyre doing etc.


Like they pay taxes.

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Ah, I'm sorry, but why have we got these people in our country?


Decades ago, Enoch Powell warned of "Rivers of Blood" due to uncontrolled immigration. He was absolutely right, and yet was forever villified as a racist. Good job we've always had those liberals running the country for us. They know best...

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You should watch some of the footage on Sky News etc. Theyve got footage of them talking to the rioters (some girls said they were "getting back their taxes") and interviews with people who were walking around during the rioters and talking to them, asking then what theyre doing etc.


Really? Wow, people are dumb.


OK then, to account for that, maybe get a real big megaphone and yell "We've set our tactics to "Fuck you". Anyone not wanting a jolly good fucking, please move to the side".


I eagerly await the Prime Minster's call asking me for tactical advice.

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The children's hospital rumours aren't true. People on Twitter have been debunking it, apparently the police got there before the looters and made it clear it was off limits. Can't believe the number of idiots in Brum that looted with bare faces. They'll be getting picked up in the coming days...


Apparently some Polish shopkeepers saw their shops being looted in Croydon. Five minutes later an eyewitness saw around 50 Poles running down the high street, armed with sticks, beating the snot out of any looters they caught. Not sure if it's true or not, but it's been mentioned by a few sources. To be honest, I like. Serves the idiots right.


Children's Hospital rumours are untrue.


Thank God! I was really upset hearing that. I've heard that quite a few places in Birmingham have been raided now, the latest being Erdington. I hope it's not true. :hmm:

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There's a great quote from Battlestar Galactica about police and the army, which is really relevant, but can't remember it.


EDIT: Commander William Adama: "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."

Edited by chairdriver
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