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Lucas Blood and the Mystery of the Puzzle Killer


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Sorry, I didn't see this, haha. Work and shit, okay let's get this thing going again.




Smith stood up and started to follow the mysterious man as he went through the back door.

'Hmmm, that was weird' thought Smith, as he stood up from his seat. He walked slowly to the back door and hesitated for one moment, thinking whether it might be the best idea to wait for Blood. He thought against it and opened the door.

Rain hit his head as he walked outside. He was standing in the alleyway of the pub where he saw a few smokers having cigarettes and laughing.

He moved away from them and looked to his left, all he saw was a parked car and traffic on the roads at the end of the alleyway. He looked to his right and saw nothing but the bins and barrels.

He couldn't see the man anywhere at all. It was as if he disappeared into the night.


"Hmmm, maybe he ran through the streets, I'll go left and chase him"


"Well, this may be a dead end but there could be clues to the right of me"


"Sod this, I want a pint!"

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I doubt we could chase him, don't know what he looks like so we'd just be running into the public.


I say check to the right. He could have stashed something in the bins.


And just to get people to notice:



Edited by MoogleViper
Automerged Doublepost
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!! I was mentioned. Ok he might have thrown something to the right. No time for stashing. Would be a very panicky person though, the guy didn't even know what he was in trouble for. Going chasing without asking one of the smokers if someone ran through is a bit thick (he could be hiding amongst them too). So yeah check to the right and if we find nothing go back inside?

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I doubt we could chase him, don't know what he looks like so we'd just be running into the public.


I say check to the right. He could have stashed something in the bins.


I agree with heroic - check to the right


I also think that we should check to the right.


check to the right


Smith turns right from the door and goes down an alleyway. He sees nothing but untidy newspapers on the floor next to bins and beer barrels from the pub. The chatter of smokers no longer in earshot, the rain soaking him. He was alone. It was just him and silence and banging?


The noise came from the bin. The green one.


He can hear something.


Smith walks slowly to the bin and opens it to see someone in the bin. It's somebody in overalls with a note attached to their uniform.


Kill a cleaner?


Smith looked at the note and then looked at his face. Suddenly, he got his phone out of his pocket when suddenly, a shadowy figure hit him over the head from behind and Smith collapsed onto the ground, unconsciousness slowly taking over.

"NO! NO, STAY AWAY! I'M ONLY A CLEANER! PLEASE, I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS!" when suddenly he heard a thud and the cleaner fell next to him as well. The attacker put them in his black van and drove off into the night...




Blood rushed out of his house and went into McGuinness to find that Smith wasn't there. He asked the barman of his whereabouts and the barman pointed to the back door.

Blood went out to the back to find nothing there. He looked to his left and then to his right. He sensed that something wasn't right. He started down the alleyway to where the bins and barrels were, carefully looking around him for clues.

He approached the barrels and did not find anything and turned his attention to the bins. He looked on the bin and saw no clue. He opened the bin to find a single note, addressed to Blood. How did this man know Blood would even look in the bin?


Like a snake in the night, you slowly creep to find your prey and unravel their secrets but we really know why you're so intent on catching me. We both know that if you take a gamble and roll the dice, either way, you lose and I win. You wouldn't be able to catch me or even win me, even when you're old in a wheelchair or walking around with a zimmer-frame. Either way, the chase is always fun and interesting. I see that it's raining again, you should trust in the rain as it can lead you to new places. Should you try to be a hero and second-guess my location, both the cleaner and your partner dies but if you can unravel this message within three days, both leave unharmed. Now go and do what you do best and go eat sugary pastries!





What can this riddle mean?

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Moogleviper as the snake, mike-zim as the zimmer frame, cube as the dice, nintendohnut from the sugary pastries. No idea if 'raining again' is a reference to our forumite.


The gamble could refer to the number 7 on the dice, or to the game of rummy, but these are more tenuous.

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Heroic is also mentioned, although he could be either the cleaner who we're trying to save, or in the part where it says "should you try to be a hero"


It seems that only Rummy and you DON'T appear, jayseven - I can't see anywhere in that riddle that either of those names would really be referenced. That said, seeing as Rummy has already been the answer to a riddle, I'd be more willing to think that it was you. Not confident enough to go for it though - we need more contributions first!

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