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Lucas Blood and the Mystery of the Puzzle Killer


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Night One- The First Time


A body lay there motionless, lifeless in an alley behind the McGuinness bar. He was dumped here like he was garbage. The surroundings had always changed but the body was stuck in time, it would not move and it would never move again. Detective Lucas Blood, a well-built man with stubble and wild brown hair, looked around, trying to find any clues.

“What do we have here, Smith?†he asked.

Smith was another detective, Blood’s partner. Sometimes Blood couldn’t rely on him but he was a dab hand at cryptic clues and different meanings.

“The victim’s name was John Phelps. Male Caucasian. Turned 30 last week. Five foot ten. The marks on the wrists suggest that he was tied up and the head wound suggests he was hit once with a very heavy object. Forensics are trying to identify the object as we speak.â€

“Very good†was all Blood could say. “I’m going to look around for cluesâ€

Lucas Blood looked on the body and had found a note in the dead man’s pocket.

“Hmm, what’s this?†Blood asked himself.

He took the folded piece of paper out of Phelp’s shirt pocket and was written in scruffy handwriting with blood being the substitute for ink.




That was what was written on the folded paper. Lucas shook his head and he opened it.


You can’t see me but I can see you

Look around you, Detectives, get a clue

You have three chances to save a life

Otherwise you must pay the price

I call upon your best team to figure me out

And know what my intentions are all about

So ladies and gentlemen, the fun really begins

My crimes, my riddles and admittedly my sins

You’re all stuck within this deadly game

And nothing will ever be the same

One of you is on Death’s List

But two of you aren’t so riddle me this

Realise all of you are in danger

Ultimately the last thing you want is failure

Most would read this thinking inside the box

My intentions is for you think outside it for it to unlock

You’d be foolish to read everything I’ve written literally


Save a life?


“He’s trying to get to us, he can see us!†Lucas said.

Smith looked puzzled. "How?"

Blood looked down at the note and then looked at Smith. "It says that we get three chances but how would the killer know what the answer would be?"

“He’s asking for us personally?!†cried Smith.

Blood nodded. "Looks that way. We have to solve this note."

Smith shook his head. "I highly doubt he can see us."

After Smith said this, a loud bang interrupted the mild sea of chatter and the speculation. Blood and Smith both turned to see a police officer sink to his knees, his chest bleeding. He fell face first to the floor, the same empty look in his eyes as the victim that lay beside him. Screams flooded shortly after.

"Officer down, officer down!" said a voice.

The police officers had got their guns out and some were about to run until-



Solve the puzzle before something tragic happens...

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Interesting observation. The first line "you can't see me but I can see you" reminds me of a mirror, however I can't tell precisely what it is we're solving here. We know that the killer is observing us via a camera. it feels like this bit is the riddle;


One of you is on Death’s List

But two of you aren’t so riddle me this

Realise all of you are in danger

Ultimately the last thing you want is failure

Most would read this thinking inside the box

My intentions is for you think outside it for it to unlock

You’d be foolish to read everything I’ve written literally


What is the 'you'? Is it just a threat to say one of us is in danger, while two aren't, yet all are in danger?

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Interesting observation. The first line "you can't see me but I can see you" reminds me of a mirror, however I can't tell precisely what it is we're solving here. We know that the killer is observing us via a camera. it feels like this bit is the riddle;


One of you is on Death’s List

But two of you aren’t so riddle me this

Realise all of you are in danger

Ultimately the last thing you want is failure

Most would read this thinking inside the box

My intentions is for you think outside it for it to unlock

You’d be foolish to read everything I’ve written literally


What is the 'you'? Is it just a threat to say one of us is in danger, while two aren't, yet all are in danger?


I concur in that I'm not exactly sure what we're reading, and agree the riddle can be read backwards(but equally just as much forwards?). It does seem to follow the narrative backwards, though.


How can you determine it's a camera? Because he can see us but us not him? He must surely be able to see or have something rigged if he shot the copper though.


Maybe the police officer is the one on death's list, with Blood and Smith not?

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You all have a lifeline- It's basically some dialogue between Blood and Smith and in that, they discuss the riddle. In other words, you get a hint. You can use this once per riddle but be advised, the hint MIGHT be false sometimes. Take it at your own risk.


Also, to give out your answer, please do the following- Answer: Blahblahblah but at least four players must agree.

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If it is a camera how did he/she shoot the other cop?


Was it a shot? It was a loud bang. It could have been a pre-placed explosive device. If that was the case then the camera theory would work as the killer could then detinate from afar!

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Well another line in the riddle -

"Look around you, Detectives, get a clue"
- is pre-echoed earlier with;
“Very good†was all Blood could say. “I’m going to look around for cluesâ€


We know of the body only a few things; white male, just had a birthday. Suggestions that he was killed by a blunt object whilst tied up. Found behind a bar. The note itself is handwritten.


The lound BANG would suggest a gunshot, of course. Perhaps it should be interesting that Blood shouts don't move in such a situation.


I am unsure whether the 'three chances' thing is to do with the riddle or to do with the rules that we ourselves have to face.


I'm unsure if we are able to further clarify what it is we are solving, however. Are we looking for an object, like the umbrella riddle, or are we looking for a solution to the murders in general, or are we looking for the method for the killer observing everyone? I'm unsure if it's at all worth asking for a piece of dialogue if it's not likely to be real. I am unsure if we are to propose what it is that Blood is going to say next...


Dazz essentially it is impossible to think outside of the box because the box does not exist yet :P

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I'm going to give you a free clue. The hinted dialogue IS still there but a couple of you are literally very close.


You’d be foolish to read everything I’ve written literally


This is basically what everyone's doing, reading it literally. The box is a figure of speech. The riddle also says 'look around'.


The funniest thing is that the answer is honestly staring you in the face, you just REALLY need to look.

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“He’s trying to get to us, he can see us!†Lucas said.

Smith looked puzzled. "How?"

Blood looked down at the note and then looked at Smith. "It says that we get three chances but how would the killer know what the answer would be?"

“He’s asking for us personally?!†cried Smith.

Blood nodded. "Looks that way. We have to solve this note."

Smith shook his head. "I highly doubt he can see us."


In conjunction with the 'Save a life?', I think Moogle might be right and the answer is No. As we...well, we didn't!

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Surely we should use the hint?


In conjunction with the 'Save a life?', I think Moogle might be right and the answer is No. As we...well, we didn't!


That's not what I meant, I'm just sadistic.

Edited by MoogleViper
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I'm also not sure what we're meant to be answering. With the umbrella riddle it was obviously a 'thing' but unless the answer is "yes" I'm lost.


I reckon clue. Who's with me?!


The main riddle seems to be working out what part is the riddle.

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I would say we need further dialogue.


At this point we are not OBVIOUSLY close. Dazz has said that some of us are close but we dont know who is.


Use the free dialogue and act on it. if it is false someone dies we move onto the next clue!

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