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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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I can't wait for episode 7 of Gundam Unicorn, it feels like we've been waiting an age!


This weeks Naruto... again, I just can't seem to care anymore and I just want to know how it ends.


One Piece however continues to be all kinds of awesome!

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@kav82 why not just stop reading? Wait until it's finished and then read the lot in one go. You're not enjoying it week by week right? But you're more likely to enjoy it if you can plow through it, and keep going when you are enjoying it, instead of being hampered by pacing and cliffhangers.

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@kav82 why not just stop reading? Wait until it's finished and then read the lot in one go. You're not enjoying it week by week right? But you're more likely to enjoy it if you can plow through it, and keep going when you are enjoying it, instead of being hampered by pacing and cliffhangers.


I'm a creature of habit, I can't not read it, it's over of my weekly ritual. Haha

I must say, I preferred this chapter to many of those that came before it.

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I really liked Kyros' flashback in these last chapters. It wasn't long, yet it was summarised so well.


But what a way to end a predominantly sad chapter. This page had me in stitches.

Only Usopp could pull off a victory in that manner:



Well done, Usopp. Dressrosa operation S.O.P is a success!


Edited by -Dem0-
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Basically this week's One Piece chapter:



The Naruto history lesson has come to an end. Next week we're going to see more Might Guy & Madara, and hopefully Naruto and Sasuke will at least head towards the battlefield.


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The Naruto history lesson has come to an end. Next week we're going to see more Might Guy & Madara, and hopefully Naruto and Sasuke will at least head towards the battlefield.


Yeah, I don't care for any of this history stuff. Just get back to the freaking fight!!!


I imagine next week it will mostly be Guy and his last stand, with Naruto and Sasuke showing up on the last panel.


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So yeah, anyone planning on getting J-Stars?


Been watching some gameplay vids and reading impressions and it looks good. Shame about the high prices though.




Luffy is pretty beast too, still can't believe that Zoro isn't a playable character!


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Just waiting for my copy to arrive in the post. Probably been delayed by customs since it's been over 2 weeks now. Thought it arrived last week but it was something else.


Don't bother getting the Anison Sound Edition version, it's a lot more expensive and it's a rip off. It's supposed to include various opening music from the animes but you can add custom music anyway. Plus it has worse box art.


And I don't get why Hancock was included over Zoro either.

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Had to pay £15 more for customs but it arrived (with preorder bonus book).




That looks really sensational!


I've been ploughing through all the manga I've bought the couple of months. Would like to one day complete the collection of sailor moon, battle royale and gravitation manga.

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Phew! Thought we were gonna get a full flashback chapter for a second there.


Guys attack = Awesome. Dude nearly took care of Madara himself! I assume Naruto is gonna heal him to the point where he will live. Dunno how I feel about that though. One he one hand I don't really want Guy to die, on the other it would be good to see another major character killed off.


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Oh man, another great chapter of One Piece. I'm going to post some thoughts on this later on. My heads still packed with Smash Bros. goodness.


Phew! Thought we were gonna get a full flashback chapter for a second there.


Guys attack = Awesome. Dude nearly took care of Madara himself! I assume Naruto is gonna heal him to the point where he will live. Dunno how I feel about that though. One he one hand I don't really want Guy to die, on the other it would be good to see another major character killed off.


I kind of agree with you. Personally Guy is a great character and it'll be sad if he dies, but then you look at his resolve. Taking his life just for a chance at weakening him, he knows he can't take him out alone, but he's sacrificing himself for the greater good.


I don't want to see something like that being ruined by another revival. Also another positive is that Naruto is here, which also means Sasuke can't be too far behind. We're hitting the climax and it's going to be good.


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I don't think I've ever been in this thread as the only Anime I've watched before has been Evangelion, but my housemate just got me in to Kill la Kill and it is so ridiculous and over the top and I'm reeeeeally enjoying it. I'm on episode 8 right now and just want to keep trucking through, but am moving house this weekend and will be without internet for a week and a half so at least I have something to do in that time!

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Knights of Sidonia had its first episode aired recently.


I really want to recommend it, Tsutomu Nihei is a master of creating atmosphere, but the choice of animation style pisses me off. All the characters are 3D, and it's not even done well, it feels cheap as fuck. Everything else looks like and impressive and daaaaaamn, the architecture is godly,

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