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Aren't Hotmail addresses now @live.com or @live.co.uk? Mine is.


I've also got that horrendous @googlemail.com address that I need to get changed, the prefix I use makes it 25 characters long which is just silly. @gmail.com is much more sensible (and actually, if I use it I tend to get the emails eventually anyway).

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Gmail is an amazing piece of software tbf. N-Europe uses it to manage their mail, it can do a lot more than hotmail. Also hotmail's interface is slow and crappy, their usability is questionable (essentially disabling the back button through poor use of javascript) and I can't get it to work at all on the 3DS.


I still check my hotmail account every day, but there's no denying from a general UI standpoint, gmail is the best webmail option there is.

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Aren't Hotmail addresses now @live.com or @live.co.uk? Mine is.


I've also got that horrendous @googlemail.com address that I need to get changed, the prefix I use makes it 25 characters long which is just silly. @gmail.com is much more sensible (and actually, if I use it I tend to get the emails eventually anyway).


I'm almost certain that you can just put @gmail.com and it will come through anyway. I use @gmail to log on, because I'm lazy like that.

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You can use @gmail.com if you're in the UK.


Also, pro tip, if you have for example johnsmith at gmail.com, you can also use john.smith, or j.ohnsmith, or j.o.h.n.s.m.i.t.h. They all go to the same person, useful if you want to sign up to something multiple times.

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So, in a nutshell, you think Hotmail is terrible because it wasn't as good 7 years ago as Gmail is now? Then, in an attempt to justify your obviously flawed opinion, you hop back on to Hotmail, spend 2 minutes with it and then declare that you were right?




Google Mail is pretty cool, sure, but comparing it to Hotmail is like comparing Apples and Pears. Both are good, but different. Hotmail does indeed have some features that Google Mail does not, just like Google Mail has more advanced email labelling, the Priority Inbox and Labs. Hotmail has both Live Messenger and Facebook Chat built in to the client. There's also pre-made filters for pulling up emails from Social Networks, certain contacts or groups of contacts. You can right click and you can also drag + drop, which can be useful. There's probably others, but I don't really have any need to use the advanced features of either on a daily basis.


Just taking a look at both of my spam boxes, Hotmail has one email. It's about penis enlargement. Gmail has 134, of which only 16 might actually be spam (I just picked out the addresses I didn't know, I didn't look at the content so that might be lower). That's 118 false positives in a month, including two important emails from my college. Poor form by any measure. I guess that does infer that Hotmail's spam filtering might be better, though it's hardly the most comprehensive test.


Google Mail is massively customisable, and is fantastic for it, but to tell people they desperately need to switch to it to get away from the 'terrible' Hotmail is silly talk.


By the way, it was a jokey "Who uses Hotmail" comment. Like "Who eats pizza with a knife and fork" type of comment. Not a serious, everyone needs to desperately move from hotmail to gmail like they need to move from IE6 to anything else.

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You can use @gmail.com if you're in the UK.


Also, pro tip, if you have for example johnsmith at gmail.com, you can also use john.smith, or j.ohnsmith, or j.o.h.n.s.m.i.t.h. They all go to the same person, useful if you want to sign up to something multiple times.


That's awesome!


Pro tip indeed.

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Soapbox moment, I actually like hotmail probably more than Gmail. Hotmail has just been my thing for the past 10/11 years so I'm attached to it. Otherwise I have a gmail address (and somehow a yahoo one too) and also a google apps email address using my own domain. Probably one of the best decisions I made was using google apps to handle email when I did. Especially since I did it before they cut the number of free users to 10 from about 50. Which is more than I'll ever need.

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You can use @gmail.com if you're in the UK.


Also, pro tip, if you have for example johnsmith at gmail.com, you can also use john.smith, or j.ohnsmith, or j.o.h.n.s.m.i.t.h. They all go to the same person, useful if you want to sign up to something multiple times.


I didn't know that, and must now try it out.


EDIT: It works! You sir are a genius.

Edited by MoogleViper
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I'd love an invite. I've registered already but yeah... I think it's time to move ship.


Apparently google have opened the doors to g+ for a limited time to get more people into the testing phase.

Edited by Ten10
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OK just thinking maybe something is wrong with my Google+, the Stream is still showing stuff from 3 July on top, but I've checked people in my circles profiles directly and see there is stuff shared with whatever circles they/ye have me in but it's not showing on my Stream?


My sister finally manged to join it today too after I sent her an invite like 4 days ago :heh:

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Haven't been using it that much, but so far it just looks like Facebook in white, except you can't write on people's walls and it keeps flaunting the "circles" feature as if it was innovative and revolutionary. The photos look far better than Facebook's, though.


By the by, has anyone tried video calling on Facebook yet? What do you think?


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I'm on it now. Fairly useless until lots of people are on it. I.e it won't be(at) facebook for a good while yet.


Also unsure how to 'talk' to people/leave them the equivalent of wall posts. I don't care though.

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You know the Google+ bar that's on every Google site now... can I get that to follow me everywhere?


I doubt anyone would really want Google to push their services onto others' webspaces; that would be a PR disaster with critics probably suggesting its Google trying to 'own the web'. I think what's more likely is that we'll see notifications in Chrome - perhaps something like those desktop notifications in GMail.

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