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Posted (edited)

Can she not come up with anything original?



I still don't get the draw of Potter appart from its bland 'for "everyone"' appeal.

Edited by Kurtle Squad

Fucks sake... She didn't even try to hide her intentions of making more money from this.


One good point was the makeup artist did a good job on her face and her loose fitting white shirt was begging to be ripped open, a prelude to a hardcore Shabba'isation.

Posted (edited)
Fucks sake... She didn't even try to hide her intentions of making more money from this.


Someone's got to pay for Labour's lies to be covered up...



Anyway; she owes us all money. She was writing this shit while on benefits.

Edited by Kurtle Squad

What is this thing? Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) keeps retweeting tweets about it all over my Twitter.


"Pottermore is a free website that builds an exciting online experience around the reading of the Harry Potter books." - i.e. a fansite?


  Yvonne said:
my slash fiction sense is tingling


Haha, JK Rowling doesn't know what she's in for :D


No clearer on what it is and at the moment I have very little interest in it. I loved the books with a passion but I felt that the conclusion gave me enough closure on the world. I don't need anything more from it.

  The Peeps said:
No clearer on what it is and at the moment I have very little interest in it. I loved the books with a passion but I felt that the conclusion gave me enough closure on the world. I don't need anything more from it.


Yeah, though I wouldn't mind that lexicon she's had thoughts about that would also go into what happened later.


It's so hilarious that nobody can figure out or agree on exactly what Pottermore is. :p

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Yeah, though I wouldn't mind that lexicon she's had thoughts about that would also go into what happened later.


It's so hilarious that nobody can figure out or agree on exactly what Pottermore is. :p


Probably this:


  ShadowV7 said:
I got the impression it was some sort of interactive online novel thing with you as the main character :heh:


Maybe an interactive novel where you can 'attend' Hogwarts? You can attend lessons and uncover secrets of the castle and things that the lesser characters were up to while we were following the trio...


For some strange reason this popped up in my Google Reader feed - the PlayStation Blog posted about it (as Sony are financing it for some reason).


Reading the press release it sounds like it's basically a fact file website with minigames; designed to be read/played in a certain order as you read through the books to get more background information about characters and places. Like a Pokédex for Harry Potter.


I'm assuming that the site content will interact with the eBooks on the Harry Potter store in some way, like there will be links to press while you read the book that will take you directly to the extra content. I would also guess that Sony will be responsible for making the mobile phone apps for it (as well as potentially a PS3 app of some kind so you can read the information on the tv as you read the book...or something).

  EddieColeslaw said:
What is this thing? Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) keeps retweeting tweets about it all over my Twitter.


"Pottermore is a free website that builds an exciting online experience around the reading of the Harry Potter books." - i.e. a fansite?

Horseshit. She already bragged about how "exclusive" content was going to be available as a result of this Pottermore. Even if it is material we've seen before, people are still going to lap shit up like antifreeze at a petting zoo.

  The Peeps said:
No clearer on what it is and at the moment I have very little interest in it. I loved the books with a passion but I felt that the conclusion gave me enough closure on the world.

The fact that the ending sucked donkey balls and then forced a future ending upon you was closure enough for me. It wasn't the ending I was expecting, but it was satisfactory, ish.


I'm now awaiting the prelude Chronicles, which will deal with the various character's lives pre-Hogwarts:

Harry's life will be dull and uninteresting. We won't see anything from him.

Hermione perhaps, being able to do magic and knowing it but being kept secret, The Secret World of Alex Mack (Christ she was fit) style.

The Weasley family, fuck knows where to start with them lot. Too many family members.

Draco Malfoy, or his dad Jason Isaacs (awesome in The Tuxedo)



However the prequel which will draw the most interest will be Voldemort. How did he find all those amazing relics to piss his soul into, who did he murder to fuel his urine so he could piss his sould into those wonderful Hogwatys' founders precious posessions...


Actually I wouldn't mind knowing that.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Well, aren't you just a fucking bundle of joy! :p

I thought that post was rather positive.


I wouldn't mind the "origins" of Voldemort revealed. And why everyone shits themselves if they said his name, before the novels kicked in of course.

However the prequel which will draw the most interest will be Voldemort. How did he find all those amazing relics to piss his soul into, who did he murder to fuel his urine so he could piss his sould into those wonderful Hogwatys' founders precious posessions...


Actually I wouldn't mind knowing that.


Wasn't that all covered in books 6 and 7? I don't see why there should be a prequel.


I'd read another set of books following James & crew at Hogwarts.


It's been too long now though, any revisit to the world on that kind of scale will just fail because of nostalgia alone.

  EddieColeslaw said:
Wasn't that all covered in books 6 and 7? I don't see why there should be a prequel.

I can't remember. As such it wasn't covered in enough detail.



If they can make the last book [one of the most boring of the series] into two films they can give some time into giving a proper history.

  The Peeps said:
Probably this:




Maybe an interactive novel where you can 'attend' Hogwarts? You can attend lessons and uncover secrets of the castle and things that the lesser characters were up to while we were following the trio...


Yep, pretty much along the lines of this was my initial thought when she was describing it.

  The Peeps said:
I'd read another set of books following James & crew at Hogwarts.


They were already described in the original series, with the Pensieve moments and memories and stuff. Besides, nothing big happened while the Marauders were young (I believe Grindelwald had already been defeated), it all started when Harry was killed.


You guys need to give the books another read :p But I can understand if you simply want more material.


Overall I liked the series as it was, I don't think it needs to be added to. So if any prequels or sequels come out, I'm just gonna ignore them :D


I read the books inside out, back to front and upside-down :p


I would still enjoy the banter and mishaps of James & co. Sirius's backstory gone into with more detail, friendship between him and James... All the animagus stuff with Lupin. There may not be a Voldemort for them to face but I would get a kick out of reading about them. It'd be like if Fred & George had their own book.

  The Peeps said:
I read the books inside out, back to front and upside-down :p


I would still enjoy the banter and mishaps of James & co. Sirius's backstory gone into with more detail, friendship between him and James... All the animagus stuff with Lupin. There may not be a Voldemort for them to face but I would get a kick out of reading about them. It'd be like if Fred & George had their own book.


Ah ok, a fellow thorough reader...didn't mean to insult you :)


I suppose it would be cool to read about James more from his POV, than from Harry's POV in a memory. I still maintain that there's not enough serious conflict to drive such a book though.


Yeah probably not. It'd work best as a smaller book where it's obvious it's just for backstory.


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