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Football Season 2011/2012


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Basically they're not going to (at least anyone other than the HMRC, and even they'll get a minuscule amount).


So essentially Rangers are more than likely going to be playing SPL football again next season, debt free, with only a few sanctions in place. No European football for 3 years because they're a new team. The transfer ban could be re-imposed too now as it is for a different crime. They could also be banned from the Scottish cup.


What I hate is that rangers and rangers fans seem to think they being hard done by and play this victim card.


Its unbelievable considering what they have done.


The above punishments are not enough!

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What I hate is that rangers and rangers fans seem to think they being hard done by and play this victim card.


Its unbelievable considering what they have done.


The above punishments are not enough!


That is one statement of yours that I agree with!


I'll expand for those not in the know. A common cry from Rangers fans is that "how can we be punished for the actions of one man?" This one man being Craig Whyte, the owner and Director. It was because Rangers didn't pay NIC under his ownership they were forced into administration.


Rangers fans feel that this was Craig Whyte's doing and not Rangers fault so why should they be punished and not him?


However, under the law dating back to the 1800s and therefore one of our fundamental building blocks of law. A director acting for the company essentially is the company. The director and the company are two separate entities. If the director is acting for the company he is acting AS the company.




That blog is absolutely fantastic. It is written by an anonymous writer and has recently won an award. He goes into great depth on the subject and possible outcomes. It hasn't been updated for a few days though so hasn't said anythign on the recent developments.

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That is one statement of yours that I agree with!


I'll expand for those not in the know. A common cry from Rangers fans is that "how can we be punished for the actions of one man?" This one man being Craig Whyte, the owner and Director. It was because Rangers didn't pay NIC under his ownership they were forced into administration.


Rangers fans feel that this was Craig Whyte's doing and not Rangers fault so why should they be punished and not him?


However, under the law dating back to the 1800s and therefore one of our fundamental building blocks of law. A director acting for the company essentially is the company. The director and the company are two separate entities. If the director is acting for the company he is acting AS the company.




That blog is absolutely fantastic. It is written by an anonymous writer and has recently won an award. He goes into great depth on the subject and possible outcomes. It hasn't been updated for a few days though so hasn't said anythign on the recent developments.


great blog!


rumors are now saying with the merger of the Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League, rangers newco will get a place in SFL1.


One year demotion is no punishment at all! If thats all newco get then thats me done with scottish football!

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People need to stop thinking with their heart and start using their brain. Everyone wants Rangers punished for what they've done but without them the league will be nothing. Sky will pull their TV deal and with what little money is left in Scottish football at the moment, there will be none if that happens. The league won't be more competitive, Celtic will canter to the league title every year by 30 points. Rangers leaving the SPL will only cause further damage to the SPL.


I'm a Celtic fan and i'd love to see Rangers struck from the league, but unlike most half baked twits, I'm aware of what will happen to the league, we'll be rated alongside the Faroe Islands. There isn't really a punishment that fits the crime in this case as the only punishment that fits will cripple the league.

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People need to stop thinking with their heart and start using their brain. Everyone wants Rangers punished for what they've done but without them the league will be nothing. Sky will pull their TV deal and with what little money is left in Scottish football at the moment, there will be none if that happens. The league won't be more competitive, Celtic will canter to the league title every year by 30 points. Rangers leaving the SPL will only cause further damage to the SPL.


I'm a Celtic fan and i'd love to see Rangers struck from the league, but unlike most half baked twits, I'm aware of what will happen to the league, we'll be rated alongside the Faroe Islands. There isn't really a punishment that fits the crime in this case as the only punishment that fits will cripple the league.


first of all there is no evidence that sky will walk away. ESPN wont be walking either and may seen extend their coverage. If Sky did walk then ESPN may pick up exclusive rights in 2013 as they have lost EPL coverage. secondly by not punishing rangers we become a laughing stock. Just allow them to do what they want with little punishment! When Rangers were cheating there way to nine in a row and dominating completely I don't remember many people complaining about it being a one sided league.


where do you wanna stop? if celtic or newco were to get done for match fixing would you say "hey we cant punish them as it hurts the league"


what about if newco finished bottom. do you exempt them from relegation?


sporting integrity needs to be first priority here.






The Dons have been bounced into the voting-against-accepting-a-newco-Rangers-into-the-SPL camp by a support implacably opposed to them taking this course. After a poll by the club’s Trust revealed 97 per cent were against the move, Pittodrie chief executive Duncan Fraser maintained their “views and feelings” would be “taken into account” and that the “integrity of football...must be central to any decision.” One of three clubs now considered to hold a settled position.




The Scottish champions have no option but to register a “no” vote. They must serve natural justice as their support demands of them as to do otherwise would precipitate a collapse of their season ticket numbers. Yet, if they were to help bring about a hiatus in the top flight rivalry with their ancient adversaries, it would force them to take a thumping financial hit running to millions more than any other club as the other cost of that would be the loss of the veto afforded by them twinning with Rangers to sustain the 11-1 voting structure.




The tone of chairman Stephen Thompson’s language has noticeably changed in recent days. Last week, he made much of having to recognise, above all, the feelings of his fanbase, which is hostile to re-admission of the reconstituted Ibrox club. Talk of a complete Sky withdrawal has resulted in him now giving voice to a need to recognise the importance of television money. Without it, he said, “some clubs would face insolvency”, adding: “The smaller the club the greater the need for TV money, so it’s important for us.” Important enough for Thompson, with heavy heart, perhaps to try to sell his support the club’s endorsement of SPL status, but with stiff sanctions attached, for Rangers 2012.




A club that toiled to pay its players’ wages on time last season is hardly likely to be wowed at the prospect of any reduction in its revenues. Especially when they are still seeking £800,000 from Rangers for the Lee Wallace transfer. However, it would go against everything that Vladimir Romanov has previously preached if he were to vote in one of the Glasgow “mafia” after they have been shown to have used tax dodges to sustain their dominance, and that could hold the key in the final analysis for the Tynecastle club.




Chairman Rod Petrie’s “sporting integrity cannot be obtained for any price” remains the soundbite that absolutely nails the Leith club to a position of not accepting a newco Rangers. In most projections, a prudently run Hibs would not be one of the major losers if forced to redraw budgets to compensate for the fiscal reductions inherent in losing the Ibrox club, while the unstinting backing of Tom Farmer would allow them to cover any shortfall in the immediate term anyway.




Chairman Kenny Cameron took umbrage to suggestions earlier in the week that they had made up their minds to back a newco application from Rangers because they could not afford the drastic drop-off in revenues predicted by some if that were not approved. “Any speculation is purely that and we find it strange that some seem to know how ICTFC would vote under certain circumstances – they must have a crystal ball,” he said. Must be considered one of the clubs whose vote remains up for grabs.




Chairman Michael Johnston is a man alone among his SPL cohorts in making it plain that there must be a Rangers in the Scottish top flight and that commercial considerations must trump sporting integrity. He has further stated that the new Rangers must not start next season with any points or financial penalties – these believed to be a possible trade-off for entry for some clubs – in having already been punished enough.




The Fir Park club are understood to be seeking assurances over the broadcasting rights before arriving at any decision on a new Rangers. Their fan ownership model makes them more beholden to the mood of their masses, which has appeared insurrectionist if they do not say “no to a newco”. Another club whose position may be considered to be in a state of flux.




The newly promoted Highland side will increase revenues next season whether or not they have Rangers to play in their first tilt in the top flight. Chairman Roy MacGregor said he has taken a “calculated risk” on his budget that is not dependent on income that could be attached to the presence of an Ibrox club in the top flight. MacGregor’s largesse is what County count on. The fact he has said as the “new kid” he will listen to others could make for the likelihood that he serves sporting intergity if it is the case for doing so that is made most passionately by his peers.




The one Scottish top-flight club with cash in the bank, they could survive any downturn in the economic viability. As chairman Steven Brown has been quick to point out, the Perth side don’t need a Rangers because they spent many seasons in the First Division balancing their books without them. Yet with Brown also describing the potential loss of the Ibrox club top the top flight as a “disaster” it is thought he is one of those who is likely to be swayed were swingeing tarriffs attached to SPL entry for a newco.




His fuliminating “the law is an ass” response to Rangers’ challenge in the Court of Session to the sanctions imposed on them by the SFA judicial panel made the Paisley club’s chairman Stewart Gilmour the most outspoken critic of what he saw as the Ibrox club’s reckless disregard of football’s jurisdiction. That is believed to have hardened his attitude towards a newco Rangers. And even though he is in the process of selling the club on to a local fan body, with the vote set to come before the £1.5m buy-out earmarked for 4 July, it is thought a “no” vote would not go against the thinking of the club’s hardcore and future owners.


Andrew H Smith in tomorrow's scotsman on Sunday

Edited by khilafah
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first of all there is no evidence that sky will walk away. ESPN wont be walking either and may seen extend their coverage. If Sky did walk then ESPN may pick up exclusive rights in 2013 as they have lost EPL coverage.



Sky have already stated they'll pull the deal if Rangers are demoted any lower than the first division. I'm sure someone else will pick up the rights but it will be a pittance compared to the £100 million Sky pump in.



Some of those titles during the nine in a row came down to single points hardly a representation of what would happen if it were only Celtic, it would be embarrassing how easily they'd win the league.


That article in The Scotsman contradicts what i've seen in other papers. He's just guessing what Celtic will do, they've never elaborated further than "doing what's in the best interests of Celtic Football Club'. You can decide yourself what that means but it's all mute until the vote goes down.

Edited by Jon
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What is this veto thing with Rangers and Celtic I keep reading about?


Thanks for the update @Charlie, seems like you are useful for something!


When SPL clubs vote on commercial matters they need an 11-1 majority. Rangers FC (DEAD) and celtic could Veto together against the other SPL clubs.

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When SPL clubs vote on commercial matters they need an 11-1 majority. Rangers FC (DEAD) and celtic could Veto together against the other SPL clubs.


Yeah. Celtic and Rangers (the Old Firm, now you see why they're called that) would discuss and block anything the other clubs tried to put through if they felt it was detrimental to them! There are plans in place to change the system so they can't do this.


When's the vote occuring?! I think there should at least be a one division demotion.


2 weeks after Rangers apply for the place in the SPL. So most likely 2-3 weeks time.

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We only wore our third kit once or twice last season. (Away at United, and another I think)


So we would only have to put up with looking at it a couple of times. :p


If it was all purple, it'd be quite nice, but the orange shorts are just horrific.

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Yeah. Celtic and Rangers (the Old Firm, now you see why they're called that) would discuss and block anything the other clubs tried to put through if they felt it was detrimental to them! There are plans in place to change the system so they can't do this.




2 weeks after Rangers apply for the place in the SPL. So most likely 2-3 weeks time.


the fans have spoken!



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This can't be our 3rd strip, can it? :cry:




We only wore our third kit once or twice last season. (Away at United, and another I think)


So we would only have to put up with looking at it a couple of times. :p


If it was all purple, it'd be quite nice, but the orange shorts are just horrific.


Maybe Liverpool are getting desperate and think that by wearing that as their third strip it will distract the other team into a 'wtf are they wearing state' and play better! :p

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