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Reggie confirms Sega games for download!


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"Those who were lucky enough to play Mario Kart DS against Reggie at Bellevue Square's McDonald's in Bellevue, were also treated to some new Revolution tidbits.


According to Reggie, Sega is intrigued by the Nintendo Revolution's "backwards compatibility," however he stopped just short of a confirmation that classic Sega games will be included.


He also stated that the Classic Controller expansion for the Revolution's controller will look similar to the GameCube's Wavebird.


Although this news isn't the "surprise" everyone is waiting for, the ability to play classic Sega games would without a doubt, be a huge addition to the Nintendo Revolution."'

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I'd like to revisit a lot of NES and SNES games.


This is exciting, especially if Sega jumps on board, maybe Atari and Activision will also jump on board.

This is what Jim Merrick said a while back:


"But back to the virtual console. Merrick tells us that a number of third parties have already committed to providing their back catalogue for download, but he won't tell us their names.

"I think you can guess, though," he says. "The usual suspects."

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Would be fun to play PSOne games and PS2 games...

Wouldn't take long before you'd be able to download Gran Turismo 4...

And maybe Rockstar would release GTA:SA.

Then Sony would be totally Nintendowned!


That's about as likely as Nintendo letting Sony release all the Mario, Zelda and Metroid games on the PS3...

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Would be fun to play PSOne games and PS2 games...

Wouldn't take long before you'd be able to download Gran Turismo 4...

And maybe Rockstar would release GTA:SA.

Then Sony would be totally Nintendowned!


PS1 games where on CD, which were up to 700mb on each disc. Firstly 700mb would take best part of a hour to download with a 2mb connection. Secondly the Revo will have 512mb of flash memory not enough memory to store one game.


It would be cool if the Revo was backwards compatible with the Dreamcast, Nintendo and Sega have been really chummy recently.

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PS1 games where on CD, which were up to 700mb on each disc. Firstly 700mb would take best part of a hour to download with a 2mb connection


Some of the Game demos on Xbox live are over 1GB. and they don't take an hour to download. Not that i think we will get Sony playstation games.

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so if sega put theyre stuff on the catalouge will it be sega made games or games that were made for the sega console?

i´ve been dying to be able to play shining wisdom and Dragonforce again(one of the greatest games i have ever played!)


Most likely games made by Sega. Although there are publishing discrepincies. Theoretically, as Nintendo and Rare shared the rights to the orginal Perfect Dark (Copyright 2000 Nintendo/Rare), then Nintendo can make available for download Perfect Dark.

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Some of the Game demos on Xbox live are over 1GB. and they don't take an hour to download. Not that i think we will get Sony playstation games.


It depends on your broadband connection the maximum speed I get on my 2mb connection is 240k per sec that means I can download 864mb (At constant maximum connection speed) in one hour.


I downloaded Zuma Demo on my mate’s 360, which btw is a great game. It took over 10 minutes to get it and I think the file is 150mb, I was really surprised because he has a 10mb connection.

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I really wish it could play Saturn games. Then I would have gotten Panzer Dragon saga, Shining Force 3, Guardian Heroes Nights, Burning Rangers and Sonic Jam for it. Dreamcats would be nice, but not for download. Genesis / Megadrige is also awesome.

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