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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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I stopped playing regularly/every day about a month or so ago; at which point I'd taken about a month or two already to get three of them to appear. Luckily caught the fourth on an off chance a few weeks ago. So...I've probably not been very helpful at all.


It's sort of helpful, at least it confirms that it might take a few months to complete all 4 checks!

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Also, if anyone has the Gracie store in their town, how long did it take you to pass all 4 fashion checks? I saw her for the first time at the end of last week and I knew she was quite a rare visitor but apparently it could take a month or two to complete all the checks to get TIY to upgrade.
Let's see...

*checks back through thread*

My first visit from Gracie was on the 20th of August, and the last visit was on September 14th. :geek:


I remember thinking it was taking ages to get the 4 visits/checks from her, but by the looks of things I was actually quite lucky. :hehe:

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My first person left a few days ago (Deirdre). Been clinging on to them since the day of release. My play became too erratic and she slipped through the net. She did send her portrait though.


Also, massive destruction to my hybrids. Lost so many of them, including my final blue and jacob's ladder. Lost so many blacks just... I have it set to money, mainly because I go to the island occasionally and bring back dozens of flowers to leave on the beach to go grey so I can pull them up, trying to get my weed puller badge.

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I had Crackle move without warning just yesterday. I still play a little every day - I guess I just didn't see him. Never had any villagers giving or sending me pictures, though. :(


Ahh, that sucks. Just glad I have something to remember her by. I made a pledge early on not to let anyone leave my Animal Crossing until I had their autograph. Course, then I decided I didn't want anyone to leave. It was one day I missed and the next day she wasn't out to talk to (didn't mention leaving), then it was too late.

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Sorry, nope. I am a cherry town and only in the beginning did I see some perfect ones.


Is there a trick to it?


Umm, yeah...you plant it. I made millions on perfect cherries. At one point my ENTIRE village was covered in them. Right now they're just around the area of the village tree, which nets about 200-250,000 a pop at a foreign village. Haven't picked in ages though and have a score of baskets unsold.


Had perfect oranges (bro's town), and a villager gave me a perfect apple which I keep stored (on the floor randomly in my house...) Perfect oranges are weird in that their shape makes them look like pears. Bizarre.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to get the Fruit Basket, Cornucopia and some missing Harvest set. At one point I had to get to the Island and play a tour to get one last lemon as I only had three.


You should have at least 3-4 mushrooms actually in your town. The villagers should give you at least 1 of each of the extra ingredients (vinegar/flour etc.) as well as some others such as mushrooms and fruits. I though **** when I remembered really late yesterday, but then did it pretty easy.


Still got most of November's catches to get though, keep forgetting.

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Harvest Festival was fun, even if getting all completed took a little too long. I was happy to finally get my first villager with a smug personality move into my town today - a unicorn called Julian. Nice! :) Now I need to look into which fish I'll be able to catch tomorrow - has anyone made a December list yet?

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With some help of the Animal Crossing: New Leaf wiki I'll have a crack at it.







Football Fish



Pond Smelt

Sea Butterfly




Yellow Perch



Dung Beetle

Mole Cricker


The one in bold are only in December if I understand correctly.

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It's snowing in my town! :love:


I've been really slack with AC recently (thanks to Zelda & SM3DW), but luckily I didn't lose any of my favourite villagers in my time away from the game. :grin:


Working on collecting the Jingle furniture now. :santa:<nice to use that smiley again. :laughing:

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There are several reports of people that have installed the recent 3DS system update (miiverse update) and apparently it causes their Animal Crossing game to lag during conversations with villagers etc. I haven't been able to install the update myself, but is this true/ very noticable at all?

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I can't find a Tuna! :cry:

Have been trying to catch one for ages now, but no luck. :sad:


Just doesn't make sense, it's not supposed to be that rare. ::shrug:

I even keep catching what should be much rarer fish, like Oarfish and Coelacanths! Along with loads of Sea bass of course. :heh:


Maybe I should put my Feng Shui room back together. :hmm:


There are several reports of people that have installed the recent 3DS system update (miiverse update) and apparently it causes their Animal Crossing game to lag during conversations with villagers etc. I haven't been able to install the update myself, but is this true/ very noticable at all?
I've not noticed that, but I haven't spent much time talking to my villagers recently... Too busy looking for the damn Tuna! :hehe:
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