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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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"Pic of the day. Both Link and Pit use bows, but when they fire simultaneously, their arrows meet and cancel out closer to Pit. Besides attack power and projectile speed, there are many elements that affect tactics, such as accuracy, vulnerability after attacking, and even seemingly unrelated features like a character's physical abilities."

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A character appears



"The heroic Aura Pokémon, Lucario, joins the battle!! We've increased the influence of Aura this time, so a damaged Lucario is truly a force to be reckoned with. Lucario joined the battle for the first time in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which was released six years ago. The production staff of Brawl worked really hard to expand the character roster--without their efforts, Lucario probably never would have joined the battle."

Edited by -Dem0-
To add the description for those without Miiverse.
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I honestly didn't think he'd make the cut. Guess that means that we'll probably only get the one new Pokemon character then (cause there's no way that Pokemon Trainer is coming back - waaayyy too much work; he takes up THREE character slots on his own!


Still think it'll be Zoroark (although there's a decent chance that they might go for Mewtwo instead - nostalgia grab from the Melee players and he has a really obvious Final Smash, 2 in fact!)

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I'd rather have the Pokemon Trainer over the likes of Lucario/Mewtwo any day. Even though I liked them both (moreso Mewtwo), I still think the PT is the more interesting character and fits the whole Smash Bros. theme like a glove.


If any Pokemon should be left out then Jigglypuff easily takes the prize, but alas Jiggly's a Smash Veteran and won't excluded.

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:o Well, this was the most unexpected return! Lucario was the Brawl fighter with the lowest chances of returning (along with Wolf, Ike and Snake).


I hope he's more fun to use this time around. The Aura comment leaves me hopeful. And speaking of hope, I'm still rooting for Mewtwo's return.




If this isn't his final smash, I'll be a sad person.


It should be a new costume, at the very least.


I honestly didn't think he'd make the cut. Guess that means that we'll probably only get the one new Pokemon character then (cause there's no way that Pokemon Trainer is coming back - waaayyy too much work; he takes up THREE character slots on his own!


I'll eat my hat if Pokémon Trainer doesn't return. He's the de facto protagonist of the Pokémon series, and the best representative of the games, even if Pikachu is the more famous face.

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:o Well, this was the most unexpected return! Lucario was the Brawl fighter with the lowest chances of returning (along with Wolf, Ike and Snake).


I hope he's more fun to use this time around. The Aura comment leaves me hopeful. And speaking of hope, I'm still rooting for Mewtwo's return.




It should be a new costume, at the very least.




I'll eat my hat if Pokémon Trainer doesn't return. He's the de facto protagonist of the Pokémon series, and the best representative of the games, even if Pikachu is the more famous face.


Would you rather have Pokemon Trainer or 2-3 brand new characters?


Don't forget that they're making two games (one of which being a HD game) in less time that it took for them to make just Brawl. Something has to give (and not just Subspace Emissary)

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Pokemon trainer can still be in it, why are people giving up because Lucario is in? They play completely different.


I sorta expected Mewtwo due to the fact he got 2 mega Evolutions, he can still be in as long as they change his moveset to not be a clone. I think I preferred Lucario though.

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I hope to see Pokemon trainer either way, but maybe if they do then with a different roster of three pokemon? Either a later iteration(maybe even an X/Y one?) or a rejig of the pokemons he has(so the original three but in different evolutions). I really enjoy characters like PT for the variety they bring to the table.

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Would you rather have Pokemon Trainer or 2-3 brand new characters?


Even if we don't take into account the representation that PT Red himself brings:


Ivysaur is the only true quadruped in SSB, and a damned good and original one at that.


Squirtle is iconic, and the only water-based fighter (if only speed and water were better rewarded in Brawl).


Charizard is even more iconic, probably the second most famous Pokémon, and one of the most popular. Also, a flying dragon.


If those 3 brand new characters can replace this team, sure. I can only think of Ridley, but he's too big.

Sakurai: [laughs]

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I'm calling it now, there'll be a total of 6 Pokémon you can choose from when it comes to the Pokémon Trainer, but you can only take 3 into battle.


Genius, though it might hold up choosing? Maybe it'll be a random selection of 3 from the 6 instead. I'd like that!

Edited by Rummy
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Hmm, perhaps, but I can't see how you can't decide which Pokémon you'd like to fight with withint 30 sec.

I take it you're talking about online, because offline I don't see how this could be an issue.


I'm talking generally, and it's because I know how crap some people can be at choosing characters! I suppose after you're used to the game it won't be much trouble; though I prefer the idea of a randomised selection anyway - just feels a bit more Smashlike. WE all random by habit now anyway, so it's not an issue for myself much, but if you like all 6 pokemon how do you make your choices? Maybe you wait til your friends have picked their characters? What if they're being a PT too and you wanna choose according to what they choose!? All things I probably wouldn't do, but I think some people would.

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