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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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A Reset bomb eh....


They remind me of the things the R.O.Bs had to detonate in the Subspace Emissary.


What does R.O.B stand for? Is it just a short way to say Robert or Robot?

I hope that that faggot gay douche doesn't make a return since I wanna totally rip off his gamertag and use it better (Reign of Beverage abbrieviated as R.O.B).


Oh so both games will have environments that'll turn into.... ashes, like Gotham in Dark Knighy Rises with the instrument of the Gothamites' liberation (or like Weegeez Mansion in Brawl)?


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What does that even mean? It can't be reset the stage to where it started as that would only affect a few stages (i.e. the perma-moving ones). Does it mean the stage is destroyed completely?


A "reset bomb" makes a ton of plantlife grow. It's from Kid Icarus Uprising.


Also, do we know if the reset bomb is an item, or just a stage feature for the Kid Icarus stage?

Edited by Cube
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I wish DK would come back as a boss in 3D Mario game.


Imagine if in Mario Galaxy in a Space Junk style level you came across a bunch of mangled girders floating around and broken barrels and then as you progressed girder platforms started forming in front of you to make your path, leading to a giant floating DK scaffold which he was perched atop.

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I thought that was Balloon Fighter until I checked Miiverse


If you're gonna post the pictures from Smash Bros website you should post the Miiverse messages along with them, it would help forum members who don't have Wii U yet.

Miiverse isn't usually updated by the time the site does

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Todays picture




I'm wondering exactly what it is DK is upto there; as it looks like he has the upper hand but...it isn't one of his moves that I recognise? Looks more like something's been thrown at the ground and shockwaved Mario and possibly Luigi?

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I'm wondering exactly what it is DK is upto there; as it looks like he has the upper hand but...it isn't one of his moves that I recognise? Looks more like something's been thrown at the ground and shockwaved Mario and possibly Luigi?


Yeah, it almost looks a new move or maybe a replacement of his down B.

It seems as though he has just slammed the stage really hard with his hand, or maybe he threw Luigi downwards pretty violently which causes a major tremble.

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I'm wondering exactly what it is DK is upto there; as it looks like he has the upper hand but...it isn't one of his moves that I recognise? Looks more like something's been thrown at the ground and shockwaved Mario and possibly Luigi?




It looks like DK's down throw to Luigi, and mario is just doing a taunt.

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When characters get hit, they show different reactions during the actual collisions. One of those expressions are the eyes getting smaller. Like these:






And that's a similar expression to what Luigi is portraying in the image above.


Donkey Kong D-Throw (0:28):


Mario's taunt (2:07):

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