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Rayman Origins


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  • 1 month later...

It's saying a lot about the game's success, when it's at this price so shortly after its release.


I realize that I'm part of the problem myself. Skyward Sword was always going to be my only full-priced purchase for the end of this and the beginning of next year. I might still get it at some point, but Rayman didn't exactly stand a chance given the competition.

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It's saying a lot about the game's success, when it's at this price so shortly after its release.


I realize that I'm part of the problem myself. Skyward Sword was always going to be my only full-priced purchase for the end of this and the beginning of next year. I might still get it at some point, but Rayman didn't exactly stand a chance given the competition.


I spotted this offer myself earlier and ordered it. Looks a stunning game. I suppose it is a little sad that it's dropped in price so quickly, but it's not a completely negative thing. They did the same with both Sonic Colours and Epic Mickey last year, and I think it just helps drive sales. It's certainly not a reflection of the quality of the game, more the stage of the Wii lifespan (ie. done for) and its ability to command top prices from the audience. The PS2 was much the same at the end of its life, with many top games going for a song.


But I'm really looking forward to this. It just looks such great fun, and at this price it's a steal. :)

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  • 4 months later...

Well, just spent 15 minutes just doing 'Rhythm Paradise' with the [New Game]-bars on the opening screen.


I can already tell this game will be a joy to play, the music is superb!




I do think it's a bit sad that we won't be seeing a full-fledged 3D adventure with Rayman for a while though.

The world of Rayman surely lends itself to awesome artstyles and beautiful environments even in a 3D setting, Hoodlum Havoc made sure of that.

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Well, just spent 15 minutes just doing 'Rhythm Paradise' with the [New Game]-bars on the opening screen.


I can already tell this game will be a joy to play, the music is superb!




I do think it's a bit sad that we won't be seeing a full-fledged 3D adventure with Rayman for a while though.

The world of Rayman surely lends itself to awesome artstyles and beautiful environments even in a 3D setting, Hoodlum Havoc made sure of that.


Fixed typo.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm very ashamed that I didn't pick this up much sooner. It really is fantastic. Playing it through with Ine at the moment and we're both in love with it.


It just works on every level possible. The sound/music is beautifully composed, the graphics are just gorgeous, and the gameplay is surprisingly addictive. It really is a marvel.


I've also found that I don't feel quite as "angry" when playing this in co-op. It's a fun experience. When playing NSMB:Wii, I found myself getting frustrated at times with another person there. In this game, it seems like the other person really adds something to the gameplay, rather than a hindrance.

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  • 4 months later...

Late to the party but thought I'd get this seeing as it dirt cheap (£7-10) online.


Thought it was 'ok' in single player.

Has a real DKC2 vibe to it in places with the tight controls, 'team' elements and the "Dixie Kong" floating mechanic.


However... in multiplayer this is up there with the best Wii games for me. We played 3 player mode last night for about 4hrs straight with my GF and nephew and had such a laugh. The range of characters are great - it's funny as hell and the levels are ingeniously designed for multiplayer in a way that NSMB wasn't. Even death is usually funny in multiplayer (rather than frustrating in single player).


I think it also looks stunning through component cables. VERY close to the HD versions (played the PS3 demo first to see if I'd like.)


A total laugh. Can't wait for the Wii U version, which looks a blast. I'd love more minigame-esque ideas throwing in as this is suited down to the ground for Wii U shenanigans with simple Wiimote multiplayer.


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Late to the party..


I got an invitation to the party months ago but didn't quite fancy it, then lots of people said how great the party was and how everyone should go to the party. I drove to the party, stepped inside for a few minutes and decided I wasn't enjoying the vibe.. so I left. Then I discovered that they lowered the entry fee to the party to £9.99 and thought "Hey.. why not..? It is meant to be really good!". Made it to the party, fashionably late, with a date and after sticking it out for half an hour soon realised that I'd have been better staying at home :hmm:


So, to recap.. I tried the demo of Rayman Origins months ago. I didn't like it. I played it at a friend's house soon after he had bought it. I didn't like it. I saw it down to £9.99 in Sainsbury's last night and decided to go for it as everyone was raving about it. I don't like it.

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Why did you not like it?


A) Incredible (Ubi)Art

B) Humour

C) Tight controls

D) Rayman

E) Longevity

F) No Rabbids

G) Just didn't FEEL it.

H) Thought of Flink and Ine playing it in a sheepskin bed, naked.



A) It does look pretty good but that can make things difficult to see, especially when there are a few players on screen..

B) The 'humour' that I've seen so far isn't that funny.. or just not my sort of humour ::shrug:

C) The controls are fine, though I would have liked to play it NES style. Run being on B makes that scheme pretty awkward :hmm:

D) Rayman 2 was pretty enjoyable when I played it on the N64 years ago but apart from that Rayman has never been something I've particularly cared about..

E) The question of longevity is not something I can answer as, like I said, I've only played briefly. I will play more over the coming weeks so I haven't written it off completely just yet :indeed:

F) No Rabbids is a huge bonus.. I can't stand them :heh:

G) I haven't FELT it..

H) I was playing it mostly naked :shakehead

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  • 2 months later...

I've finally got around to playing this game in anticipation of Legends after the demo whet my appetite. What a game! It's a feast for the senses. Absolutely love it. The visuals and art are stunning for any game let alone a Wii game. The music is sublime, real catchy. My favourite probably being "Lums Of The Water".


Broadcast Yourself


Then there's the little schum sections which are a nice break from the platforming and collecting those skull teeth needs platforming perfection. I haven't quite finished it yet but I'm on the home stretch and it's a lenghty enough game. For some reason it's not coming up on the Nintendo Channel so I can't tell how long I've played but I'd guesstimate around 30 hours. My only bad point about the game is I'm sorry I left it on the shelf so long before playing. It deserved all the glowing reviews. I'll reserve my score until I'm finished but it's a high 9 for sure.


Anybody liking the look of Legends and that hasn't played this, do yourself a favour and pick this up. You won't regret it. You'll probably find it real cheap on Ebay.

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