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3D Pokédex App


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It depends where you live. I live in a little town and get nothing when I go out. If I go to the Metro Center, which is a MASSIVE shopping complex, I still only get the ones from GAME and on the odd occasion one from a random person.


Used to get 1-3 a day using the Metro although that dropped off, then I stopped carrying my 3DS around. Need to get a decent case for my XL now before I start carrying that around.


You could always try hanging around Universities like a weirdo :P

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Woah! The credits list for this is MASSIVE! (There's around 25 3D modellers who worked on this! :o )


No wonder it's so expensive. Makes me scared to think of how expensive and difficult Gen 6 is going to be to develop... (Thank goodness all the Pokemon models are done at least - though they've still gotta do all the different animations and environments...)


Also it's voiced in all 6 languages! (RONDODOU!!! :D)

Edited by Dcubed
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Woah! The credits list for this is MASSIVE! (There's around 25 3D modellers who worked on this! :o )


No wonder it's so expensive. Makes me scared to think of how expensive and difficult Gen 6 is going to be to develop... (Thank goodness all the Pokemon models are done at least - though they've still gotta do all the different animations and environments...)


Also it's voiced in all 6 languages! (RONDODOU!!! :D)

GameFreak prefer 2D sprites. It's going to remain spritebased, relax :)


However, it should be noted that the new 3D models have HD textures ;)


Sweet, i'll download once i return home. Just to be clear, is this replacing the existing Pokedex app?

In concept, yes. However, they're independant from eachother software wise. Do note, it costs £13.49. It's essentially a digital strategy guide

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I love the English voiceover for the Pokedex. Makes it feel like I'm holding a real one from the anime :D (Is it the same guy who voices the Pokedex in the current anime?)


The music is so nice as well. I hope we get to hear music like this in Gen 6 :)


Really well made little application. It screams premium quality. Just a shame that you can't use it while actually playing a game, but eh, what can you do :hmm:

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  • 4 months later...

Nobody seems to have mentioned that this is currently on sale with 20% off on the eShop.


I'm still not sure if I should pick it up. Surely the iOS version is better purely because of being able to use it at the same time as playing the game.


Does anybody know the differences between the iOS version and the 3DS version? Other than the iOS version being more expensive, not 3D and only on one screen (but a higher resolution & bigger if you're on the iPad).

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