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Bare Bones Mafia II - Taking Over Dystopia


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I think I've come out with all my info through the days but haven't tried to make a big deal about it. I might as well say it now though, my role is a tracker.

Night 1 I targeted Cube, who targeted ReZ (hence why I was asking ReZ if anything had happened to him.

Night 2 I stupidly forgot to send my target.

Night 3 The Peeps targeted ReZ

Night 4 Diageo targeted no-one.


Doesn't really help at all.

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Brian Mcoy




^Lowest posters. I'm surprised mr-paul hasn't been posting much... Mundi usually posts more too.


Willing to bet at least 2 of the above players are mafia.


Doublepost: ah there he is :p

I've been lurking, I just don't have any leads. I don't have the power to investigate or anything like that :/ The only time I voted was for genuine damning evidence which was ReZ admitting to a kill. Doesn't seem there have been any other solid leads to go on.
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Sorry guys, really busy day/two, not even around long now either!


Why do we have two policemen? Why STILL has no one come forward as protecting/roleblocking last night's kill? Regarding the two policemen thing, I find it a bit fishy, but actually on Peeps' part, I think I definitely trust Ell, but I find it strange we'd have two policemen.


(Well, I say definitely, I mean almost certainly, more so than Peeps)

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Sorry guys, really busy day/two, not even around long now either!


Why do we have two policemen? Why STILL has no one come forward as protecting/roleblocking last night's kill? Regarding the two policemen thing, I find it a bit fishy, but actually on Peeps' part, I think I definitely trust Ell, but I find it strange we'd have two policemen.


(Well, I say definitely, I mean almost certainly, more so than Peeps)


Maybe they just decided not to kill? To avoid suspicion?

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Sorry guys, really busy day/two, not even around long now either!


Why do we have two policemen? Why STILL has no one come forward as protecting/roleblocking last night's kill? Regarding the two policemen thing, I find it a bit fishy, but actually on Peeps' part, I think I definitely trust Ell, but I find it strange we'd have two policemen.


(Well, I say definitely, I mean almost certainly, more so than Peeps)


lol really? Ellmeister is a roleblocker and a policeman and he was hiding his job for no reason.


I'm an investigator and a constable.


Personally I suspect Ellmeister because I think he made up that he's a policeman and just got lucky that the wording is different so people are more likely to trust they're different roles. It's just a suspicion though and nothing more. I can't really follow up on it myself so I'm just hoping other people will track Ellmeister or something to help prove things either way.


What have you given us, Rummy?


Ellmeister, who did you roleblock last night? Sorry if you've said already and I missed it.

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I've given you nothing, duh. Do you presume everyone in the game can 'give us something' or merely wish to pass suspicion from yourself to me? That is also why I trust Ell more than yourself.


Maybe they just decided not to kill? To avoid suspicion?


I suppose that is possible, but I never understand wasting a night/kill as mafia, surely avoiding suspicion is never worth more than reducing the majority given the risks? Avoiding suspicion doesn't win them a game.


(Unless they have an alternative win condition and it does, of course, but I highly doubt that)

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I've given you nothing, duh. Do you presume everyone in the game can 'give us something' or merely wish to pass suspicion from yourself to me? That is also why I trust Ell more than yourself.


Oh ok, I'll just sit here and wait for the mafia to kill us all.


Don't worry guys, Rummy says you don't need to come out with anything.


Vote: No lynch


I'm not trying to put any suspicion on you Rummy, I'm just asking if you have anything you can contribute with. Why do you try to be as unhelpful as possible? You might know something you think is completely irrelevant that could end up leading us to something.


Why do you treat every question as an accusation? If you have nothing relevant then fine, just say so. Don't twist it to make it look like I'm accusing you of anything when I'm not. THAT is something the mafia would do. How do you think the town is meant to win? Just wait for the mafia to be investigated or tracked?


What happens when the mafia kill our investigators and trackers? We just sit in silence and wait to be night-killed? I really, really disagree with the way you're trying to play the game.


I want people to share the information they have so I must be suspicious? Get some sense.


You're happy to point the finger at people who have willingly come out with information yet as soon as someone asks what you've done, you get mega defensive.

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I get lucky? Someone else could have claimed policeman, that is a standard vanilla role rather than constable and the other police "members". surely you're possibly more suspicious than me!


I said I forgot to send in a target before, now who isn't paying attention :p

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Oh ok, I'll just sit here and wait for the mafia to kill us all.


Don't worry guys, Rummy says you don't need to come out with anything.


Vote: No lynch


I'm not trying to put any suspicion on you Rummy, I'm just asking if you have anything you can contribute with. Why do you try to be as unhelpful as possible? You might know something you think is completely irrelevant that could end up leading us to something.


Why do you treat every question as an accusation? If you have nothing relevant then fine, just say so. Don't twist it to make it look like I'm accusing you of anything when I'm not. THAT is something the mafia would do. How do you think the town is meant to win? Just wait for the mafia to be investigated or tracked?


What happens when the mafia kill our investigators and trackers? We just sit in silence and wait to be night-killed? I really, really disagree with the way you're trying to play the game.


I want people to share the information they have so I must be suspicious? Get some sense.


You're happy to point the finger at people who have willingly come out with information yet as soon as someone asks what you've done, you get mega defensive.


You seem to insist on being dense and ignoring what I'm saying, turning it again into something that seems to cast doubt on me. THAT is why I have my reservations about you. I'm not being unhelpful, the point is(as heavily implied in no less than the second sentence of that post), there is a definite possibility that some people CAN'T give anything. I for one, am one of them. I do not get anything which I can give, something I thought obvious from early on.


You're happy to point the finger at people who have willingly come out with information yet as soon as someone asks what you've done, you get mega defensive.


Also a complete lie, and again implying heavily that I've done something wrong. I didn't do that with you. I expressed my doubt of you, but you turn it into a heavy handed attack against me. Could you please point out where I've gotten 'mega defensive' throughout this thread? If you can, I won't vote for you. If you can't, I will, you're throwing baseless accusations at me.


Don't worry guys, Rummy says you don't need to come out with anything.


Also, I didn't say this. Can you show me where I have?


Don't twist it to make it look like I'm accusing you of anything when I'm not.


See my above two points where you accuse me of two things that are unfounded.


You're happy to point the finger at people who have willingly come out with information yet as soon as someone asks what you've done, you get mega defensive.


In fact, I was going to leave my post as it was, but coming to this point, other than ReZ who was a killer, who have I pointed my finger at? All I've done is ask if we had any roleblockers/protectors do anything last night to prevent the kill(and according to you asking for information definitely isn't a crime). I also asked for clarification on Cube's power, from himself, specifically stating I wasn't pointing any fingers but curious it identified ReZ as not being on our side when the writeup says he was.


Maybe I should make that three accusations you supposedly haven't made at me.


(also i'm going out again now possibly until tomorrow, how many votes are we at for no lynch? I'm half and half, will vote when i get back depending on majority opinion)

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You seem to insist on being dense and ignoring what I'm saying, turning it again into something that seems to cast doubt on me. THAT is why I have my reservations about you.


I'm not trying to put any suspicion on you Rummy, I'm just asking if you have anything you can contribute with.


I'm not being unhelpful, the point is(as heavily implied in no less than the second sentence of that post), there is a definite possibility that some people CAN'T give anything. I for one, am one of them. I do not get anything which I can give, something I thought obvious from early on.


Can you see how the above is a lot different from:


I've given you nothing, duh. Do you presume everyone in the game can 'give us something' or merely wish to pass suspicion from yourself to me? That is also why I trust Ell more than yourself.


That response is arrogant and rude and there's the implication that just because I asked if you had any information, it means I'm accusing you and passing suspicion (which only you have at the moment I think) from myself.


Also a complete lie, and again implying heavily that I've done something wrong. I didn't do that with you. I expressed my doubt of you, but you turn it into a heavy handed attack against me. Could you please point out where I've gotten 'mega defensive' throughout this thread? If you can, I won't vote for you. If you can't, I will, you're throwing baseless accusations at me.


I'm not even accusing you, your whole response is your mega defense. You've just said I've turned it into a heavy handed attack against you. I am not attacking you. All I asked was if you had anything to give us because you were online at the time and actively posting.


Basically I asked you if you had any info and I get this in reply:


I've given you nothing, duh. Do you presume everyone in the game can 'give us something' or merely wish to pass suspicion from yourself to me? That is also why I trust Ell more than yourself.


in which you explicitly suggest I'm trying to pass suspicion off myself. Just by asking if you had ANY info? That is what I view as mega defensive. I ask a simple question and you imply that I'm passing off suspicion.



Also, I didn't say this. Can you show me where I have?


I was quite obviously exaggerating, don't take everything so seriously.




In fact, I was going to leave my post as it was, but coming to this point, other than ReZ who was a killer, who have I pointed my finger at?


Me - which is fine but you say you definitely trust Ell, why?


All I've done is ask if we had any roleblockers/protectors do anything last night to prevent the kill(and according to you asking for information definitely isn't a crime).


Ellmeister is a roleblocker, though he forgot to send in a target. That's not fishy at all?


Anyway, it's not true that you have nothing to give us. You presumably have a power and a role. You presumably have targets. I'm not saying you have to give them, you're totally within your right to say you have nothing relevant. I guess I just didn't like the arsey way you responded to me.

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I have to say, I don't agree with Rummy's bullishness/over defensiveness when asked anything related to himself. Yet I don't really know if I trust Peeps, but I think I trust Ellmeister slightly less at this point. Gonna have to go through the thread again and see what I feel about people/write it down so I don't forget.

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I don't have a problem with people being suspicious of me, I've been pushy in this game which can be misconstrued (sp). I have a problem with people not posting and not offering any info whatsoever. The town will not win if we don't talk.


Mcoy's pretty much just following what the rest of the pack does. Mcoy's role is pretty minimal so the only thing Mcoy can do is listen to what everyone else says then jump in on whoever is going to get lynched.


Mcoy probably sounds like he's hiding or trying to play a bluff. If you still don't trust good old Mcoy then feel free to waste a day/night lynch/killing/role investigation power and confirm what Mcoy has stated above.

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You've at least specifically said you have no power and no role which can easily be confirmed if someone has no better target. You might not think it but it's good enough for me. We know you don't have a power so if anyone does end up being targeted by you, we'll know you're a faking liar and lynch you without hesitation ;P


oh you have no night power that is, maybe you have a day power. Either way, you've contributed something about yourself already.

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Me - which is fine but you say you definitely trust Ell, why?


You replied to this out of context, you said I pointed fingers at anyone who gave us information, which is a total lie. I said it was a heavy handed attack because you used quite solid accusations, no doubt expressed in them, as if you're trying to convince people I'm definitely bad. I only actually said that between you and Ell, I trusted him more. However you seem overly defensive for this slither of suspicion, and I don't see why.


Anyway, it's not true that you have nothing to give us. You presumably have a power and a role. You presumably have targets. I'm not saying you have to give them, you're totally within your right to say you have nothing relevant. I guess I just didn't like the arsey way you responded to me.


You're still not paying attention. Since the first night Ell pointed out I do not actively target. That is all I'm willing to say about myself, you forced info in the Gent's when it wasn't needed, and you're doing it now too. I hate having to spell things out to people in mafias. The point was, this is a wrong presumption. It was, I thought quite obviously, the point in the original post that apparently upset you so much.


I've given you nothing, duh. Do you presume everyone in the game can 'give us something' or merely wish to pass suspicion from yourself to me? That is also why I trust Ell more than yourself.



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You replied to this out of context, you said I pointed fingers at anyone who gave us information, which is a total lie.


No, now you are the one replying out of context and totally lying. I said you were pointing the finger at people who had willingly come out with information when you had given nothing yourself. I did not say you've been accusing anyone who gave us information.


I said it was a heavy handed attack because you used quite solid accusations, no doubt expressed in them, as if you're trying to convince people I'm definitely bad. I only actually said that between you and Ell, I trusted him more. However you seem overly defensive for this slither of suspicion, and I don't see why.


Show me where I used a solid accusation against you. All I asked was whether you had given us any information.




You're still not paying attention. Since the first night Ell pointed out I do not actively target.


Ell said that you didn't target anyone that night. Why would I just assume you can't target anyone for any night?


Please just explain to me why we went from me saying:


What have you given us, Rummy?


To you saying:


I've given you nothing, duh. Do you presume everyone in the game can 'give us something' or merely wish to pass suspicion from yourself to me? That is also why I trust Ell more than yourself.


A simple question gets a very retaliatory response. You essentially said that just because I'm asking you for information, it means I'm trying to pass suspicion. What I'm actually doing - which anyone can see - is trying to get any information I can that can help the town.


It wasn't a direct question, it was completely open allowing you to offer as much or as little as you liked. Instead I got an accusation. Thanks.


Also for lols:


IF anyone has to evil I'd say it's more likley to be Cube or mr-paul.


Can you tell us anything mr-paul?


I think I've come out with all my info through the days but haven't tried to make a big deal about it. I might as well say it now though, my role is a tracker.

Night 1 I targeted Cube, who targeted ReZ (hence why I was asking ReZ if anything had happened to him.

Night 2 I stupidly forgot to send my target.

Night 3 The Peeps targeted ReZ

Night 4 Diageo targeted no-one.


Doesn't really help at all.


Notice how I actually flat out said I think he's likely to be evil? Do I get a mega defensive post that accuses me? No. I get a helpful list of his targets and ability. That's how I'd expect an innocent player to react (even more helpful than I'd expect). Yes, I'm now suspicious of you Rummy. The level of defensiveness in your posts implies to me that you've something to hide.


I could well be wrong, I don't know, which is why I'm not putting a vote on you. I'd like to move on to other things now tbh.

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A simple question gets a very retaliatory response. You essentially said that just because I'm asking you for information, it means I'm trying to pass suspicion. What I'm actually doing - which anyone can see - is trying to get any information I can that can help the town.


Ok, I see you point. I thought, me expressing some suspicion of you, you then asked if I had given us anything, which I thought was passing it onto me after I expressed it at you, if that makes sense. Why didn't you ask me before I expressed doubts about you? Why do it in response to such? THAT is retaliatory. That's how I construed your post following mine. It also seems a silly question to ask 'what have you given us, Rummy' rather than 'what can you give us?'. The first question is answered by the thread itself, I hadn't given anything, hence the duh.



It all just seems to be pointing some blame at me. I want information just as much as you, I've been asking questions just as much, I'm completely useless actively and that's pretty much all I can do, ask questions and try to figure people out.


(this was sposed to be above that, I do want to draw a line under it, but I still want to get this said v)


No, now you are the one replying out of context and totally lying. I said you were pointing the finger at people who had willingly come out with information when you had given nothing yourself. I did not say you've been accusing anyone who gave us information.


I'm struggling to see much distinction between these two statements. How does pointing the finger(which i take to mean implying accusations) at those who had willingly come out with information differ from accusing anyone who gave us information? I expressed a doubt about Cube's power, but not himself, Ell came out very early on with his power and I knew what he said to be accurate which is why I trust him, I didn't point any finger at him. I don't expect any mafia would have revealed so quickly on the first night/day.

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Apologies for not being here over the past few days, it appears I forgot to mention I'd be away after putting the night phase up. I am back now and there appears to be good conversation continuing right now so the day phase will continue.

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And is coming to a close.


Unless significant activity picks up by tonight, the day will end whenever I get back from meeting my ex-girlfriend at the pub.


Which will hopefully be, like, an hour or so. (Realistically we're talking 9 or 10pm)






The ever indecisive townies swayed one way to another before finally deciding that.. oh wait, they all fell asleep. Silly townies, they're not going to protect Dystopia without taking action!


The night phase starts NAAAOOO


Getcha targets in to me by 11pm tomorrow!

Player List - 18 players begun the game. 13 remain:





Cube (Zell)


The Peeps






Brian Mcoy






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The Peeps was confused. Why on earth was he getting so many odd results from his investigations?! He had to come to some sort of conclusion, he thought. That night, instead of following another town member around, he decided to collate notes on himself and see what he would come up with. He was at it for hours, and finally thought he'd cracked it, when a gunshot rung out through the town. The bullet shattered his front window and narrowly missed The Peeps' head, as he scrambled to his feet from his desk and fled his house at full speed, hoping to god the assailant wasn't quick on their feet.


He ran to the only place he knew was safe - the police station. As he arrived there, completely out of breath, he went to get through the front door.. only, what with Peeps not thinking things through properly, he'd forgotton that in times of crisis the Police Station was closed at night. He desperately fiddled through his pockets for his keys, and realised to his horror that he had left them on his desk next to his notepad. The assailant came flying round the corner to see Peeps standing by the glass doors, a defeated man. He slumped to his knees and admitted defeat.


One final flurry of gunfire was heard by the others that were still awake. As his fellow Policemen came to work the next day, they discovered the bullet-ridden corpse. and regretfully announced the death of the young Constable.


The Peeps is dead. He was a Constable. Whilst he had the best of intentions, he hadn't quite learnt how to tame his intuition. He was Good.


The shrinking number of town members again met together with grim faces. They knew things were dire. Perhaps today would be the day they made progress towards saving their beloved city?




The mafia rubbed their hands together. They knew they were slowly but surely getting closer to their goal.. the destruction of Dystopia, and their safe escape!



Day 6 begins now..

Player List - 18 players begun the game. 12 remain. 7 is majority:






Cube (Zell)







Brian Mcoy

The Peeps






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