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Shenmue 1 doesn't feel like a full game to be honest. There are only 4 areas, this is why I think Shenmue 2 kicks it's ass, because the game world is massive compared to the first one, and there seems like there's so much more to do.

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Indeed there is, but Shenmue I is like the personal build up to Shenmue II, as it gets you to know the character of Ryo, his family, neighbourhood and friends really well and generally connects the player with his life.

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I personally think Shenmue 1 and 2 should have been merged in to one game. Then it would have been, well not perfect, but a lot more ideal.


I remember playing through the first game for the first time, and trying to buy the ticket to go to Hong Kong. I thought, wow, I'm gonna get on a plane and go to a different country. It never happened, and I felt as though they were just milking the story by sending you on pointless errands in order to give you just enough gameplay to justify it as it's own game.


Like you said, Shenmue 1 is an introduction, but one which should never have been it's own game, and one that shouldn't have had you running around for hours doing almost nothing at times looking for pointless crap or people like Charlie.

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The thing is, its crazy to compare them really, as for starters Shenmue II wouldn't be as amazing as it is without the introduction of the adventure in Shenmue. Basically, I prefer II for numerous reasons but it wouldn't be the game it is if it wasn't for Shenmue.


I fully agree with you. They are both 2 sheets of the same song. Nobody could honestly pick one over the other. Such is the richness of each game.


I'm so glad you loved it Stocka! People seem to either love it or hate it, but to me if someone has the time to enjoy it, they always end up loving it. Shenmue has been very recently tinged with no small amount of sadness for me, because I have come to realise that gaming has died for me since. Every game feels soulless to me now, that not even a new Zelda could fix. With Shenmue, I realised that these are the types of game I want to play, but they aren't the types that the industry wants to make. They're much happier making quick buck games like FIFA etc. So it is with no small amount of sadness that I have very recently decided to sell my gear (excepting the Dreamcast and the DS). It's just not been the same for some time now, and buying GC games has just been delaying the inevitable.


Sorry to be so melodramatic! :)

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I'm just living in hope now that Shenmue III will be revealed at E3. If it is I don't care what console it is on, (as long as its one of the next gen consoles) I'll just HAVE to get it. I have a 360 and 100% getting a Revolution so I have a 2/3 chance, but if its released on PS3 I'll just have to buy one :heh: Same goes for Skies of Arcadia II.


I must admit though, Shenmue III on Revolution would take the series to a new level, its already like the most immersive game ever.......please happen..

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That's so annoying that happened. Since those GD discs in DC's use smaller lines, even the smallest scratch will ensure the cd doesn't work. I remember this happaned with me on disc 3 of shenmue 1, just a little scratch. :/

Erg, this happened with me too. I can't load the first disk of shenmue 1 and it is SO irritating, I'm dying to go back and play it all again. Such a damn good game.

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I'm just living in hope now that Shenmue III will be revealed at E3. If it is I don't care what console it is on, (as long as its one of the next gen consoles) I'll just HAVE to get it.


Heh, tell me about it! It'd be the one game that would bring me back to gaming. Even if it turned up on the GatesBox360 I'd get it. I still reckon it will eventually happen. I try not to listen to all the naysayers who keep telling us to give it up. I still believe!!

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Theres so many things here that suggest it WILL happen


However some quotes from Yu Suzuki contradict other evidence. It's confusing.

I really hope it does get released on the Rev, because there is SO much potential for the game on the system.

It's difficult to know if Shenmue III would be released on the Rev, partly because of all the conflicting info/statements;


If the game IS finished and just needing a console release - which I think is very unlikely, because the only next-gen hardware the developers would have had any access to at anywhere near that time would have been the 360 and even that was only the last year or so! So the game will need ALOT of work still, before it's a next-gen title.


Also, if the game is far in development or finished, then the developers may not have been able to design it around the Rev in time - therefore if it was on Rev it may lack use of the 'Revmote', or the game may need a complete reworking to include the 'Revmote'.


However, if the game is early or yet to start development; I think the 'Revmote' makes the Rev the perfect system for the title because it would make the game all the more interactive.

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Imagine using the revmote to spark a zippo, and then hold it up whilst walking (in a cave for instance) :D


The mini games would be so much more fun too, just simple touches like rolling the dice.


The problem is though, I can see the fighting system being tricky:hmm:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone should buy a DC (they are so cheap nowadays) just for playing Shenmue. It's an experience that every gamer should live.


Just get a DC from ebay for 20 gbp, then Shenmue for 10 and Shenmue 2 for 25-30.


Even if you play now the first Shenmue you will be amazed - it looks like a "next-gen" game. Its concept... its mechanisms... just wow... This game was so ahead of its time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't get your hopes up mate. Every year it's the same story, Shenmue fans think this will be their year when the 3rd game is revealed but it never happens. I still think there is a small chance of it and it will always be in my mind but tbh I've started to accept it wont happen.

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Well I can understand but the thing is next gen is now starting, so if it is going to be announced it was likely to be around this year, or next.

Be positive!

Afterall take Yoshi's Island for example, my favourite 2D game ever, me and thousands others all hoped for years there would be a sequel but eventually the hope faded....but then now more than 10 years later a sequel gets announced :yay:

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Well I can understand but the thing is next gen is now starting, so if it is going to be announced it was likely to be around this year, or next.

Be positive!

Afterall take Yoshi's Island for example, my favourite 2D game ever, me and thousands others all hoped for years there would be a sequel but eventually the hope faded....but then now more than 10 years later a sequel gets announced :yay:


I like your optimism, lol, tell me how hopeful you are in 5 years. I will still pray for the game but now I just don't get my hopes up. If it ever gets announced I'm not sure what I will do. I think I may get so excited that i may DIE :-|

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To anyone who wants every tidbit of info/hints/research/general hope for Shenmue III here:




Some of it's interesting, but theres rumours the Kikizo interview with Yu Suzuki was actually fake. We'll see, but for now thats all the research we got.

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Can't wait till the summer, when my exams are over.

First thing I'm going to do is head on down to Gamestation, buy a Dreamcast, then role on up to eBay and buy Shenmue I and II.

I still can't beleive I sold back my original Dreamcast with Shenmue, and Virtua Tennis. :(

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Can't wait till the summer, when my exams are over.

First thing I'm going to do is head on down to Gamestation, buy a Dreamcast, then role on up to eBay and buy Shenmue I and II.

I still can't beleive I sold back my original Dreamcast with Shenmue, and Virtua Tennis. :(


I did the same thing mate. Didn't have Virtua Tennis, but did have Soul Calibur : ( Might have to have another play through Shenmue II. My Dreamcast has been sitting gathering dust for a while.

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Well I just got Shenmue I for 6.50 from Ebay,great condition,no discs scratched,case not cracked or scratched,2 manuals which doesn't have fold marks and has the outer sleeve aswell which is in great condition.Think it's a good deal? I read the thread and you all convinced me to get it :)

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Well I just got Shenmue I for 6.50 from Ebay,great condition,no discs scratched,case not cracked or scratched,2 manuals which doesn't have fold marks and has the outer sleeve aswell which is in great condition.Think it's a good deal? I read the thread and you all convinced me to get it :)


Awesome deal hope you enjoy playing it. I have yet to own and play it...

*holds up shield for the oncoming assault from Stocka*

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