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The End Of The World Mafia

The Peeps

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If you say what you were trying to do to ReZ/Diageo it will help a bit, even though we have only got your word to go on so you could be making stuff up!


Dyson/Aqui1a, who were your targets last night?


Can I ask why you want to know? I'm reluctant to give anything away so early on :)

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Because there's this whole mixup with the flaming conflagration, with me and Ell targeting you and Dyson respectively, all three of us say we've been roleblocked by this fiery terror but you claim to know nothing about it. I'm not asking what you did, just who you targeted, because I want to work this out, it's a separate lead from all this Eddie stuff.

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You got that Eddie targeted Rez? She didn't target Diageo and get switched to Rez?


Trackers don't usually get told about redirection, do they? All they get is "x targeted y", as far as I've seen.


SO maybe Eddie was hurting ReZ/breaking his thing/making him rude and hurt you a bit while you saw it?


From what Eenuh said, it's clear that she saw me but I didn't see her. So chronologically, it goes like this:


someone broke ReZ's item, he was angry -> Cube targeted him successfully, but ReZ was rude -> I saw ReZ being rude, so decided not to do my action / simultaneously, Eenuh saw me targeting ReZ.

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I'm starting to believe EddieColeslaw, it does seem like a weird lie to make. But the game mechanics behind it all, even if realistically it would make sense, I don't think the mechanics are making much sense. So I still don't believe her much. But it's up in the air.


I however think that it could be easier to clear things up if she told us what she was doing to ReZ, as Dannyboy said, the information has increased in importance. That is why I will keep my vote on her for now.

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She saw you target Rez and nearly got hit by something. Shrapnel from you breaking Rez's thing?


Aren't you going a little overboard with finding tiny things to make Eddie sound more suspicious?

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Aren't you going a little overboard with finding tiny things to make Eddie sound more suspicious?


I'm not attempting to make her sound suspicious, I'm trying to fit the things we know together in a way that makes sense. The power of the guy who broke Rez's thing is inconsistent if only she was rejected but not you. But then again it is possible that his power is to only let one person target his target after him... Weird power though.

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Diageo, remember when you asked me whether I intended to target you? Did you know and wanted to confirm it, or were you just basing it on the fact that Cube was redirected to ReZ? If it was the former, then that answers mr-paul's question above.

It is the latter. I was assuming it based on Cube's information.

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Eenuh, do you think if you ask The Peeps to clarify your role, whether you get your target's intended target or their actual target, he will tell you? It might be worth asking...


It's the actual target.

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Remember that my redirection is not 100% certain. It's just that my PM (My target was rude but I helped him anyway) matches ReZ' (an item of his was broken so he was rude to someone who was helping me). Also, there are a couple of different types of redirection.

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I think Aqu1la has something to do with this inferno, although how it has involved me, Mr-paul and Dyson I do not know.


Yeah, so it'd seem... I know you must have been prevented from reaching me by somebody else, otherwise my ability would have came into effect - which it didn't.


Do you have anything else to go on why you think I'm responsible for the conflagration, other than you targeting me?

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But a conflagration is fiery... and it effected Ellmeister too and he didn't target Aqui1a...


This is quite interesting... and some people seem all too eager to vote no lynch and move onto the next day.


I missed this earlier but thought I should reply. The reason I didn't know it was firey is that I didn't read your wiki link :blush: sorry!

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No problem! I think everyone is ignoring it because it's a big word, but it's what The Peeps used!


Aqui1a, are you saying your power only comes into effect if someone targets you?


It just doesn't seem to make sense why three people have been stopped by this thing... Ell and his target were stopped (I don't know who Dyson's target is...) I was stopped, but my target claims to know nothing of it....

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Conflagration. Seems a bit weird to me.. surely there's not someone who can target 3 people to roleblock in one night? I'm gonna target Diageo again tonight and see what happens.


Change Vote: No Lynch as I'm not convinced there's enough evidence to go for Eddie at the moment.

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