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Tina Fey


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I finished Bossypants today (audiobook, read by Tina Fey herself thankfully) and it was the last episode of the current season of 30 Rock yesterday in American so a thread felt in order.


I know Coolness has got the book and others have enjoyed 30 Rock and/or SNL, Mean Girls and other stuff. So...share the love.


The book is awesome. Full of pithy comedy and feminist issues. It's a weirdly intimate insight into the life of a (particular) female (for instance the end of the book is her debating whether to have a second child (spoiler alert: due in a few months) or carry on working and continue her plan to rise up in the media to be in the position to hire more female producers and stuff) and also gives insights into the process of creating 30 Rock, working her way up from Second City to SNL and of course Mrs. Palin.


Two particular bits I like:


1. Tina did a chapter dedicated to responding to correspondence and she does it well.


From PerezHilton.com Posted by jerkstore on Wednesday, 1/21/2009, 11:21 PM “In my opinion Tina Fey completely ruined SNL. The only reason she’s celebrated is because she’s a woman and an outspoken liberal. She has not a single funny bone in her body.â€


Dear jerkstore,

Huzzah for the Truth Teller! Women in this country have been over-celebrated for too long. Just last night there was a story on my local news about a “missing girl,†and they must have dedicated seven or eight minutes to “where she was last seen†and “how she might have been abducted by a close family friend,†and I thought, “What is this, the News for Chicks?†Then there was some story about Hillary Clinton flying to some country because she’s secretary of state. Why do we keep talking about these dumdums? We are a society that constantly celebrates no one but women and it must stop! I want to hear what the men of the world have been up to. What fun new guns have they invented? What are they raping these days? What’s Michael Bay’s next film going to be?


When I first set out to ruin SNL, I didn’t think anyone would notice, but I persevered because - like you trying to do a nine-piece jigsaw puzzle - it was a labor of love.


I’m not one to toot my own horn, but I feel safe with you, jerkstore, so I’ll say it. Everything you ever hated on SNL was by me, and anything you ever liked was by someone else who did it against my will.


Sincerely, Tina Fey

P.S. You know who does have a funny bone in her body? Your mom every night for a dollar.


2. Feminism yay


“So my unsolicited advice to women in the workplace is this. When faced with sexism or ageism or lookism or even really aggressive Buddhism, ask yourself the following question: “Is this person in between me and what I want to do?†If the answer is no, ignore it and move on. Your energy is better used doing your work and outpacing people that way. Then, when you’re in charge, don’t hire the people who were jerky to you.â€


Oh screw it, let's throw in a third:


“Gay people don’t actually try to convert people. That’s Jehova’s Witnesses you’re thinking of.â€


So yeah. I'll move on now. But here's to Elizabeth Stamtina.

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I have nothing else to add. I haven't read Bossypants or watched Mean Girls. :blank:


I hate when men refuse to watch Mean Girls because they think its some dumb chick flick. Yeah, its about girls and perhaps by virtue 'girly', but its a solid comedy with some great performances.


(not suggesting that's why you haven't seen it but just a rant I wanted to perform)

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I hate when men refuse to watch Mean Girls because they think its some dumb chick flick. Yeah, its about girls and perhaps by virtue 'girly', but its a solid comedy with some great performances.


(not suggesting that's why you haven't seen it but just a rant I wanted to perform)


Yeah, I hate this as well. It's such a well-written, awesome comedy, Tina Fey is awesome, I love her.

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I've only recently found out that she's an award-winning comedian. She's always been Ms. Norbury to me :) She sounds cool.

She wrote Mean Girls, far more impressively than playing a part in it. You should give 30 Rock a go. She's always been Liz Lemon to me.

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She wrote Mean Girls, far more impressively than playing a part in it. You should give 30 Rock a go. She's always been Liz Lemon to me.


Woah, I didn't know that! Ms. Norbury ftw! I've watched a few 30 Rock episodes before, I can tell it's funny/good, but didn't appeal to me that much.

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30 Rock is incredible. I liked it, but then a few weeks back the boyfriend surprised me with the first 4 seasons on DVD, and I've been hooked every since. Tracy Jordan annoys me, however.


Also, 'Fetch' needs to happen.

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Tracy Jordan is an amazing parody on the public persona of Tracy Morgan. Its inspired. It works, in ways, like Alec Baldwin playing Jack but the complete opposite side of it.


I don't think I make any sense any more.

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Tracy Jordan is an amazing parody on the public persona of Tracy Morgan. Its inspired. It works, in ways, like Alec Baldwin playing Jack but the complete opposite side of it.


I don't think I make any sense any more.


Oh, I don't deny it works. He just grates on me sometimes, especially in the earlier series.

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I :love: Tina Fey!


I've posted this somewhere else, but.. She's hot.



And obviously [she's funny].


I actually saw Mean Girls in the cinema, almost solely because of her. And I did enjoy it.


I should also have 1 or 2 magazines with her on the cover (an Esquire and a Vogue I think), but alhtough she's hot, I haven't seen many good (well, great) magazine covers of her, often they "funny it up".

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