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The Lillster

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Yes a lot of women do like confidence in men, same goes for the other way round, it's no good going up to a girl and being like a wet drip and saying hardly anything to eachtother, it all gets too awkward and you will end up walking away.


But saying that i think if you're too over confident girls dont like that either as they will think you just wanna get into their knickers (which is probably true in most cases) but yeah that will get you no where either.


Just be yourself and dont try and be someone you are not. But do try and have a little bit of confidence in yourself, the way you look and what you are saying. Talk to her like she is a mate and not a piece of meat. It's basic communication, get over the fact she is a pretty lady and just have a nice little chat and a laugh and perhaps a little boogie on the dance floor and see where it goes.


If not sit in the corner and drink beer :)

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ROFL! Girls attracted to confidence? If that was 100% true then I would never have a girlfriend. lo


Just throw that rule book of what girls are attracted to out the window! Girls are the same as guys in the way that they are attracted to many different things!


Think about it, like with guys most girls don't end up with what is portrayed as THE PERFECT OMFGWTF guy so there must be something else right? There will be girls that will be attracted to you and girls who won't that's the way it goes.... And if even 1 girl is attracted to you there will be many more.....


The one thing about school that I think is a bit of a problem for some is the whole "what will my friends think" attitude.... Because some girl/guy hangs round with these people I can't like them or whatever it is..... Seriously I've seen it from both guys and girls.. Then in clubs it's generally whoever is up for it......... If you meet somewhere else where you don't have to be like totally crazy or in the group of people that is acceptable, then it will be different. lol


I don't think that makes complete sence though so try your best to understand it. lol



Oh and my two girlfriends came about from the very same party so yeah, however I acted in that party is what I would need to repeat or something. =P


Oh and just so you know, by the end of that party I was sick on one of there mums bed and the other spent the night cleaning me up after my 4 hour throwing up spell (and passing out). rofl




But yeah, I don't really think that's actually why they like me..... =P

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You see thats my problem. I go out thinking things will be good, I get there see a load of fit women, become really shy and clamy. I drink beer to try and get me in a good mood, but I end up worse than when I started. So either way I can't win.


You need to come out with me :bouncy:

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Leave the booze alone. Too many girls and guys depend on alcohol to get them through, so when they're done, dusted and sober, they don't know what the fuck to do when a member of the opposite sex comes along. Lay off the stuff, and talk to girls while sober. Even if you don't do anything, it'll rack up the confidence.


Heck, when I was down, I decided to get my love life up again. Just casually one day, whilst in town waiting for the peeps, I decided to go to shops and approach female assitants, asking for help, and then casually got into conversations with them. I even got the numbers of a few of them, even if I was only 14, and they were 18/19/20/65. It was a carpe diem moment, born from boredom, but it helped a hell of a lot. I was never expecting anything to result, but ye Gods, I hit gold. It's a great confidence booster, go try it.




To do this day, I still go for older women.

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  • 4 months later...

THis goes out to those who need cheering up.


Some things in life are bad

They can really make you mad

Other things just make you swear and curse.

When you're chewing on life's gristle

Don't grumble, give a whistle

And this'll help things turn out for the best...


And...always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the light side of life...


If life seems jolly rotten

There's something you've forgotten

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

When you're feeling in the dumps

Don't be silly chumps

Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.


And...always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the light side of life...


For life is quite absurd

And death's the final word

You must always face the curtain with a bow.

Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin

Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.


So always look on the bright side of death

Just before you draw your terminal breath


Life's a piece of shit

When you look at it

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.

You'll see it's all a show

Keep 'em laughing as you go

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.


And always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the right side of life...

(Come on guys, cheer up!)

Always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the bright side of life...

(Worse things happen at sea, you know.)

Always look on the bright side of life...

(I mean - what have you got to lose?)

(You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.

What have you lost? Nothing!)

Always look on the right side of life...

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I only see my friends on a weekend, which isn't very often.



It's every week you fuck wit.

being disabled I'm lucky to get out the house socially once a month and we have some poor kiddywink moaning about only seeing his friends every week.

Piss off.

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No matter how bad you think things are, they could always be worse. Im in a shitty situation right now, but fuck it why bother dwelling on it? Grab a beer, put on your favourite song and chill. Just noticed the threads pretty old. You any better now?

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I used to sit at home a lot, I was shy, doing well at school, didn't have many friends and never had a serious girlfriend.


I realised I hated life.


So then I thought: If I hate life, then why am I shy as if I care about it or some shit?


I went out and had a laugh with friends, made more friends who went out more.


now I'm socialising all the time, going to parties and what not, have a girlfriend with all the seriousness and love.


And I'm failing school!

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I went out to a ceilidh (Scottish dance) a couple of weeks back with one thing in mind - to get completely hammered. Which I did very successfully I have to say. One of the best nights ever, before that I hardly ever went out, now I'm going out almost every weekend with friends. It's got my confidence up a lot, being 16, everyone says it's only looks that matters when they're with their friends, but it isn't. I managed to get in with a sober girl at the ceilidh, who I remember as being relatively hot but my friends assure me she's a "pure munt."


I'd never met her before in my life before that night, and waking up the next morning I couldn't even remember what she looked like, until my friend showed me a video of me and her dancing (which is avaible upon request :heh: ). I don't care what she looks like (as long as she isn't fat, which she isn't), I don't care what my friends will say about her, or what they did say. Nothing's happened since. We just go red whenever we pass in the coridoor now.

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For awhile now I have been really angry and in a depressed mood about certain things I don't have in my life (mainly a girl friend and sex or just sex will do).


My self-esteem is really really low. And whenever I go out with friends to a night club I feel alright at first, but by the end of the night I feel jelousy and anger when I see people going with each other etc... Don't get me wrong i'm a nice person and my friends like me.


Another problem I have is that i'm a really quite person, especially when i'm out clubbing with friends. However if im with just one person I can talk easily then, but not much more.


Oh and people call me thick as well which makes me feel like shit, but I am good on computers so that makes me feel a little bit better, but not much.


Well there are a few things iv missed out, but I don't have time to post them atm.


Well what i'm trying to ask is; does anyone feel the same way as me at the moment or more importantly did anyone USE to feel the same way as me and felt like commiting suicide but now has a really happy life?



You just described me... It's a bit scary to be honest. So yes I feel exactly like you. I just bury myself with work/hobbies. Takes my mind off things. And you just have to be patient. Suicide isn't an option. You'd just traumatize your family/ friends.


But some advice that I can agree on: if you're trying to get a girl, stay sober.


And it could be worse; you could be the designated driver. There's nothing more boring than to watch your friends getting hammered while you can't take a drop of alcohol.

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thanks Tellyn888-got me whistling at 1.14am! lmao


ah well gives me a reason to watch the life of brian! now thats somat to get ya out of feeling as depressed for 90 mins :D


lol, it is one good movie (and theme tune) :D . Well I've never been depressed, some things in my life can get me down but I have a supportive family who can cheer me up. And theme tunes. :)

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im a bit quiet when in group convosations and very good at chatting one 2 one dude. If the group convo is something u dont care about whilst clubbing just goto the bar or go on the dance floor....if ur worried u will look stupid then just think who cares what random strangers think and have a good time.


With the whole girlfriend thing...i got advise from a mate the other week which was "just think that ur the most attractive guy in there and there missing out if they turn you down" just go up to a girl introduce urself, shake her hand and ask her whats she into simple..if blooms into a long boring convo bout her but theres a snog and prehaps a number out of it...who knows they may find ur shyness cute

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until my friend showed me a video of me and her dancing (which is avaible upon request


Show Show! :bowdown:

Comedy drunken dancing between teenage guys and girls is a classic! Anyway sometimes I feel a bit down but life is good generally so I don't have much to complain about a lot of things have gone right for me and hardly any things haven't so I am happy. :yay:

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As I said to my friend the yesterday when we were clubbing:

"The only right way to enter a club is with the statement that you are the best guy there"

(that doesn't mean that you should be a prick against everyone tho, becouse that is not how to be the best friggin' guy around)


And depressions come and go when you are a teenager, yeah, it sucks but it's unfortunatly rather true.


One important thing I've learned is: Don't gice a flying fuck what others think, there's only one way of life and that is your own.

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Show Show! :bowdown:

Comedy drunken dancing between teenage guys and girls is a classic!






It sucks though, I think someone else will have a better video. I'm the tall guy in the white shirt/kilt and 'my' girl is the one to my right. I'm completely out of time all the way through. I didn't have a clue what's going on there. :heh:

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I think girls are scared of me. I THINK


the truth is, i wouldnt hurt a creature of God/Allah/Din


except for flies, annoying shits.


im surrounded by too many boys, thats one of my problems, and when there are girls they are usually the urban jogging bottom wearing type girls.

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