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The Lillster

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I don't know exactly what to say, but thanks for all showing me the light, so to speak.


However it's not just the not having the girl friend and no sex part that makes me depressed. To be quiet honest it's mainly the fact that I feel thick and people call me thick too. And thats one of the main reasons I never talk, even with friends. And then they start trying to get me to talk which just doesn't work lol. But as I said in my first post i'm a little bit better when i'm with just one person, even though I might say a few stupid things.


Oh, and about the people saying bad things there going though, actually makes me feel worse for some weird reason lol ::shrug:


You have committed the greatest sin of all; taking yourself too seriously.


Actually, the ultimate sin is to be ashamed of your skin >> (Immortal Technique) - Revolutionary Lyrics. Very good tune. Anyway lol thanks :)


At this moment in time im actually quite alright, I think work has cheered me up a bit, and theres this really nice good looking girl who i havn't seen working there before, and she is really friendly which is what I like.


In the future, when I get depressed or down, I will read all these comments to try and make myself feel better again.


I've probably missed something out, but that is all for now.


Thanks again for your support, iv been a big fan of this site ever since the purple days of C-E. So i'm not a newbie.


P.S: Sorry for being EMO and created this thread. :)

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no continue, what gets on my nerves is people who say, "u dont have to have a pretty girlfriend" says the person with the hot girlfriend..."its about the personality"


no shit, but i am a man, and i like pretty things...


im picky tho, not with looks, but with personality.



i hate common girls....

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That reminds me, I read an article about this man who was no good with women, but now is. He claims that women don't like nice people in general or something, and that just really pissed me off. Actually the whole article in general pissed me off because he came off as so arrogant. Has anyone else read one of these articles about seduction/ pulling etc... And what do you think of them?

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Ignoring the whole pulling of women and such, cause I aint got much to say about that, and focusing back on the depression.


I realised a month or so ago I was dwindling into depression. I just couldn't shop, and normally I could. Originally I chalked it up to the after effect of New York and how nothing can compare but I started evaluating my life. I wasn't laughing as much, not really laughing like I used to. Not even laughing about silly fun memories. I wasn't in the mood to photoshop and not even cheesy pop could pick me up. I can't remember what I did, perhaps I told myself to get over it, but I picked up a bit. Stopped worrying about everything (in theory) and now my life is getting better.


I have been kicked in the balls several times by life this year but now I have a great job which I love, a bunch of friends who now I truely admire and are thankful for, because they've been my rock through the tough times, and a new love interest. Im just gonna write of 2005 as the worst year of my life and let it be.

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I used to be like this about a year back! Just admit to yourself you'll never get anywhere just like I did. I'm just the class clown, have a lot of friends and to be honest for the mean time thats all I want... although i really like a girl in my class and I actually ended up telling her.


Poor girl, having a retard like me liking her! You know, this is kinda hash. But people have alot worse things going on in their lives, so don't take what you have for granted.


EDIT: That thing about most girls not liking nice guys is true. A friend who is a girl said to me that "most girls are total bitches, who simply don't care about your feelings. Only to fuck you around and generally ruin your life as much as they can."


Girls can be fucking twisted and minipulative. Us guys are just too stupid to do so hehe :laughing:

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Don't worry, you're not the only one, I'm not very well myself. Changing home, city, leaving friends and family behind to go to a really hard university that I'm not sure is the right place for me is being very hard. Some stomach problems and of course lack of girlfriend are really getting to me. One day it'll go away.

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I can honestly say i dont think ive ever been really depressed and i think thats quite an achievement for me as ive grown up without a Dad as he died when i was only 3 years old.


The only times ive been a bit down is when being dumped by a girl i guess, it hurts for a bit but i dont get depressed, i have a good group of friends who are always there for me. and from the sounds of it you also have some good mates.


Dont get too down about things, stick with your mates, you're young, go out have a laugh, dont worry about girls too much, one will come along, and as for people calling you thick how old are they 10 ? try not to worry about it, get on with your life and do better than them.

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I can honestly say i dont think ive ever been really depressed and i think thats quite an achievement for me as ive grown up without a Dad as he died when i was only 3 years old.


The only times ive been a bit down is when being dumped by a girl i guess, it hurts for a bit but i dont get depressed, i have a good group of friends who are always there for me. and from the sounds of it you also have some good mates.


Dont get too down about things, stick with your mates, you're young, go out have a laugh, dont worry about girls too much, one will come along, and as for people calling you thick how old are they 10 ? try not to worry about it, get on with your life and do better than them.


Sleeps with somebody's girlfriend: no guilt.

Dad dies: no sadness.

Dumped by girl: bit down.


Platty the robot.


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Sleeps with somebody's girlfriend: no guilt.

Dad dies: no sadness.

Dumped by girl: bit down.


Platty the robot.



Oh no my secret is out! quickly back to planet of nuts and bolts!


But in all seriousness I do get sad Odwin about many things i just tend not to get depressed and feel like everything is against me and crappy and whats the point in life, i just never have felt like that. I was only 3 when my Dad died but of course since then i get sad quite a lot about it on the anniversary, birthday etc but i dont let it get me depressed. :shakehead

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As platty says stick with ur mates! they will always be there for u! platty is one of my best mates and we talk about alot with each other and soon going to NYC with each other, I have known him for nearly 6 years now but seems longer! I have a group of other mates aswell who i have grown up with snice i was 5! we have all stuck with each other over the years!


I am also like platty dont get depressed much! just the normal things some times get me down as platty says losing a family member and also GF's!

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Dude, don't think having a girlfriend/sex = happiness.... :-/


Many, many things with these things can cause sadness, anyone who has read my threads recently know how this happened with me......... I won't go into that again though.


Also getting called thick is no biggie. They are probably just messing with you, trying to get a reaction or something. Also even if you ARE thick you shouldn't get depressed over it. lol It doesn't make you a worse person or anything. hehe


dude you are way too picky. any holes a goal as they say.


And a ditch is a hell of a thing to get out of.......... Yeah, pickyness is good. =P

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This may sound shallow, but on the pullnig girls subject they have to look good. I couldn't go out with someone jsut on personality otherwise i'd feel nothing there.

EDIT: I cant get depressed anymore, dunno why but i find it impossible to stayt upset about anything, im always laughin 5 mins later

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This may sound shallow, but on the pullnig girls subject they have to look good. I couldn't go out with someone jsut on personality otherwise i'd feel nothing there.


But you have to remember, everyone has a different definition of what 'looks good'. I think everyone has a key feature that makes them attractive, whether its their eyes, smile, or their character.

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A smack head? >.< Seriously you need to just stop taking peoples comments to heart. They are just being stupid. Seriously, I've been told I look like so many things and if they got me down I would probably be a lot worse off then now. lol Then again, having long hair when you're growing up isn't exactly the best way to avoid comments. lol XD Oh well, was never gunna cut it for them. =P


If anything the two girlfriends I have had has been down to my long hair in some way or another so yeah. =P




Oh and as for the looks over personallity thing, you will find that if you get to know someone with a great personallity they will start to look better to you..... So yeah...... :-/

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But you have to remember, everyone has a different definition of what 'looks good'. I think everyone has a key feature that makes them attractive, whether its their eyes, smile, or their character.


That is very true. Im a sucker for a girl with nice eyes to the fact that i get so lost looking at them I completely forget what im saying sometimes :indeed:

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And I barely notice anyones eyes. lolol Seriously it's an eye...... They aren't that interesting to me. =P


Lill you are right, but what I mean is that if you really like a girls personallity it's possible for you to think that she is the most beautiful girl in the world whilst other think she isn't..... =P So in this case you would obviously get what you want. ;)


Oh and ermmm my girlfriend is beautiful.... My ex, wasn't so, but, I found her attractive whilst I was going out with her...... This is where I get it from....



EDIT: Infact, there are some eyes I'm interested in but more cause they look cool then anything..... My sister for example has one brown eye and one green eye.... SO COOL! XD

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Women are attracted to confidence, and because I feel like shit, and have never had a girl friend, it's hard to be confident. But at this moment in time my mood is alright. I'm going out tonight with some mates, but I guarantee that I will feel like shit by the end of the night. And thats bad because it's my mates birthday. I should be ok though :)

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