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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Look Dazz, there's nothing to be scared of. Just be open.

We need to know what you've been doing the last 5 nights like everyone else has pretty much revealed.


That's the thing though, I can't. Not really. I'm trying to tell you as best as I can without exactly telling you.


Dazz, were you referring to my post?


A simple yes or no will do.


If you are on about my original post, no.

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That's the thing though, I can't. Not really. I'm trying to tell you as best as I can without exactly telling you.


But whatever we can deduce, the mafia can deduce as well. Secrecy isn't helping the town at this point since we have more to lose. The mafia is probably going to act on it anyway, just to be safe.

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Stop being so blooody cryptic it isn't helping you in any way.

Look, I believe you, but i'm not following your information until I get






As I said, it's the only way I can do it. It's not easy for me either!

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That would be useful, just for the records. I will repost my updated epic post again soon for re-evaluating.


[1] steal Dannyboy-the-Dane / failed

[2] protect Dannyboy-the-Dane / roleblocked

[3] protect Fierce_Link / no PM

[4] protect Fierce_Link / Fierce_Link was protected

Protection wasn't appreciated, so random targets:

[5] protect Diageo / no PM

[6] protect The Peeps / no PM

[7] protect ReZourceman / no PM

PM's were no fun, so started stealing again:

[8] steal Dannyboy-the-Dane / jailkept

[9] steal ReZourceman / roleblocked


I'll see if I can add to your list, but I doubt have anything you don't have.

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[1] steal Dannyboy-the-Dane / failed

[2] protect Dannyboy-the-Dane / roleblocked

[3] protect Fierce_Link / no PM

[4] protect Fierce_Link / Fierce_Link was protected

Protection wasn't appreciated, so random targets:

[5] protect Diageo / no PM

[6] protect The Peeps / no PM

[7] protect ReZourceman / no PM

PM's were no fun, so started stealing again:

[8] steal Dannyboy-the-Dane / jailkept

[9] steal ReZourceman / roleblocked


I'll see if I can add to your list, but I doubt have anything you don't have.


The protection is definitely appreciated, but I am extremely worried because you are a thief. Unfortunately, I will always be worried about this, no matter how much you say you won't steal. If you were in my position, I think you'd feel the same.

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But whatever we can deduce, the mafia can deduce as well. Secrecy isn't helping the town at this point since we have more to lose. The mafia is probably going to act on it anyway, just to be safe.


And yet some of you are bamboozled and if they're Mafia by any chance, I have done my job well. Someone's already pretty much got what I said.


Look guys, just trust me when I say what I've been saying all along. Eddie is Evil. I understand your suspicion of me and I understand I may have looked more dodgy, I really do, but this is all I can say right now. I may even fear I've said too much.

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Dazz, Danny is right. Whatever we interpret, the mafia will as well. You're making yourself sound really important...which is not good if you want to live.


Dazz, are you allowed to give this information out? Or, are you not permitted?


This is the point I was saying when I said "Just trust me and vote for Eddie". I needed everybody to just believe me. ReZ is innocent.


Also, that's the thing, I don't know! You're all asking me questions that I'm not entirely sure I can even answer yet so I made up a couple of riddles that I hoped one of you would get and they have succeeded. I'm not breaking the rules in doing so as I haven't directly told anybody.

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This is the point I was saying when I said "Just trust me and vote for Eddie". I needed everybody to just believe me. ReZ is innocent.


Also, that's the thing, I don't know! You're all asking me questions that I'm not entirely sure I can even answer yet so I made up a couple of riddles that I hoped one of you would get and they have succeeded. I'm not breaking the rules in doing so as I haven't directly told anybody.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not allowed to give it out?


I'm starting to think you're neutral...

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Dazz, I don't suspect you.

It's just that we're working on a policy of total honesty now.

Even my big suspects are being slightly more open.


Initial analysis of Sméagol's results are that he is telling the truth at least about night 5. Aqui1a/I protected Diageo that night and nothing bad happened.

Will see if there is anything else I can deduce.

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What it says. I got tired of getting no PM's, I was sure stealing would be more exciting, and I wondered what I'd get out of it. To this day I still don't know.


Not sure I'm buying that explanation ...


Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not allowed to give it out?


I'm starting to think you're neutral...


Honestly? No offence, Dazz, but I think you're just being overly cautious. I seem to recall you being in doubt about some game mechanics before - what you were and weren't allowed to, no?

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Not sure I'm buying that explanation ...


There was no need for me to reveal that.. I could just as well have told you I was "protecting" you and ReZ. The plan was to steal something and reveal what it was here right in the thread before someone yells "I've got mugged!", hopefully contributing more than "sorry guys, no PM". But alas, it wasn't meant to be. May as well sit this one out 'till it's over.


As for my targets, I wasn't exactly sure about you.. Nintendohnut didn't confirm having killed Esequiel, which is a strange thing to do. So I chose you just in case, eventhough I was pretty sure it was Dohnut. Then ReZ after his little escapade, but yeah.


Oh and people, just ignore Dazz.

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Honestly? No offence, Dazz, but I think you're just being overly cautious. I seem to recall you being in doubt about some game mechanics before - what you were and weren't allowed to, no?


Yeah. I'm in doubt with this at the moment. I think I'm just going to say my results and whatever happens happens because this is really doing my head in and it's not going as I planned. I'm not sure if I can say but I guess I'll come to that bridge when I approach it. I just wanted someone to get what I said in the riddled post, everything you needed to know was there and only one person (as far as I know) understood entirely.


I will tell you who I targeted in exchange for protection and no questions about my targets (just for now). I honestly can't remember the days but I remember who I targeted and their results:


ReZ- Good

Dannyboy- Good

EddieColeslaw- Evil


Oh and I'm Good. I am not Evil nor am I Neutral. Just Good, I swear to you all.


I second this.


I'm not changing my vote until I get this.


I guess you can change it to Eddie now, right?

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