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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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See, that just reeks of mafia to me, trying to point suspicions in all other directions. But I'm still on the fence.


I would hope that a mafia-approved post would be more coherent than that :p I'm not trying to offload the suspicion on me, I'm just pointing out that I'm not the only one with questionable alignment/motives.


Also, ReZ has never killed.

Others such as Eddie, Tales, Sméagol etc etc. have MASSIVE gaps in their stories, and have only come out with stuff when pressed by everyone else.


Erm, what about Diageo, who never told us anything? Not even past targets, which might have been useful to the town?

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No wonder you're voting for everyone if you're suspicious of every single player in the game...


Haha, that's a bit unfair...


Lets see who I voted for:


Mundi - I voted late on that one. I took the word nefarious to mean evil, which it does, and was used to describe him. Think it was Aqui1a who's information provided vital in that lynching. I was gutted about this.


Jayseven - Well....who saw that coming? It seemed dead cert he was mafia. I acted on Danny's information for that one. I also had an incline due to Jay being a misdirector and also being massively quiet for the game.


Marca - was mafia


Dyson - I acted on this after questioning ReZ and giving Dyson my word that I would look vote for ReZ if Dyson turned out to be good.


Nintendohnut - was neutral. So, I didn't cry over that one. Was worried he'd eventually steal the win.


So, hardly voting for everyone. Also, it's not like I'm choosing people at random. I'm thinking very, very hard and using all of the information that we have to make informed choices. Read back on the Mundi and Dyson lynching for evidence of this.

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Diageo is dead, and was good. He got Marc, the first Angus, lynched.

You and Tales seem to be backing each over everything - there was one particular post of Tales when you were first accused of being mafia which was extremely aggressively defensive.


I'd also like to repeat my question to Dazz and Rummy.



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I've come back into the game after being dead since the first night and highlighted EVERYTHING that's happened! Do you really think I'd do that if I were eeeeeeviiiiillll?


I just don't think it's a risk ReZ would take.


Also, jayseven was lynched on a lot less convincing evidence than Dyson. Did we follow up on that by lynching anyone who led the lynch on him? No.


Well, it depends on how badly you want to win the game. I play to win games, so I'd go all out. No reason why you wouldn't be the same. :heh:


We didn't follow it up, but there are posts on the next day where I believe I questioned Danny or acted uneasy towards him. I haven't really trusted him since and have been watching him very carefully.


It looks like the pressure is on Eddie for this day phase. How close are we to a lynch?

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I would hope that a mafia-approved post would be more coherent than that :p I'm not trying to offload the suspicion on me, I'm just pointing out that I'm not the only one with questionable alignment/motives.


Ha, don't worry, I wouldn't lynch you on that basis alone. :heh: I've always been opposed to the idea of "mafia-like behaviour" since people react very differently, and it's generally pretty hard to define mafia-like behaviour. Bring reverse psychology into the equation and suddenly everything is up in the air. It's also very easy to become paranoid and view everything in a suspicious light.


Still, sometimes we only have gut feelings. And if we want to lynch someone today, it would appear we may need to resort to that.


I want to hear from Rummy and Dazz, too! I don't know if they can/want to confirm/deny my theory, but it'd be lovely if they could/would.


We didn't follow it up, but there are posts on the next day where I believe I questioned Danny or acted uneasy towards him. I haven't really trusted him since and have been watching him very carefully.


I was so terrified when it turned out he was good, because I was certain I was going to get lynched for it, seeing as there was already a good deal of suspicion on me.

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Why are we suddenly all protecting ReZ, and I have noticed what others have noticed, that you and Rummy seem to be acting in a sneaky way. The difference is that you had dodgy results throughout, so you were deemed unreliable. Apparently we deem ReZ to be "reliable" yet we're willing to sweep this evil result under the carpet. Why is it that people were so quick to lynch after hearing that evil result, but are unwilling to question it now? I find that really hard to believe.


Give me proof that ReZ is town and I'll take his vote off.


I can't do that. Nobody can if you really think about it considering that you're suspicious of everybody, you wouldn't believe them. I don't entirely believe you are Town but I'm willing to go with it for now. But answer me this, you think that Eddie is Mafia and yet you're voting for ReZ because you want attention on him? Why? Surely if you're more certain of Eddie being Mafia, you'd vote for Eddie considering our targets is to rid Evil. I'm keeping my vote on Eddie because I have a strong feeling he is Mafia and I believe ReZ when he says he's Good.


We've all made mistakes in Mafia games and nobody has ever played the game absolutely perfect so why would you want to lynch a town based on a mistake? Even if it's for a different reason that you're voting for ReZ, if you want to lynch a Mafia, vote Eddie!


Okay...since you keep your promises about deals and don't go back, how about this: You and everybody else vote for Eddie and if she turns out to be Good, you can lynch me tomorrow and I won't say a word to defend myself even though I am Good.


Sounds like a good enough deal, right? The same goes for everybody here. If EddieColeslaw turns out to be Good after she reaches majority, you guys can vote for me and I will not even try to defend myself.

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Just to note, I am not placing any votes until I've heard from Dazz, Rummy, Sméagol, Tales and Eddie with reasons why I shouldn't believe there is something up with them.


I'd also like to repeat my question to Dazz and Rummy.




Repeated for the millionth time.

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I see there has been told massive lies while I was gone. That's very ungentlemanny. I have unpressed, unforced, unanything told what I know since day 3. I remember clearly my information contributed to at least two semi big discussions in the first days of the game. One was about Cube and one was about dyson I think.


Ekscuse for being suspicious of mr-paul about this alone because it's just not true. And second NO ONE has said anything unless pressed or it pinpointed a mafia. No one. Just look at diageo, he even turned out good. It's unbelievable you have actually missed every info I revealed but managed to get perfect for everyone else. I just don't buy that, ekscuse me. don't say I'm mafia because I attack mr-paul, I'm perfectly entitled to it after what his alterative version of the truth.


Sounds like a good enough deal, right? The same goes for everybody here. If EddieColeslaw turns out to be Good after she reaches majority, you guys can vote for me and I will not even try to defend myself.

I hate tactics like that. Mafia or not.


Diageo is dead, and was good. He got Marc, the first Angus, lynched.

You and Tales seem to be backing each over everything - there was one particular post of Tales when you were first accused of being mafia which was extremely aggressively defensive.


I'd also like to repeat my question to Dazz and Rummy.




Some people believe in God and others in Buddha. Ekscuse me for not being convinced and trigger happy. I think I only have voted once in the entire game.

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Tell me all your dreams then, Tales.

We have pretty much everyone else's targets.

I'd like all the info you have now please.


And accusing me of missing you out on purpose.

I've come back into this game with no preconceptions of ANYONE.

Everything is done on my read through today.

I've taken all the information I can from everyone, and politely asked everyone to fill in any gaps I had.

Eenuh very kindly obliged.

Whereas you're being downright rude, when the best thing to do to defend yourself would be honest and come out with anything you've got.


Seriously guys, Eddie has been laying traps and I think she must be scum, but I think the current Angus must be Tales or Sméagol.

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I'm very suspicious about Smeagol myself. We have/had a few thiefs in the game, it would be weird for all of them to be good...


Plus first the info said he seemed to belong to no fractions, but now it says something has changed.

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I'm very suspicious about Smeagol myself. We have/had a few thiefs in the game, it would be weird for all of them to be good...


Plus first the info said he seemed to belong to no fractions, but now it says something has changed.


With the seeming lack of participation, I'm leaning towards him having become mafia ... but again, that's just a gut feeling, and I hate when that's all we have to go on.

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I can't do that. Nobody can if you really think about it considering that you're suspicious of everybody, you wouldn't believe them. I don't entirely believe you are Town but I'm willing to go with it for now. But answer me this, you think that Eddie is Mafia and yet you're voting for ReZ because you want attention on him? Why? Surely if you're more certain of Eddie being Mafia, you'd vote for Eddie considering our targets is to rid Evil. I'm keeping my vote on Eddie because I have a strong feeling he is Mafia and I believe ReZ when he says he's Good.


Cube effectively cleared me as town in the past. So did Ine's killing. We were working together, as Mr Paul pointed out in his write-up. That's just to answer that part of your post.


I am suspicious of everybody until I am given a reason to trust them. I trusted Cube. He encountered/visited me on one night and revealed his position to me. That was more than enough for me to trust him. And Ine's old role, since we were together.


To answer your question, I'm wary of both of them, hence why my vote is on ReZ. If I could, I'd vote for both of them. My vote is also on ReZ because I gave Dyson my word on that, and also because I think it is worth looking into his character. He says he cleared Zell. Does anyone else have any info that can back this up? All I know is that he's a thief.




We've all made mistakes in Mafia games and nobody has ever played the game absolutely perfect so why would you want to lynch a town based on a mistake? Even if it's for a different reason that you're voting for ReZ, if you want to lynch a Mafia, vote Eddie!


Okay...since you keep your promises about deals and don't go back, how about this: You and everybody else vote for Eddie and if she turns out to be Good, you can lynch me tomorrow and I won't say a word to defend myself even though I am Good.


Sounds like a good enough deal, right? The same goes for everybody here. If EddieColeslaw turns out to be Good after she reaches majority, you guys can vote for me and I will not even try to defend myself.


I don't believe in that tactic personally. Because, there's no guarantee that people will look into it tomorrow. Also, if you are mafia, then surely your mafia buddies will help to de-bunk that situation and convince us that you are good.


Also, one thing I've noticed: Eddie seems to be suspicious, and both you and Rummy are heavily pushing for her lynching. I just remember earlier in the game I made a post about "throwing a fellow team-mate to the wolves in order to get the town to trust you." The fact that you and Rummy have similar roles makes me feel incredibly uneasy about this. Of course, this is just speculation, but I have noticed that you both are making promises to allow yourselves to be put up for lynching the next day.


Something is definitely not quite right here.


Mr Paul, I'm going to read those notes you made again, see if I can spot anything.

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But mr-paul, you leave out massive information I have personally have come forward with and then accuse for having massive gaps? How did you ekspect me to react? I have never refused anything or kept something hidden. Seriously how do ekspect me to react? You are the one being rude. I'm more annoyed than suspicious of you truth to be told.


Oh and that I said to Ellmeister was a joke because I have already said what I know and what I do and he still asked.




Night 1: The Zell incident. didn't mention it because you solved it yourselves. He's the only one that was ever mentioned by name.


Night 2: The Cube and dannyboy incident. I brought this to light.


Night 3: Four people were caught in traps. Could have been five but the person escaped only for something to happpen. I assumed it was the victim something I mentioned.


Night 4: The dyson incident. I brought this up.


Night 5: One was reflecting upon himself and another upon someone else.


Night 6: I learned that one gentleman evaded death a second time.


Night 7: Ellmeister/dyson/Esequiel incident


Night 8: Three gentlemen were trapped.


Night 9: Someone entered a room, tripped on the way back, made me wake up, assume he was in my room.


mr-paul edited his post!!!!!!



mr-paul edited his post!!!!!!


That was what my first paragrah was about.


Wait, now it's back, I don't understand....

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I've only read upto Flinks last long post, about to catch up, but Flink -


A) You'll noticed I didn't jump on voting for him straight away. But more importantly;

B) You said Dyson bought up the point that he could appear evil. I'm 99% sure (I'll go back and check and quote) that he SPECIFICALLY said that there was no way that was the case. :/


But Paul...EPIC EPIC post. Nice one.

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I've only read upto Flinks last long post, about to catch up, but Flink -


A) You'll noticed I didn't jump on voting for him straight away. But more importantly;

B) You said Dyson bought up the point that he could appear evil. I'm 99% sure (I'll go back and check and quote) that he SPECIFICALLY said that there was no way that was the case. :/


But Paul...EPIC EPIC post. Nice one.


1. This was because you said about a lynchbomb for either the first or last voter.


2. Which post did I say that? Just so I can read back and find the info.

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I haven't edited my post anywhere!

Only doubleposts!

Tales, your info is all so vague and most of it you've come out with after things that it reveals have been talked about by others. I just quickly went back to the first day and you posted before anyone knew what happened with Zell. Why didn't you reveal it.


I'd also like clarification on what EXACTLY you found every night, without just saying "the someone or other" incident. Wayyyy too vague.


To clarify things, I am not absolutely 100% on ReZ. But there are a lot of people that I find more suspicious than him.

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Vote: ReZ


There is no possible way you could have gotten an Evil result. My description doesn't say as such, so it's not one of those 'oh he's rough so he appears evil but is good..' things. I should appear as good.


Last night, I actually tried targetting ReZ but was stopped by traps laid outside my room, which stopped me getting to my target.


If you all go ahead with the lynch (and I think you probably will) then do yourselves all a massive favour, and check out my alignment tonight. When it comes out as good, you'll easily have yourself another mafia member out in the open. His cover up earlier, about not being willing to put himself on the line if he's wrong is because he KNOWS he's wrong. I suspect people are considering keeping him in the game because he talks a lot. But I can almost guarantee he's a mafia member, even without concrete evidence.


If anyone has any questions I'll be glad to answer them. Fire away.


There you are.

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There you are.


We have to consider he didn't know.

In the other mafia game Esequiel was lynched as he appeared evil under investigation, but he was not aware of this as far as we know.

I'm thinking it's the same situation with Dyson.

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I'd vote for Eddie if I hadn't investigated Dyson and found out he was evil./


I was torn between him and Tales tonight as I'd noticed they both came in at the very end of a couple of townie lynches. Also the guy who makes people appear different alignments is gone. And the townie redirector. Lulz. Also thanks to Chair again. :p


What did your info about Dyson say exactly?


Earlier, the write-up note said that he was quite a rough person. But, he hadn't done anything that night, so nothing more was revealed.


I was suspicious of him, and still am.



It said he was....Evil! :p



My cat came back frightened, is the only other information.


If we lynch the foo' and he turns out to be town, surely you can see that this looks pretty bad for you, yes?


Is there any possibility that your information may have been tampered with or isn't accurate, or something?



Yeah, but I'm not willing to be lynched for it. Obviously I'm not the dictator of what happens though. It doesn't matter if I'm willing or not if you guys deem me to be lynchable. :p


And perhaps Dyson appears evil under investigation as he is rough. Perhaps Mundi had a similar schtick. All I know is;


A) We've had a couple of confirmed townie protectors.

B) Other people ALSO claim to be protectors.

C) I'm quarter protector.

D) Dyson has gone in last minute on townie lynches at least twice now.

E) I suspected him/he has been one of the least active.

F) Etc.



I will (somewhere in the middle) but I'd rather hear what everyone has first. You havn't given us a huge amount of worth since Marc's lynching. (LOLZ)


Vote: ReZ


There is no possible way you could have gotten an Evil result. My description doesn't say as such, so it's not one of those 'oh he's rough so he appears evil but is good..' things. I should appear as good.


Last night, I actually tried targetting ReZ but was stopped by traps laid outside my room, which stopped me getting to my target.


If you all go ahead with the lynch (and I think you probably will) then do yourselves all a massive favour, and check out my alignment tonight. When it comes out as good, you'll easily have yourself another mafia member out in the open. His cover up earlier, about not being willing to put himself on the line if he's wrong is because he KNOWS he's wrong. I suspect people are considering keeping him in the game because he talks a lot. But I can almost guarantee he's a mafia member, even without concrete evidence.


If anyone has any questions I'll be glad to answer them. Fire away.


Yeah I'm gonna leave it on there. Its a good defence, but it comes down to whether you would appear evil under investigation or not. I personally think its an unfair townie mechanic, especially if the player isn't aware of such. Couple it with you targeting one confirmed mafia (at least), one person we highly suspect of being mafia (and both of these being around the time of people saying they suspected them/so why would they be good protection targets, particularly if town, and the fact that you came in on the end of a couple of townie lynches.


So there you go Flink, I was the one who suggested maybe he appears evil and he was the one that flatly denied it. :/

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Dyson also raised the possibility of himself appearing evil under investigation, but nobody seemed to care about that.


ReZ, I think you mean this bit? That was referring to the bit I quoted just a few posts up from this one (this post now). I mean he talked about being evil under investigation and that it wasn't possible. Sorry, it was rather unclear what I said.


Guys, I'm really unsure. ReZ, can I just ask, how does your power work again? You said it cycles? Explain it to me, please.

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