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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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I find it strange that someone comes forward as a protector after the fact. Why didnt you come forward last night Aqui1a and say you were a protector then, it could have made for more discussion and a possible lynching?


Two reasons. I was unsure if it was in my best interests (staying alive) to let everybody else know my ability, and I wanted to see what other people had to say. (Oh, and I wasn't on last night)

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I can confirm Sméagol's power by the way, sorry for not posting sooner. He can definitely protect (though not from kills) or steal.


I am Sebastian, adopted son of the dead butler from the last game (my old role) and incidentally, herojan's brother) but I do not steal, I investigate powers.

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So I guess we pretty much know he's neutral now, right? And he didn't lie about his powers. Just leaves us to wonder what his objective is. Though I think right now a neutral isn't top priority on the lynch list.


I thought it was obvious that he needs to open that gate.

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I think he's town but maybe the stealing thing is to balance out another player/players?


But the speech said he's not part of any faction or whatever. So that makes me believe he's neutral. But if he's a protector, it might be good to keep him around for now?

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But the speech said he's not part of any faction or whatever. So that makes me believe he's neutral. But if he's a protector, it might be good to keep him around for now?


I'd rather he didn't target anyone. He would get in the way of townie roleblockers/investigators/protectors/etc.

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I can confirm Sméagol's power by the way, sorry for not posting sooner. He can definitely protect (though not from kills) or steal.


I am Sebastian, adopted son of the dead butler from the last game (my old role) and incidentally, herojan's brother) but I do not steal, I investigate powers.


You sure? Somebody mentioned that Sebastion steals things. Plus it would match with you being a pair with your sister.


This is probably a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. If that's his objective, then why does he also have a protection power? It seems like quite a contradictory power.


Exactly what bothers me as well. Plus we have to remember that the notes could be painting everyone in a bad light.


This game is so confusing! But awesome at the same time!

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Does anyone have any information on anybody else? Since we are basically waiting for what Sméagol has to say.


I do.


Diageo and ReZ are good.


Dazz, what did you do last night?


I targeted you and found out you were good.

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I do.


Diageo and ReZ are good.




I targeted you and found out you were good.

Hahahahahaha. Oh that was a funny few posts. But to risk falling into the hole that was the last game, I remembered I'm not allowed laugh because it's rude. Too much seriousness in here.


And of course anyone can have a reason to lie about anything. They can make a mistake and outright lie to test something out, they can lie as a strategy, they can lie to make people think they are something they are not because that would be beneficial. There are many reasons to lie, all the time.

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And of course anyone can have a reason to lie about anything. They can make a mistake and outright lie to test something out, they can lie as a strategy, they can lie to make people think they are something they are not because that would be beneficial. There are many reasons to lie, all the time.


Well, yeah, but we have to look logically at people's potential reasons to lie. Why would Peeps lie about not being a thief? Even if he was a thief, it would not make him any more suspicious, and if he did lie about it, he'd risk getting called out on it later.

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Yes there's probability and what we consider potential reasons, but there's always uncertainty, and that means anyone could have a reason to lie. It could be that he's not allowed say he's a thief. Unlikely sure, but there is never certainty that there is no reason for someone to lie, so we just have to take a chance and assume they have no potential reasons to lie.


Anyway, I just thought I'd comment on it.


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