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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Ok, yes, I get that. But if you trusted us, why couldn't you trust us? Sure, the information we have is now there for the town, but it is also there for the mafia too. Before with doubt, they may not have killed us because you couldn't be sure how much we were making up/playing with/bluffing/or if we were even town. Now, they do have that. People think mafia just need to hide from town, but I think in some circumstances town have to hide from mafia just as much, especially when we're two people so we can't even get a definite protection(as already addressed).


Even after we lynched Eddie, we HAD to provide you with info in order to secure your vote on Tails(why Dazz said you blackmailed him/us), and us finding live town proves nothing. The mafia lynches should have proved it. We don't know who anyone truly is until they are dead!




At the end of the day, after all this fuss over our targets, has it given us any leads on mafia? Have we actually found anything? No. Was there any need for the information in the case? I still stand by the fact in my mind that there was not. I understand the argument of before I died, but I knew Dazz would be able to cover it if I did, and myself him vice versa. People say they trusted us, but they didn't give a crap to do us the favours we asked except to satisfy their own personal curiosities, and that is why it is probably going to kill this cool cat.

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We never asked you to explain how your powers work (though it was obvious and had been speculated on a lot already), we simply asked you what your targets and findings had been.


Now please just drop it, it's getting tedious discussing this...

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I think there are only 5 votes on Sméagol, majority is 6... are we sure we want to do this than try for a mafia?

I agree with everything Flink has said tbh. Let's drop all this Rummy stuff, we have the info now, it is useful, and is helpful to the town, and it won't help the mafia at all. Let's move on.

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Vote Sméagol


No one was asking you two about your roles (@ Dazz & Rummy - or Dummy as I would like to collectively call them ;) ), we were asking about your targets. You were just being mental and paranoid and extremely aggressive at the mere hint of a question.


It was never about finding mafia, it was about clearing a townie. We were dealing with possibilities and theories. Discussing the game is how the town wins. If we don't ask questions we'll just be picked off one by one and no one will know anything.


oh lol there was a whole other page I didn't read.

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Ok, yes, I get that. But if you trusted us, why couldn't you trust us? Sure, the information we have is now there for the town, but it is also there for the mafia too. Before with doubt, they may not have killed us because you couldn't be sure how much we were making up/playing with/bluffing/or if we were even town. Now, they do have that. People think mafia just need to hide from town, but I think in some circumstances town have to hide from mafia just as much, especially when we're two people so we can't even get a definite protection(as already addressed).


Even after we lynched Eddie, we HAD to provide you with info in order to secure your vote on Tails(why Dazz said you blackmailed him/us), and us finding live town proves nothing. The mafia lynches should have proved it. We don't know who anyone truly is until they are dead!




At the end of the day, after all this fuss over our targets, has it given us any leads on mafia? Have we actually found anything? No. Was there any need for the information in the case? I still stand by the fact in my mind that there was not. I understand the argument of before I died, but I knew Dazz would be able to cover it if I did, and myself him vice versa. People say they trusted us, but they didn't give a crap to do us the favours we asked except to satisfy their own personal curiosities, and that is why it is probably going to kill this cool cat.


In total honesty, you could have just been mafia, trying to gain the trust of the town by lynching one of your own. That's why I didn't fully trust you until after the second mafia lynching. (after the toss-up of choosing between Chair or Dazz.) I opted for Dazz, as I didn't fully trust Chair, and I trusted you and Dazz slightly more at the moment in time.


I think the town have acted fair. More than fair. We had to check you out, because that is part of the investigation process in this game. It had to be looked into why we apparently couldn't trust your results before and then could now. There was the possibility that you had become neutral super-cops with your own winning goal. It could have been anything.


Like I said, I'm prepared to give information that may keep the mafia off your backs. In exchange for my own life. Say the word, and I will do it. It might save you. And Dazz. I'm prepared to do this because I think the town are in a good position to win this game.

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Why would you sacrifice yourself Jim? The town needs you with your double vote, that's too valuable to lose right now.


Because I'm not the priority in the town. As important as I potentially am right now, we need to lynch mafia/s. I believe that the other towns-folk are more useful for doing that than I am at the moment. Now the lynching process as much, but getting to that point, getting a strong lead.


I fear we have made a mistake tonight by lynching Smeagol. We should have gone for somebody else, unless he turns out to be mafia...There are two mafia left at the most. Maybe only one, who knows. I feel you can still get majority without me.



chairdriver - apparantly good

Dazz - good

Eenuh - good

mr-paul - good

ReZ - apparantly good

Rummy - good

Sméagol - neutral

The Peeps



That is what I think. Although, if Mr Paul turns out to be mafia, this is the biggest betrayal of all time.


We have our suspects there. I feel that Zell is the mafia. Maybe one of two. That is what my instinct is telling me. ReZ, I think you would be wasting your time in checking Ine out. It just...wouldn't make sense for her to be mafia. I cannot understand why she would be.

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i think we made a mistake by so easily lynching Sméagol after all the distraction of Rummy. We should have refocused on what we were discussing - chair and Peeps.


Flink, I trust Zell as he was the first to suggest that EddieColeslaw was mafia and was actively encouraging that a lot.

The ones we need to keep an eye on I think are The Peeps, because of what you found last night - flavour investigation can be made up, and HE DID target Dannyboy - no-one else has claimed to that, and I think we can believe everyone else's targets, so I'm amazed that he has got away with it.

The other one I suspect, mainly due to his attitude with Tales, is Chair.


And a tiny part of me says ReZ could be evil too, but I think I trust him.


And don't worry, I'm not mafia! I can see me dying tonight now the protectors are dead.

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In total honesty, you could have just been mafia, trying to gain the trust of the town by lynching one of your own. That's why I didn't fully trust you until after the second mafia lynching. (after the toss-up of choosing between Chair or Dazz.) I opted for Dazz, as I didn't fully trust Chair, and I trusted you and Dazz slightly more at the moment in time.


I think the town have acted fair. More than fair. We had to check you out, because that is part of the investigation process in this game. It had to be looked into why we apparently couldn't trust your results before and then could now. There was the possibility that you had become neutral super-cops with your own winning goal. It could have been anything.


Like I said, I'm prepared to give information that may keep the mafia off your backs. In exchange for my own life. Say the word, and I will do it. It might save you. And Dazz. I'm prepared to do this because I think the town are in a good position to win this game.


It can be done Flink, but it's really a bad play unless you have a certain enough guarantee, it's end game not early or mid game, you're at a minority disadvantage anyway.


As for saying you didn't ask how our powers worked, my point is that it's inherent because it would clearly be far beyond chance. Confirming the targets was as good as proper roleclaiming, especially given it was touched on in the thread. Odds of me and Dazz targetting the same people five days in a row by chance? Anyone with a basic understanding of binomials would realise it's highly unlikely.


For anything involving two dichotomous properties where order may apply, there are 4 possibilities. Human nature just doesn't account for it though, and nothing's even that simple, I wasn't holding back to go against the town, but I felt we were more informed than the town with little chance of protection. Can anyone honestly say you could guarantee a protection on both of us without mafia interference?


Totes missed second page myself. Don't sacrifice yourself Flink, the double vote is needed. Post again in a sec.


i think we made a mistake by so easily lynching Sméagol after all the distraction of Rummy. We should have refocused on what we were discussing - chair and Peeps.


Flink, I trust Zell as he was the first to suggest that EddieColeslaw was mafia and was actively encouraging that a lot.

The ones we need to keep an eye on I think are The Peeps, because of what you found last night - flavour investigation can be made up, and HE DID target Dannyboy - no-one else has claimed to that, and I think we can believe everyone else's targets, so I'm amazed that he has got away with it.

The other one I suspect, mainly due to his attitude with Tales, is Chair.


And a tiny part of me says ReZ could be evil too, but I think I trust him.


And don't worry, I'm not mafia! I can see me dying tonight now the protectors are dead.


Regarding any issues of myself and Dazz having a seperate neutral win condition, I've mentioned enough times now it's not possible if we're giving you mafia to lynch, the town always win when mafia are totally eliminated, even if we were neutral we'd win alongside, but we're honestly not. At least, I'm not for sure. I have told Dazz myself I wouldn't even know if he was triple agenting, but really I find it very unlikely. I totally trust him now.


My theories as it stands,


ReZ and chair could both be mafia, it'd explain the cross targetting. ReZ whilst appearing to give a lot this game, I can't explicitly find myself saying he has. How much evidence have we had of chair's power?



Mr-paul, Peeps, or actually anyone pushing myself and Dazz for info, may have been mafia fishing for a solid truth. However, this also applies to chair's frankly totally crazy behaviour yesterday agreeing with Tales, as Dazz pointed out it could have been to bait us.



Smeagol may be neutral, or he may be mafia. I'm fairly convinced he is definitely not town, if he was he would have never lied.



I have absolutely nothing else apart from that. ReZ I believe to be town because he was one of our earlier results before we were out, however if Dazz is correct in thinking somebody(possibly chair) can target someone to influence their alignment, then we may have hit a very convenient coincidence from that night.

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Ugh if I were mafia why would I come clean about targeting Dannyboy when it can be so easily faked. mr-paul could fake his target, Sméagol could, Eenuh could, ReZ could, Dazz&Rummy could. Anyone could except Chair as he actually has an affect on his target.


The only reason I'm not confirmed as town is because I've been so obviously good the entire game so no one needed to investigate me =\


I really can't help it if people have come out with their powers before I've targeted them - but I think I've revealed more people before they've claimed than the reverse.

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I have backing from Eenuh on who I targeted, for the record. I stopped Sméagol from stealing anything from Flink.

I did have no doubts of your alignment, Peeps, but today I am wavering just a little bit about you due to the info that has come out.

Of course... Flink could actually be evil... but I very very very much doubt it!

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i think we made a mistake by so easily lynching Sméagol after all the distraction of Rummy. We should have refocused on what we were discussing - chair and Peeps.


Flink, I trust Zell as he was the first to suggest that EddieColeslaw was mafia and was actively encouraging that a lot.

The ones we need to keep an eye on I think are The Peeps, because of what you found last night - flavour investigation can be made up, and HE DID target Dannyboy - no-one else has claimed to that, and I think we can believe everyone else's targets, so I'm amazed that he has got away with it.

The other one I suspect, mainly due to his attitude with Tales, is Chair.


And a tiny part of me says ReZ could be evil too, but I think I trust him.


And don't worry, I'm not mafia! I can see me dying tonight now the protectors are dead.


I'm not totally sold on ReZ, because he doesn't seem to have revealed much either, no? Still, it could just be the luck of the draw and him not getting much.


We need to look at Zell more, also. Zell, do you have any other abilities apart from being able to steal?


It can be done Flink, but it's really a bad play unless you have a certain enough guarantee, it's end game not early or mid game, you're at a minority disadvantage anyway.



I'm surprised that I've made it this far through the game anyway. I've been living on borrowed time, pretty much. Well, in a way. If I reveal my info, if the mafia have any sense whatsoever, they will go for me instead of you or Dazz.


I'm prepared to do it. I want to win this game, and we can only do that by exposing mafia. You never know, maybe the mafia will go for someone else and we'll get a stroke of luck to reveal something. We deserve some luck in this game. Or maybe ReZ or Ine will find something. We're close to the end, I feel.


I have backing from Eenuh on who I targeted, for the record. I stopped Sméagol from stealing anything from Flink.

I did have no doubts of your alignment, Peeps, but today I am wavering just a little bit about you due to the info that has come out.

Of course... Flink could actually be evil... but I very very very much doubt it!


I'm definitely not evil, which is very easy to say. The only two people who can actually clear me are dead - Ine in her last role and Cube. Cube effectively confirmed me as good. So, I am aware that you have to show some trust in me, which is not easy to do. Like I mentioned, I am willing to put myself on the line for Rummy or Dazz, if they truly feel that they are in danger.

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Can we pause this game from Wednesday night til next Monday pleeeease? I'm going to be at the Isle of Wight Festival so it's unlikely I'll get online at all/if I do it'll be a quick check on my phone, but not long as I'll be saving battery!


I'll make sure I send in a list of target preferences for if the game flies by without me!

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To be fair, I don't want to save myself over you, Flink. Saving us(me and D) both, well if it guarantees us a night we could maybe do something if we'll both survive(odds I find very against our favour), unless you can help get someone not in our interests? What happens if you sacrifice yourself and one of US still dies though, I honestly think there's no watertight way left in the game to guarantee mine and Dazz's safety. I can't speak for him because...well, I haven't spoke to him lol, but I don't think he'd want to either.


I have trusted Peeps alot, just the last day threw me off, he got me and Dazz down and the way he put it didn't seem like he was making it up. There's no way I could go for him over chair, because chair's behaviour on the whole has disturbed me, and he was being totally batshit insane when we took Tales!



Question is, assume me and Dazz COULD somehow survive tonight(without any extra effort, as in, don't put yourself out there Flink) what people would people want us to go for? Like give us two or three targets, we'll discuss it and see what we do. There's no need for us to reveal it in thread, and maybe that could reduce interference. We NEED to be provided at least two names, preferably three, though.

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To be fair, I don't want to save myself over you, Flink. Saving us(me and D) both, well if it guarantees us a night we could maybe do something if we'll both survive(odds I find very against our favour), unless you can help get someone not in our interests? What happens if you sacrifice yourself and one of US still dies though, I honestly think there's no watertight way left in the game to guarantee mine and Dazz's safety. I can't speak for him because...well, I haven't spoke to him lol, but I don't think he'd want to either.


I have trusted Peeps alot, just the last day threw me off, he got me and Dazz down and the way he put it didn't seem like he was making it up. There's no way I could go for him over chair, because chair's behaviour on the whole has disturbed me, and he was being totally batshit insane when we took Tales!



Question is, assume me and Dazz COULD somehow survive tonight(without any extra effort, as in, don't put yourself out there Flink) what people would people want us to go for? Like give us two or three targets, we'll discuss it and see what we do. There's no need for us to reveal it in thread, and maybe that could reduce interference. We NEED to be provided at least two names, preferably three, though.


My candidates for investigation would be chair and ReZ (maybe these two would be better for flink/peeps to target???), The Peeps and maybe Zell for alignment investigation. Personally, I fully trust Flink and Eenuh.

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Rummy, if I do it and you or Dazz still dies, then...I'll be screwed the next night anyway. :heh:


I guess maybe it isn't worth doing. Hmm. We'll have to see what happens. I think the mafia would be giving themselves away by killing somebody now, especially as how people will be on the lookout tonight. If there are two of them, then we have to hope that one exposes them when they conduct a nightkill, if they do. If there's only one, then...they'll have to be awfully brave to try something.


When I think of it this way, I think there might not be a nightkill tonight. Or maybe one will take place on another character. We can't watch everybody.


I just remembered that I tried to target ReZ before in the write-up, but failed. I'll go for him, possibly. I'll have to see what other possibilities there are on who to look into.


We need to find Zell's alignment. It could be the key to finishing this game.

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Rez investigated me and found out I was good. Which is correct, I am indeed good. You guys are wasting your energy on me. But by all means, you can be suspicious of me, it just makes me less likely to die.

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Vote Standings


Sméagol (6): chairdriver, Rummy, Dazz, Zell, ReZourceman, Eenuh


Majority has been reached




Rummy, Eenuh, Flinky, Dazz, The Peeps and mr-paul all participated in a heated debate. So heated, the very colours from the drapes threatened to melt at any seco-





Jonnas was impatient: "Votes?"


"...uhhh...What about Sméagol?"




"You know..."


"Oh sure, whatever."


"Fine by me."




Sméagol stepped into the spotlight for once. "Ah, je suis très déçu... I shall be lynched because others are bored. Trop tragique!"


The gentlemen were disgusted "...French? This is blasphemy of the highest order!"


"Non, non! Before you proceed with the lynching, please, I beg you, let me play my beloved piano once more! It is my last wish!"


"Humph! Fine, but be brief!"


And thus, Sméagol was allowed near the piano in the main room.


Broadcast Yourself

And thus, without warning, the most beautiful of artichokes sprouted in the ground near ReZ, making him shed tears of happiness. The others did not notice, for Dazz had unlocked his hidden wizarding talents, and was putting them in practice by creating silvery animals with his wand. Flinky had also found a choppah and used it to give these peeple air. Eenuh was undeterred, however, for she had just stricken inspiration to create the finest illustrations of all time. Meanwhile, Rummy drank rum while staring at gorgeous butterflies, mr-paul was being courted by Sara Chalk (the famous actress), and The Peeps had just come up with an idea for a brilliant apocalyptic-themed mafia. Amidst all of this, chairdriver had seen something so stunning, no words could properly describe it. He died, came back to life and died once more.

And Zell...he was having fun, too.


But then...







"My artichoke!"


"We were all asleep, dreaming of pure bliss!"


"And Sméagol has escaped!"




In a hidden cave beneath the mansion, flooded by water...


The man formerly known as Sméagol and the woman formerly known as Eddiecoleslaw sit on a boat, drinking fine wine.

"Rohn, rohn, rohn!" laughed the dirty Frenchman. "Mon oncle Edward était correct! Les Gentlemen can always be tricked by the devious sounds of my 'Ronron Ballade'. Vive la France!'"


Eddiecoleslaw kept her opinions on Sméagol to herself. It was probably for the best.


Sméagol has disappeared (he's effectively dead). He was the Rogue, Claude Gallandeau. He was a professional thief from France. He was Evil.



Remaining Players









The Peeps



There are 9 remaining players.


Night 12 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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