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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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No. As I've already stated clearing people as town when they aren't under suspicion is unneccessary, they're already assumed town. It's giving more information than needed.


People who HAVE been under suspicion, we've spoken up. ReZ and Danny were cleared as town by us the day we started on Eddie. I've said I believe ReZ to be good repeatedly also, BUT;



It does not account for those that could appear good under investigation despite being evil. As I've already stated, with Eddie and Tales I was convinced there wouldn't be two people like Dyson, however there may be a mafia opposite/equivalent inside of our list. To assume all our good results to be definitely accurate would be silly for that reason.



Also if you had clearly worked out that we were working together, then you'd have known there's no need for our targets whilst we're both alive, and should have left it alone. I think some people did get it(yourself and Danny haven't pushed it much), but I think some others did not.


Thanks for giving out your targets. We can at least clear ReZ and Chairdriver (though you still suspect Chairdriver?) and look at other suspects on the list. For me that mostly leaves The Peeps and Zell right now, as I don't seem to know too much about them. Unless of course like you said, mafia can come back looking good (which has been common in mafia games).


Chair's behaviour for the entire thread, and yesterday especially, has bothered me. He seemed to want to jump onto the two mafia thing along with Tales, he was acting totally crazy yesterday. If he hadn't, we probably would have targetted Smeagol instead last night.


I don't think it's fair to discount anyone we've found good from being possibly evil.

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I don't think we were unreasonable in the slightest, we were just cautious because we've seen what Mafia can do and we know their powers. We've seen in the past what they can and have done and everyone knows that Mafia will go for investigators and protectors. What we wanted was to drop a name and their alignment and then people vote and leave it at that because we thought that if people had attention on us, we'd be more noticed and then someone may protect us and that protector may be killed (like Dannyboy was). We tried to save our arses as well as the protectors in the game. That was my reason of why I didn't want to tell the whole truth.


Also, I still suspect Chairdriver even though our result came out as Good. I mean, looking in the last day phase, I think it was very obvious that I would have went for Chairdriver considering he was throwing accusations around without any proof or evidence. That and the fact that his behaviour was very shady and weird. I think that the Mafia that is left COULD have a power that could make someone look Good under investigation and I believe that person used it on Chairdriver. I think Chairdriver deliberately made himself look suspicious so he would make me suspect him. He decided to accuse me of being Mafia and being Neutral and whatever shit he said and tried to make you guys think so too. He then planned for the other person to use his/her power on Chair, knowing that me and Rummy and everybody else would find him suspicious and so when we investigate him, he'd look Good.


You can clear ReZ because at the time, nobody knew about us at all, but don't clear Chairdriver!


Also, since this is the only lead we have, I'm going to Vote: Smeagol as well.


Also, if everybody knew about us, then why ask us a million questions? If you were all so sure, why pester us for?

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We're not pestering. Like was said, we want to get all targets out so we can piece together who targeted who and hopefully find out who was the killer that night. We have been asking everyone for their targets, not just you two. Please get over it now and let's all try to find some mafia.



As for someone making chairdriver look good, I've never heard of a power like that. Usually a certain mafia member just looks good under investigation but is actually evil (without needing any special power for this).

So yes someone could be seen as good but actually be evil, it's been done many times before.


The thing about chairdriver is that he always seems to act weird in mafia games. I find him very hard to read, so I don't know if I can trust him or not right now.

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Well, it was reasoned out that my targets were needed in the event I died you would know what I'd done. What exactly are we managing to do with the targets I've just revealed now?


When it comes to chair(tho still think Smeagol is a better target, he might be mafia not neutral); what do we know? He was acting totally crazy yesterday, defending Tales quite a bit, and also despite apparently being able to enhance people, seems to repeatedly not answer the question of who he has targetted/enhanced, and if I'm also correct, nobody has actually come forward as being enhanced, right?

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As for someone making chairdriver look good, I've never heard of a power like that. Usually a certain mafia member just looks good under investigation but is actually evil (without needing any special power for this).

So yes someone could be seen as good but actually be evil, it's been done many times before.


The thing about chairdriver is that he always seems to act weird in mafia games. I find him very hard to read, so I don't know if I can trust him or not right now.


Have you ever heard of a Supercop until now? I sure haven't, lol. Besides, what's to say it's not possible? In Death Note, the lynch could talk and in End of the World, I was every animal under the sun...


I don't trust Chairdriver one little bit. Normally, he only posts one sentence and then leaves but this time, he's gone the whole hog with paragraphs and shit. Something's up with the dude.


I also forgot my Harry Potter game, where someone could actually make someone look the opposite of their alignment or could actually turn a Good person to the Evil side.

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Hey, totally, we're awesome cops but at night, we become super-mega-awesome cops!


Rummy and Dazz joint digivolve to....Detective Dummy....uh....Detective Dazzy....uh....Detective Rummz....yeah, our names can't be fused! :p

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Still not seeing how it's brought anything new to the table. We now have basically no cover or protection from the mafia either, they're fully aware of us whereas we are not of them. Even disregarding this, why is this thread so dead now? Especially considering how much those targets are worth/apparently bring to the table.

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So now they know more than they did. Or as you say everybody knew everything yet still wanted to ask the questions for answers they already had. Now stop wasting time and do something with this information you so desperately wanted from us, as it was that important to have. I see no progress here.

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On my phone at work so I'm only skimming here but thanks to us asking questions we can now confirm rez and chair are town? That helps us all narrow down the list of suspects and not just you and dazz. I don't know why you two are trying to separate yourselves from the town so much.

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On my phone at work so I'm only skimming here but thanks to us asking questions we can now confirm rez and chair are town? That helps us all narrow down the list of suspects and not just you and dazz. I don't know why you two are trying to separate yourselves from the town so much.


As I've repeatedly stated, no we cannot. There is easily somebody like Dyson in the mafia, evil but appears good to investigations. At such low numbers like this, it's imperative to keep it in mind.


We weren't, as has already been stated, trying to separate ourselves from town, we were trying to hide from the mafia in open space.


We had already cleared ReZ, days ago, and as I have said, I repeatedly said that I believe him to be good. I don't believe chair to be good. We got a good result on both.

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Everyone already knew who/what you are. Stop acting like you've been outed.


So if you already knew what we were then why ask questions about our roles? On Eddie's night, you asked a lot which was fair enough but then you asked on Tales' night as well. So my question to you is if you already knew, why ask the questions?


Also, I believe ReZ to be Good but not Chairdriver.

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It was useful because we now know that chair is investigated as good, even if we think he may be evil. If they are planning on killing you, they would whether you came out with this or not. I've been at work all day so haven't been able to be online. I think with E3 also people will be less likely to be in this thread.


I'm unsure what the best course of action is. Sméagol, the mafia will want rid of too. Otherwise, there is the option of taking a chance and lynching The Peeps, as his info from Flink resembles what he got for Tales. Or there's chair, who has a good investigation, and has been enhancing ReZ a lot.

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So if you already knew what we were then why ask questions about our roles? On Eddie's night, you asked a lot which was fair enough but then you asked on Tales' night as well. So my question to you is if you already knew, why ask the questions?


Also, I believe ReZ to be Good but not Chairdriver.


I enhance ReZ a lot because I trust him more than others.


Yeah, I seriously seriously doubt Chair is evil (not even considering that you got a good result on him now), as he has enhanced other confirmed townies, and he has enhanced me like...three times now I think.


I have had to skim slightly due to internet time here, so forgive me if I missed it but I gather Rummy and Dazz have to target the same person?


The way I see it there are only two more epicly suspicious people other than Smeagol. Well not epicly suspicious but not cleared still - Eenuh and Peeps. (Just a fact that neither of you have been cleared). Remember I got a good result on Zell. So I (get to investigate tonight and have Snorwell protection due to Chairdriver) so I will go for Eenuh. Rummy-Dazz I suggest you go for Peeps. If lynching Smeagol doesn´t finish the game. Yes, perhaps we shouldnt discuss targets....however at this stage, I guess there are no roleblockers so we can only be stopped by kills. If Eenuh is town she should target one of Dazz or Rummy.....but then maybe Zell would be the most obvious target for kill. The mafia do´n´t have many options now.


Vote : Smeagol


as we may need to kill him to win as town.

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I'm fine with people investigating me.


I'll do my best to reverse track the person who might get killed... though to be honest I've always picked the wrong person so far. It's impossible to know who they're gonna go for. =(


Also, I think that's the last vote on Smeagol cast, right?

If not...


Vote: Smeagol

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It was useful because we now know that chair is investigated as good, even if we think he may be evil. If they are planning on killing you, they would whether you came out with this or not. I've been at work all day so haven't been able to be online. I think with E3 also people will be less likely to be in this thread.


I'm unsure what the best course of action is. Sméagol, the mafia will want rid of too. Otherwise, there is the option of taking a chance and lynching The Peeps, as his info from Flink resembles what he got for Tales. Or there's chair, who has a good investigation, and has been enhancing ReZ a lot.


Well the chair thing only applies from last night, nothing from the previous nights proves that useful. Tbf I don't imagine myself or Dazz will survive tonight, and I've no idea what happens then, if we do who would people like us to go for?


As for Smeagol, just because he's claimed neutral, doesn't mean he is. He's definitely not 'good', but I wonder if he could also be mafia.

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I've finished work, had tea and am now online. Bit disappointed to be honest that we appear to have reached a majority on Smeagol. I think there were still other avenues worth discussing.


As for finally posting targets, thanks. Whatever your opinion is, you have found ReZ and Chairdriver to be good. That is valuable information. Even if Chair or ReZ can appear different under investigation, this is still very important stuff that the town needs to know about. Also, giving out that info doesn't make you any more of a target than saying "Trust usss, don't ask questiiions." As if that doesn't scream "I'm important, ignore me." :heh:


Anyway, enough on that, lets see what happens with Smeagol. For what its worth, I think he is neutral. I've thought it many times, but was worried that it might have been me getting it wrong. Still feeling bad about Mundi's death.


About Chairdriver: The guy is a magician. So...I don't think its out of the question that he can appear however he wants under investigation. Or, is that only an illusionist that can do that? Heh. Saying that, he's done a vanishing act for most of the game anyway. :heh:;)

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Ok. To give my info, I felt it needed a roleclaim, because otherwise it was obvious anyway, how co-ordinated could we possibly be by chance? That is what affects things.



And whilst people keep saying that what I've provided is useful, I have yet to see quite how exactly. The only new development is targetting chair last night. I don't even trust that myself. What makes that information valuable, exactly? Or are you working on the assumption that just because I tried to delay revealing the information until necessary, that I never would? It's all false dichotomies, a reasoning/conclusion I *really* dislike.


Everything else already exists in the thread, and now the mafia know exactly how we work and so won't hesistate to kill us, whereas when they might have been unsure, they may have chosen to go for a more solid target(which may well have happened when they were going for the protectors).

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Ok. To give my info, I felt it needed a roleclaim, because otherwise it was obvious anyway, how co-ordinated could we possibly be by chance? That is what affects things.



And whilst people keep saying that what I've provided is useful, I have yet to see quite how exactly. The only new development is targetting chair last night. I don't even trust that myself. What makes that information valuable, exactly? Or are you working on the assumption that just because I tried to delay revealing the information until necessary, that I never would? It's all false dichotomies, a reasoning/conclusion I *really* dislike.


Everything else already exists in the thread, and now the mafia know exactly how we work and so won't hesistate to kill us, whereas when they might have been unsure, they may have chosen to go for a more solid target(which may well have happened when they were going for the protectors).


It's useful information because you are an investigator (of some sort, pretty much), have investigated somebody and got a result. It's also useful because you now have a proven record of getting correct results (after the change). I mean, your information was important early on in the game as well, yours and Dazz's. Dazz had no problem coming out with his information early in the game, despite then going back a few days into the game and saying that he thinks it wasn't right. In its basic form, you still have the same role as you did earlier in the game.


If it helps, I'm willing to give out some info to keep the mafia off your backs.


Doublepost: Also, I think everybody had worked out how your power worked. We just wanted targets to be kept in the loops. Like I mentioned, you are investigators, you were getting results that were beneficial for the town to know.

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